Split the queues - Everyone gets what they want

If people don’t care if queue times are long then why not just release a any choice queue and a role queue that way you can play exactly the game you wish and no one has to play a game they don’t want role queue gets their balanced and improved quality games and choice queue gets the option to build as they see fit and do new comps. NO one is at each others throats the queue times will likely go up.

(I’ll admit it is my belief that the choice queue will end up with lower times)

But to the same end a great deal of the arguments I’ve seen have been wait times are fine.


Why would Tank and Support players pick choice queue?


Exactly, all it’ll be is 6 v 6 DPS matches.

OW Classic is coming on September 1st.


“People want to enjoy the game in a way we didn’t think of? Shut it down.”


There are support players who don’t like role queue


Exactly, I wish they would just do it so all the “freedom” queue people can play in the 6 dps clown fiesta so they can play their special snowflake character pools.

I mean go for it but don’t expect very many tanks and supports. A lot of frustrations came with the old system for tanks and supports.

I am a support main

I would pick it every time

Many other support and tank mains have said more or less the same in other threads on this same subject


I see no need for the derisive/derogatory terminology

Freedom does not mean 6dps

clarification: Freedom does not mean 6dps

sadly, there are a number of unanswered questions regarding QP Classic regarding whether it will truly be equivalent to current qp, including but not limited to whether it will be permanently available or not.

If it isnt permanent, statements like the above fall flat


Then I will support you having such a queue but balancing should be focused on the main version, role queue.

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thank you for the support

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I don’t think having both queues is viable personally.

Only time will tell though.

I am curious as to the nature of the wary stance?

Splitting the playerbase. Some people have long queue times and this would only make it worse.

Having to focus on two completely different versions of competitive. Two different versions of the matchmaker…

It just seems untenable to do both.

A lot of the pomp and bluster around the role queue has been personal game quality and its gone up and down for different players providing a place for both groups of players to have the highest possibly quality games to their standards seems like a good idea to me.

Currently DPS wait times are also an issue and the general response I have seen is: “its fine just wait.” thats obviously paraphrasing but its a common sentiment I figured the same applied here it just affects more people.

While I -personally believe balancing two different modes is possible if they [Blizzard] has to I imagine they would focus on the high population density mode and personally I don’t care which that is I’d play choice queue even if its not the priority I imagine have only like minded people playing with you would be the best for all parties.

The alternative we have now of players actively working against each other or trying to sabotage the game mode they dislike.

EDIT: I do take your point this would be a massive undertaking and possible risk but it’d improve the game on all fronts that involve the playing of the game.

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So you get even longer queue times for splitting the community and even worse match quality. Grats.


I honestly think it would only effect the DPS population, which means role queue gets shorter DPS times.

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Solution: have competitive FFA up at all times to keep the majority of dps players there. Implement alert to allow players to know when a role is impacted ( they get to set these) so they know when is a good time to join regular comp.


yeah, sounds good, everyone wants 5 hour queues absolutely

this is an amazing idea!

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