Sound cues needs to be improved

Needs to be made far better.

If I’m getting shot at from behind, WHY DOES IT SOUND LIKE SHE’S SHOOTING FROM MY SIDE?

I hear a damned tracer running across the map but pharah using her jetpack right next to me doesn’t make a sound that can be heard over the commotion of the fight?

Like, seriously. Fix the sound cues.


What kind of audio setup are you using? For example, headphones/speakers, surround/stereo, Sonic/Atmos/neither…

How should I know? I have a wireless headset.

e: Ok, ashe shift doesn’t make a sound either.
e2: Ok, hanzo doesn’t make any sound when moving around/climbing/activating his E either.

There is something seriously wrong with the sounds.

Sounds like it’s an issue on your end, as all of these make sounds for me.

You may need to repair your game (Open the launcher, go to options, scan and repair) and if it’s still not working after that I suggest you go to the tech support forums as they are more knowledgeable than I am.


No, there is no issue at my end.

e: Roadhog running on point behind me, not making any sound and then I Get hooked because I didn’t know he’s there. Seriously.

No no, I’m telling you this sounds very much like an issue on your end.

Everything you have expressed that isn’t making sound is 100% working in my game, and if it is that common for you then it very well is an issue that you need to fix, and the first step is to scan and repair your game. I’m genuinely trying to help you.


No, it isn’t. Search “wrong directional sound overwatch” on google. Countless have problems with it. Search “No sound from behind”, countless have problems with it. It’s not my computer.


Alright, if you want to dig your heels in I’m not gonna argue with you. I’m gonna keep playing OW and not having these issues as extreme as you do. The only problem I ever get is the occasional ult not being loud.

But if you would like to try and resolve some of these issues with people who are more technical, again I suggest heading over to Technical Support - Overwatch Forums and making a post there, or if you believe these to be bugs you can make a post in Bug Report - Overwatch Forums

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This is actually a known bug and has been in the game for a while now. Certain sounds from behind are much harder to hear than they used to be, most notably footsteps from some of the louder heroes (hog, reaper, mccree, etc). As far as I know, Blizzard has not stated anything about it, but it is well documented and is a major complaint


it’s an issue caused by a specific win10 update which causes the audio in OW specifically to not function properly no matter what, it currently has no fix on the user end. No amount of fiddling with settings or changing equipment will fix it.

As a sound hoe, I do not beleive this at all. I have played OW on 3 computers + ps4… if there was a stupid bug to happen, it would have happened to me for sure.

Also as a sound hoe, we need better sounds. All ults need to be like 10% louder, pharah needs to make idle sounds constantly, roadhogs breathing should be louder, mccree, DF, and genji all need to be much louder. Things that could be quieter are sombras voice lines, and random lines you say (that enemies can’t hear btw) when you get a kill. Sometimes they overshadow actually important sounds. Voice chat needs to be louder too, maybe its just me everyone sounds quiet, or let us change sounds past 100% in the settings, I don’t know. I just want to make voice chat louder.

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They may be quieter, but they certainly aren’t silent for me. I’ve been playing OW all day without this issue.

So in a way, yes it is on their end. Sucks that it can’t be fixed, but this still isn’t the correct forums to be posting it in. Which is why I said post it to bug reports. General chat is not the place for bugs, and they should always go to either tech support to try and fix the issue (As first suggested) or bug reports if the issue persists.

As a person whose left ear is deaf, I see absolutely no issue here :smile:

I play PS4 and have definitely noticed it. I play with my headphones at near max volume all the time and heard a major difference starting a few months ago.

Shouldn’t be completely silent, but being it is quieter it can be lost in the other sounds of battle

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A major issue is OW is the sound is too prominent while visual cues are lacking to a massive degree. Lately Reaper has been near silent with Hog though

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I would not reccomend playing with max sound tbh… real life also has important sound cues. Also like, ear damage is very real… do not downplay it.

Yeah, unfortunately I already have the damage from my old job, so that is why it is so high

it’s been posted in bug reports before. blizzard knows about the issue and doesn’t intend to fix it until OW2, apparently according to a response from them a month-ish ago. It’s low priority, unfortunately.

posting in bug reports doesn’t do anything as those threads get ignored last i checked, and blizz tech support can’t do anything to fix it even if they tried. it’s an issue that can’t be fixed on the user’s end, blizz would have to patch the game to fix the issue.

LOLWHAT? So, no point playing for like a year or more then?

Still if that’s the case, that sucks. But, it’s going to go under the radar in general chat.

I remember when a widespread bug was when right clicks were specifically too loud and it made certain heroes near unplayable, bug report was lit up and it was addressed quickly. If it’s well enough documented and widespread enough, usually an issue is fixed (Not claiming all the time. Pretty sure a bug that blasts D.Va out of bounds is still an issue on Hollywood and Volskaya) but it’s possible with the windows 10 update (As someone had mentioned a while ago) it’s more difficult to patch for the playerbase.

Maybe I’m just lucky that I never update anything in this case though, because it doesn’t seem to affect me.

Really? Can you link me to this thread/response? I’m actually interested in it, because if that’s the case there should be a LOT more backlash from the playerbase.