Spilo: sombra rework needs work

I like Spilo he takes a nice Birds Eye view to the game. And I think he’s right, she needs buffs, though I know the support mains on here don’t think so.


Overall, I love the rework changes, but I do see the frustration on supports, but here in high elo- master and above, Sombra is really not an issue, as supports peel for each other.

I think so adjustments/ numbers tuning and she should be fine. She is strong, but not broken.


I mean, I agree that spawn camping can be a bit much but these support players push it too far. I saw a whole thread saying they don’t have time to use your strong self sustain abilities is objectively untrue except for like 2 characters.

My buffs would be that tl cooldown resets on melee kills and emp resets virus cooldown. Curious what a high level sombra would think of those.


This would honestly be really interesting, I like the reset for melee kill to Translocator, and EMP resetting Virus is an added bonus.

I remember someone mentioning that TL reset after elimination like Genji, and that was a very interesting take on it

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It’s not right on initial release? Unheard of!!

On the bright side it’s at least a question of tuning….as opposed to say something like LW


I find new Sombra a lot of fun. That being said, EMP feels significantly less impactful.

What if, instead of doubling the rate virus ticks at, it instead refreshes its duration of the target? In addition, if Sombra elims an afflicted target, it creates a “viral” small AoE burst, afflicting the “virus” status to others caught within the burst?

I know the devs were toying with the idea, but I want to hear other Sombra players inputs

(and also sugar skull for hack duration and the hacked “swirls” for virus visual indication. Would be nice to see.)


Supports getting nerfed is a buff to Sombra honestly, so let’s see how that goes first.
However if they’re going to buff her it definitely should be on EMP.


they just really need to buff EMP. i would like to see some/a few of these changes possibly

  • ultimate cost is reduced by 8%
  • cast time is reduced from 0.35s to 0.25s
  • recovery time is reduced from 0.34s to 0.25s
  • EMP reloads Machine Gun’s ammunition

If she gets buffed, then Moira’s beam needs to be able to reveal her in stealth to compensate. Honestly I’d like to see her less reliant on Hack - they should nerf hack and buff something else, especially since it hard-counters most of the roster


hack is quite literally not used anymore unless its to interrupt an ult. its not worth using in its current iteration, what do i get? 10 more damage and faster virus tics? a 1.5 second ability lockout? i would have killed them by the time that mattered if i hack before, and i give up the element of surprise.

Hack is weak af rn honestly.


Why does Moira’s beam need to reveal her in Stealth?

It can still deny most health packs for a nontrivial amount of time, and some heroes are disproportionately countered by it (Ball, Doom come to mind)

No, support dont need compensation buffs for every single balance change made in the game. I know its a wild concept.

i guess, but thats such a niche situation its not really a reason to nerf an already weak ability. Besides sombra is supposed to counter those heros

Funny enough, Doom and Ball mains are loving this new Sombra’s rework since they do not cripple them as much as it did previously.


True, but it also means they have to deal with sombra far more often now because everybody and their mother is playing sombra

Moira in particular needs a buff. This would be a decent one

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I think if it’s just on emp that’d be nice, but I actually prefer her not going for tanks as much anymore and I worry that’d make it better to go for tanks.

I think a lot of support self sustain needs to have a hammer taken to it. Like baptiste’s burst heal at low health is straight up training wheels.

I wouldn’t mind having the window between detected to it latching being good. But I worry the reason why she doesn’t do that is because she’d destralth her too easily if she did.

Like I think they made an intentional choice there.

yeah im of the mindset that its a good rework and it fits the current tone of the game.

the issue is that people dont like the tone, they dont like it when dps need to do 200+ dps to kill people (even if its short bursts) because it feels bad.

but those same people dont want to solve the problem that causes the dps to need to be tuned to that level.

sombras rework is a classic example of power creep. and more heroes are going to end up like her if they dont eventually solve the sustain issues.

its not even ‘oh i cant 1v1 the support’ its, “oh so if i dont land every shot as a headshot or play bursty dps like sojourn or widow, they just rotate CDs and heal everyone up?”

sombra is a solution to that, not great at killing high elo supports but fantastic at killing the dps.

if they ever nerf the sustain in the game, i think most would agree her dmg numbers for the combo would need to be tweaked but until then its fine as is.

moira needs a rework

shes too bad in high elo (compared to other supports) and too good in low elo. and you cant buff her without making her oppressive in the low ranks.

but when people say “supports need to be nerfed” they are rarely talking about moira its really just like 4.

kiriko, bap, ana and illari. (honorable mentions for brigs inspire+repair pack, and LW’s insane sustain potential)

I mean, I dislike lifeweaver tbh. Like, the interaction between tree and emp is stupid. It essentially undoes the damage of emp in one pulse.