Sound cues needs to be improved

i can’t find proof of that statement at this time, since i didn’t think to save it or anything, so take it with a grain of salt. maybe they care more about it now? maybe not? we shall see.

I can’t find it at the moment, i remember seeing the statement about a month ago, but i can’t remember where in the forums and it’s driving me nuts.

if i can find it, i will link it

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as weird as it feels to doublepost, I figure it makes it easier for yall to see the update.

so far while looking for the statement, i have found that some of these sound issues have been happening since 2016 according to this thread in the old forums: Overwatch Forums , but they got worse in 2018 as mentioned here: Missing sound effects, unusual volumes, popping sounds . I do remember having some audio problems around that time, but did not know that the issues existed even before then! Fun fact?

Finally, I did find this: Broken sound from behind from a thread in tech support, which it is claimed that a win10 update in the end of september 2019 resolved the sound issues (spoiler, it hasn’t). So, not quite what I was looking for, but at the time they believed/claimed the issue was to be resolved once win10 updated.

I sure hope they think differently since the issue persists, but I won’t hold my breath since these issues have been around since 2016 (and were once fixable on user end, from the sound of it).

I still swear I saw something from a blizz employee more recent than this, but I can’t find that specific post. I do wish the blizztracker worked in the tech support forums, cause i can’t browse every single thread in there with a blue tag on it.

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Just had a hammond land right behind me without making a noise with his control. Like, seriously. Fix the sound cues.

e: Just had a pharah fire off her barrage without making a sound as well.

Like, really?

It’s been an ongoing bug for a long time, since Archives apparently!

It was blamed on some Microsoft PC problem but console too experience these issues

oh it’s been happening since 2016, at least. and that’s a ridiculous amount of time for a gamebreaking bug (and yes, certain characters being completely silent and certain ults also being silent is gamebreaking imo)

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