Yeah…idk…people on this game sometimes can go a bit overboard with stuff. Someone said they would report me if I don’t swap off Lucio because he is useless on Kings Row.
I didn’t swap off and he probably reported me. Now things like this are quite rare as the vast majority of people I’ve played with in this game are really cool. But if someone runs into a bunch of people who do this, that person is now up a creek and I doubt they store voice chat of matches to even know if they said anything.
They should just ban them from all multiplayer parts of the game. Which I think just leaves tutorial and practice range.
I guess technically you didn’t lose them, they are still on the account. You just cannot access the account due to what you have done to be banned.
People have to get multiple suspensions to get perma banned. For behaviour things anyways, cheating is probably a different story. False reports wouldn’t get people perma banned, and if it is automated, they could submit a ticket to undo the ban if it wasn’t for a real reason.
Or don’t break rules many times to get perma banned in the first place. People agreed to the terms of service when they bought the game.
It still takes a lot of reports to actually do anything
A couple of salty people a week isn’t going to be enough to get you banned, especially if they don’t put a reason in the box provided.
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OK, cool. Just wasn’t sure what their criteria is exactly. Just seems that the report function is easily abused if one is in the mind to do so. If it isn’t quite that easy then my perception of it is off.
All I know is I was assigned a time out from the game a while ago because the blizzard servers were down and I had no idea why it kept loading me in and kicking me out of games even though my internet connection was fine. If they are willing to action individual accounts due to their own technical problems, it doesn’t give me a lot of confidence in their sound decision making in regards to account actions.
Well, leaving games/getting removed from games is an automatic ban by the system. Reports are like that as well, but it takes a lot of reports for that to kick in compared to leaving one competitive game and getting timed out.
Basically, Blizzard isn’t choosing to ban you when that sort of thing happens, and they do typically warn players not to enter games when the connection is unstable for any reason just because it’s automatic.
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I just want to say this account was from the start of OW and had loads of limited time skins.
However, I played alot almost reached diamond portrait and i may have been toxic at times but im pretty sure i also got group reported alot for speaking my mind when people were being abusive. So yeah, sucks…
Keep in mind that the reports don’t go away. I believe they build up. So the more you play the chance of getting banned increases.
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after a certain point your main account becomes too valuable to risk the exposure to false reports
they never go away, they always escalate, and even normal banter accepted everywhere in gaming like “gg” “haha ez” or “diff?” is reportable if someone got hurt by it. and in this game there are lots of vulnerable types sporting vulnerability flags and the like. they here in ow bcuz its a protected enviro and other titles they wudnt cut it
ppl like to log on and derp, it’s a video game not a job
soft throwing is allowed in chill arcades but old accnts take the false from new freshies without any real trust level assignment
so log on, try to avoid solo queue and queue with ppl who will endorse, collect skins, buy tokens or w/e, and log off. no point risking thousands in digital assets.
and get an alt and derp around on that
never log onto main leave it archived in good status until OW2
fairness is something this company laughs in ur face about “play nice play fair” via rigged matchmaking, rigged accounts, and now…rigged workplace environment
do u rly think report system will be fair? lmao
This is why you don’t give money to live service GaaS games. If you read the EULA or ToS or ToU as any responsible gamer should (lol), you should already know your account won’t survive their termination clauses should they decide to ban you for whatever, whenever. It’s the Sword of Damocles.
Doesn’t even have to be the EULA. The company could even self-terminate should it get caught in some sort of big scandal that involves, say, oh I don’t know, the treatment of their employees? Either way, your account and money spent ends up in the Twilight Zone permanently (a.k.a. some executive’s bank account).
They weren’t deleted. They’re still on the account 
What do you want? Them to give you a redeem code for your cosmetics so you can redeem them on another account later on and they just have to trust that you don’t just sell them for someone else? 0/5 trollpost, get out
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Which skins did you lose. This is the firs time I ever heard about such thing. Skins can disappears sometimes because of bugs.
Honestly, he’s got a point. Valve for example will only limit your inventory when you’re caught cheating, as a deterrent. You can also lose your account due to chargebacks and stuff, which makes sense.
But no way in hell they’ll take your skins due to you being toxic. They’ll just do what they do in csgo, mute all communication by default on players severely reported for toxic interactions.
I don’t know how much it takes to get a perm, but I really don’t trust blizz too much on the actioning of accounts and their proof behind it.
imagine going to jail for a crime, doing your time, and then returning to freedom to find that the government has taken your house and belongings.
You still want your rewards for doing something wrong? Some bad seeds of this generation. But most people think OP is wrong
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