[SPOILERS AHEAD] For the Lunar New Year

I couldn’t care less about this event. I just wanted to pop in and appreciate you for being considerate and putting a spoiler warning in the title.

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The Oni skin is in the normal lootbox, hence it is no longer an event skin anymore.

The Pacific skin was pay to get, so I don’t count it, if it came from a paywalled OWL event, sorry, but it’s not an event skin. Especially if it wasn’t accessible to everyone via normal currency.

I also did not count Symmetra’s non-event skins like Peacock from Blizzard World, as it is in the base lootbox.

I have no bias, I just don’t count skins that are either

A: Available through base lootboxes as event skins

B: On a $10 price tag

He doesnt. You just cant count

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While I’m not against a female character getting a skin, I just have to say this for the record.

The developers have openly stated there is no skin quota for the heros, they simply pick what looks cool and make it, and they have stated that some heros will have better chances for skins on certain events than others.

So yes, a female character could get a skin, but there are also chances that no female characters could get skins. Once again, I’m not against the idea, but you have to consider the developers statements.

Okay, apparently Zhang Fei Yide’s historical actions are not appropriate for the forums. If you google “Zhang Fei controversy” you should be able to find out why.

Suffice it to say, including a skin for him would be problematic.

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Well, Guan Yu, being deified, has many representations in art already (and looks pretty much like he does in DW and now OW).

Again, I wasn’t talking about event skins and neither was the person you replied to. Both of our points were that Genji is definitely not lacking skins, but that’s the point you seem to have missed twice.

Road Hog as Zhang Fei.
Genji as Zhao Yu
Doomfist as Cao Cao

They just have to be the 3 Sworn Brothers - Liu Bei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei

I’m just going to leave this here

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wrecking ball pikachu skin

Oh well, so much for that.

Xiahou Yuan as roadhog

Na ! You’re WRONG, it’ll never be for boys.
They know very well that they don’t want to create discrimination on sexism

I think Genji will be Liu Bei, Soldier got an emote for the event so that lowers his chances by a decent amount, and Genji hasn’t really been getting many skins this year.

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Zhang Fei just got released as Torb, which caught me by surprise and very pleasantly so.
So to complete the triumvirate, Liu Bei will definitely be up. So yeah, perhaps Genji.
Although character-wise, Genji is definitely more suitable as Zhao Yun, arguably the most dashing of all the generals in Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

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He is on the lower end of the skin spectrum, along with Winston and a few others, a chart by a fellow forum-goer proved this.

Regardless of what the scenario is, I am not unreasonable for wanting a skin after a year of waiting.

Yes he is not the only hero who is in need of a skin, but that doesn’t mean we should just ignore him either.

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Indeed, I cannot remember after Baihu, what other skin did Genji receive.
Other than the OWL Grey recolour which is beautiful. It is my default Genji skin atm, next to Baihu.

P.S. And i don’t even play Genji!

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People seem to be counting Pacific even though it was behind a paywall, which in my eyes isn’t an event skin, more a cash grab.

Also, people have been saying Genji can work for Zhou Tai, what say you?

People seem to classify him as one of the three: Liu Bei/Zhou Tai/Zhao Yun

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Pretty sure Busan map is getting an event map too, since it was the trailer map used.

Given the personality of Zhenji in the DW games I would love a skin for either Moira or Symmetra (especially symmetry tho) but she just received a skin so that’s unlikely…