Just want to say that it’s a mistake for you to perma delete special skins people worked really hard for or payed for regardless of a ban.
Yes i approuve of account suspension and losing all default skins even the ow league ones. However, some skins should not be removed because you simply can’t get them back again at all or in a very long time. Which will have a negative impact on peoples’ desire to spend money on the game. Subsequently reducing profits and gimping the overall means developpers have and thus ultimately the quality of the game for the community.
That´s price to pay for breaking the rules over and over again I guess…
Don’t break the rules and you won’t get banned next time
Yeah, you should lose them. Don’t break the rules and you won’t have to worry. Don’t feel bad for you.
They don’t care. Go play something else.
Wait, their system allows for unchecked false reporting and then they will take your cosmetics away?
If they are going to do that, I think they need a better reporting system.
Or am I not understanding the ban/suspension system?
I think he got permaban and with account he lost also all special skins (understandable)
So he’s playing on a new account then?
The punishment is worse in other games imagine you played Runescape for 10 years and lost all you did because you did something bad
All you lost is some cosmetics, and you can easily just get back into playing the same way without the need of cosmetics.
I have no idea.
Essentially, yes
They don’t take away your stuff, and can’t take away things you payed for, but they can ban your account from the game which is basically the same thing.
Don’t get permanently banned is the moral of the story
Consequences for your actions?
Oh, the horror!!!
Seems as if the account that is banned would still have all the associated skins.
If you didn’t want to lose them don’t break the rules, and if you wanted to break the rules, don’t break them on your account with all your cool stuff on it, and if you did want to do that then you should have gotten extra copies of said skins on a different account.
I may disagree with Blizzard a lot about the direction of the game, and certainly to some level of their enforcement of certain rules, etc, but generally I have no cause or reason to disagree with the idea that a ban has consequences beyond you needing to spend 20 more dollars to play again.
Well, with all the people here that day they report people for their hero pick, I worry that in might mount up causing an unfair ban on someone. That would be unfortunate if they don’t follow up on the legitimacy of the reports.
Personally I don’t even agree with the bans on paid games. That deserves some kind of class action lawsuit, but until that whole issue gets resolved you shouldn’t pay for a license to a game and think they won’t just take it away from you.
Know what you are buying. With a license to a game you aren’t actually receiving a product.
The thing is, if it’s an online game where you can hurt other people’s enjoyment of the game they payed for by not being respectful or kind, then you should get banned.
Someone else paid for this game as well, if your actions are bannable then it’s essentially your money against theirs. And obviously they’ll side with the one who isn’t receiving reports from multiple people.
On principal I still don’t agree with it. Unfortunately you’d have to just let people ruin others experience, but ideally you’d find a better way to limit their negative impact.
If it’s an unjust ban it can be overturned. That’s the thing about them not deleting stuff. It’s not gone, you just can’t use it because you can’t use the account.
Either way, someone would have to make a lot of people really mad on a constant basis to get banned permanently from false reports. At that point, they would probably deserve it since they don’t seem to understand why they keep getting reported and aren’t fixing their 'tude.
Can you elaborate? You emphasized how it’s a paid product that you shouldn’t get banned from. Do terms of service just not apply?
Rules exist for a reason the same as laws exist for a reason. Would you accept going to jail just because a bunch of people didn’t like you despite not breaking any laws? With an automated report system rules are irrelevant and it all comes down to peer opinion.
I don’t agree with the concept of “selling” licenses to games when they can just take it away from you on a whim. Depending on the game I’d think such a thing worth more like $5 and not $60. Especially when they arbitrarily apply rules that are mostly enforced by peers using subjective interpretations of the rules.
Terms of service are not legally binding contracts anyway. You are paying for a product and then they have the “right” to steal it from you.