4 months ago, a reddit user uploaded a bunch of skin concepts they were sent from a survey
Today, a twitter user also claims to have been sent a survey containing more skins, and the Overwatch Calvary account posted them on their behalf. Her is a compilation of all of them
Apparent themes (mind you some of these are just for sets of 2 or 3 skins, not full seasons) are: fairies, racing, chefs, raincoats, pajamas, zombies, noir, formalwear, art deco, demons
Mind you, this leak is unverified, but very likely to be real considering most people aren’t going to draw over 30 professional quality pieces of concept art across different styles for a fake internet leak.
Also remember that this is just concept art, so none of these skins are guaranteed to ever make it to the final game. Also remember that these skins are likely quite far off, as the point of the survey is presumably to decide which are worth creating. None of the skins from the original survey have made it into the game yet and that was 4 months ago

The pricepoints for these things has removed any and all interest I might’ve otherwise had. Battlepass was the only thing I was originally willing to spend money on, now I don’t even do that just out of principle.
okay, looks like the leaks are done now. My favorite overall is the pajama d.va one. Both the raincoat ones are also really good
We haven’t even seen any of the ones from the first survey, so I’m not sure how excited anyone should be for this.
That being said, I kind of like quite a bit of them. Zombie Survivor Cassidy and Brigette, Raincoat Mei, Baker/Waiter LW, the fancy four (one with Mercy), fairy five, and the set with Genji (though Illari looks a little odd) are all really solid to me.
As a LW enjoyer, it’s really cool to see the different concepts for him. Fairy fits him best, but if I had to pick one for him… I’d go with the one in the Genji line up. I like the outfit and think the short hair is nice.
No Tracer skins automatically equals bad survey.
-unbiased tracer main
You said it before I could
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cool tiny pic such detail

blizz pls gib
The 20’s and Waiter Weaver are great tbh wish they’d cook for Bap like that but I’ll take any solid male skins really, love the Bunny Feng PJ D.Va, PJ Widow is 10/10, all the forest nymph/creature/fairy skins are great, the cutesy raincoat Mei and Kiri are real good, and I really dig the Demon D.Va/Cass/Ashe, the chef Sig and Rein are fun concepts too.
Who knows how far off these might be, but some of these are real good cookin and I want them to make it in.
I am definitely not biased by having a skin I’ve asked for for literal years amongst this round, not at all.
No Mauga and Ramattra skin. Obviously a bad survey.
-Unbiased tank main
Also: Chef themed skin concept but no Chef Torbjorn skin? bruhhhh
They all look great in the art! Until they get Disney-ish 3D Model-ed.
So much character assassination in one go. But everyone’s gonna eat it up.
I need both of these Dva skins.
The ghost bone demon skin goes hard. Would make a great Halloween skin
There are two types of D.va players.
- ooh cute PJs
- ooh giant demon skull
Ok, the demonic Ashe, Cassidy and Dva ones look super cool, ngl.
Well given I have to have all Dva cosmetics I’ll be taking both if given the chance.
I do prefer the demon one though lol
Pajama skin would allow for a full sleepy team which would be funny
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God what a lame perspective. These awesome skins don’t fit within your own narrow view of what skins should be allowed for each character, therefore everybody else is wrong.
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I am both types. I’m a simple man. I see D.Va skins, I want them.
the demonic dva skin slaps hard
Still waiting for Destroyer DVA and Litchking Mei.
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