[SPOILERS AHEAD] For the Lunar New Year

Ah, yes. The All-Stars Genji skin. Yeah, slipped my mind because it is not legitimately part of the skins which can be unlocked via loot box grinding. Agree with you there.

Hmmm… I would say that personally, Genji would be more of a Zhao Yun based on his age, martial ability and his dashing good looks. He could also be a Zhou Yu as well.

Liu Bei, well, too old and he was not really a warrior compared to his two Sworn Brothers. Zhou Tai is kind of a footnote in history and in the fiction whereas Genji is anything but. Genji is “The Logo” for Contenders!

P.S. If i was any better, i would main Genji. My son loves Genji!

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While I’m not against your ideas, I dont think cross-dressing characters would be good for business.

I mean, look at the entire Soldier dilemma, a minor detail can cause an entire uproar. Blizzard should kick as few hornets nests as possible.

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Are you referring to this? Because you cannot prove anything with incorrect data.

Genji has 17 skins ignoring the OWL team skins. (Actually 18, but I’m assuming the person that made the chart isn’t counting classic skins as he counts 11 for Hammond.)

It is however unreasonable to ignore existing skins and claim “he is on the lower end of the skin spectrum”. It doesn’t work that way. He has 17 skins, that’s a hard fact.

I don’t count limited edition, pay to get, or the like. So All-Stars and Owl (grey) aren’t counted in. Which counts 1 classic, 4 rare, 3 epic, 7 legendaries.
Which is 15, its 16 if you count Oni.
15 when not counting Classic but counting Oni c:

Though I think you’re right and I accidentally counted Hammond’s classic, I’ll fix it :heart:

It’s fair to consider the payed skins separately (which is different from completely ignoring them), but why would you not count Oni? At the moment it’s not any different from his other legendaries that are always available in lootboxes.

As said, its 15 if you don’t count classic but do count Oni.

Ah my bad, I misread that. That would make it a fair table I think, didn’t check all of them but seems about right.

I do however stick to my point that he does not have the highest priority for a new skin. But that’s mostly aimed towards the OP that it doesn’t make sense to argue he’s lacking skins.

Genji and Winston are the two on-release heroes with the least skins, Genji at 15 and Winston at 14.
I’d say both are in due for skins for this alone, a hero that came later (Sombra) has more than both, and Ana has more than Winston.

Though I do agree others need skins too
also I didn’t count classic Hammond, I think you forgot he got a halloween legendary.

I don’t care, I just want a bearded Mercy.

But that’s the thing. You may not like payed skins but they do add to the total amount of skins. For example Orisa is in a far worse state with total amount of skins, especially if you do count payed skins.

I think it’s just a matter of time. Genji will get a new skin when the time is right, I personally think another for anniversary or summer games. And payed skins should also balance out across the Heroes. At least I’m expecting new OWL black skins with the 2nd OWL season and new heroes should get a Pacific and Atlantic skin.

I know you didn’t. That’s why I used Hammond as an example to show that you weren’t counting classic skins.

I don’t count skins you can’t access again, thats why Origins, Noire, Nano, Pink and Bastet aren’t counted, you can’t get these skins unless you already got them.
Its unfair counting a skin the average player cannot get, thats why I didn’t count All-Stars. If these skins cycle back, which we don’t know yet (I believe) I’ll add them to my list, but until then there’s no reason to add a skin that doesn’t show up when you launch a new account.

Origins is an exception kinda, as Console always has it and you can upgrade to it, but I counted Vanilla OW skins.

Oo I misread the Hammond comment then, my bad haha ^^;;

Well, I feel like we’re going to have to agree to disagree on this one. As I said, I think it will balance out over time. Genji got his exclusive skins and once other get exclusive skins I’m sure Genji will be getting non-exclusive skins as well.

We don’t know if anyone gets exclusive skins though, and I really don’t think it balances out, because, again, if its limited time then its limited who owns it
Remember the cries of people that were too lazy to get Oni? Those kinda people are why Noire/Pink/etc doesn’t show up by default.

If you can’t get a skin, it doesn’t count (then we’d count a preorder skin, which is even more limited).

Why wouldn’t we get another Pacific and Atlantic skin? It has already been announced that there will be another All-Stars series.

Oni Genji and Police D.Va were different and I’m glad they changed it. I’m a console player myself and Heroes of the Storm is not available on that platform, that was the major reason for changing it, not players being lazy.

The other exclusive items are fine in my opinion. The Ana Bastet sprays that you got from the Twitch streams were as easy to get for everyone regardless of platform.

And who’s to say old ones return? My point is a limited time cosmetic doesn’t count in, if the all stars skin doesn’t return next year, (the old ones + new ones) I won’t include them.

You can link your Console account with a PC blizzard account, HOTS is a free game that takes little space, though I do see the issue. Blizzard could’ve made it console lootbox cosmetics.
I also agree the Nano/Bastet events are better, they’re much easier for all to obtain.

I don’t see how it’s relevant if skins are going to return or not. Actually I’m not expecting them to return since the Atlantic and Pacific skin both got a “2018” tag. It’s fine if you don’t count them, but that doesn’t change the total amount of skins. If two other Heroes get 2019 skins and Genji gets a regular event skin it balances out either way.

3 more skins were revealed through the korean overwatch twitter

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This still doesn’t change the current imbalance
If you add All-Stars then Winston is still a mere 14, so if anything he’s most indue for a skin :woman_shrugging:
or should we count Blizzcon too?

Genji got a legendary skin for this event last year so I think it’s someone else.