Sorry but Mercy is absolutely terrible

This is not about Mercy can hold on a point by herself lol. This is about me trying to prove you that Mercy is not useless. But it looks like I’m failing anyway.

To be fair, zen debuff one enemy which benefits your whole team. What are they gonna do? Attack that one enemy who has the debuff? If zen debuff a tank, then yes, it is useful for your whole team. Mercy, however, can buff an ally that has the potential to do more damage to the whole enemy team, rather just on one ally.

I don’t mean to say that zen debuff is useless, I meant to say that both of their ability is similar, but they are different from each prospective.

That is also our current situation now. You view mercy as useless, and I as a Mercy main, of course feel offended about it because she is not useless. But that is from our own perspective. But, do next time if there is a Mercy on your team, don’t tell that person to immediately switch to another support because Mercy is useless, not because that person is bad at using Mercy. And even if that person is bad at Mercy, you should try to tell him/her in the nicest way possible. Being nice didn’t cost anything anyway.

I don’t believe for a second that Mercy is perfect but she isn’t “absolutely terrible.”
She just needs simple and small buffs for her kit and ultimate like:
55 hp/s
and 65 hp/s in valk
and of course a movement speed increase or cast time decrease for res in valk. Other than that I believe Mercy does just fine. Burst healing isn’t her thing. Continuous and unending healing, however, is her thing.

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Healer is not too op not too weak
‘‘sHe iS sO bAd BuFf hEr JeFf’’
After she got nerfed from a place where she was EXTREMELY OVERPOWERED
‘‘UnDo ThE NeRfs dev’’

Did you know, for Mercy to heal D.Va’s mech from 50% health takes 6 full seconds? I’m not wanting to sit around waiting like that, and Mercy doesn’t want to be “pocketing” me like that. We both have better things we’d rather be doing. That means I don’t get healed to full and have to go looking for Health Packs. Do you like it when your Tanks disengage to look for Health Packs? Or should I just die and get ressed? It’s quicker than healing up.

I’m not looking for undoing nerfs. They’ve homogenised and dumbed her down into a sub-par Zenyatta. Any off-healer is better than her. She needs a proper rework, and made unique again. Her kit is untenable.


i started to see all of this after brigs release.
because after her the hanzo rework happened, snipers started to rule for a while then goats happened then the hitscan buffs, meis buff and so on till today.

for brig ;
Even after her zoning heal buff your mate need to be bad to the bone if you want to get gold heal as brigit so imo healing creep didn’t came from Brig.

for snipers, spamzo ;
I fail to match healing burst and one shots. I even fail to match the whole concept of healing when your ennemy can just one shot anything

i mostly meant how burst damage was started to be a must to kill off brig due to her being a tank+heal hybrid that could fill as a 3rd or 4th tank even. basically if u didnt kill her at the specific instant she would recover immediately afterwards

i mean even brigs have told me burst dmg is what counters her and its true, the game started to get filled with it after a while

oh ok my bad, I understand your point !

mercy is still better moira, she is trash

can i make a proposition? i agree. but if blizzard is gonna change anything, we have to be reasonable.

let’s be honest. mercy is only valuable during valkyrie. other than her chain healing ability during that, mercy is only capable of trying to outheal a teammate from their inevitable death. usually with no avail. she seems useless. in this meta especially. her healing capability is only valuable when it comes to 200-250 HP heroes.
i agree when people say that the current meta is partially to blame for her seeming so weak. in higher elos, a grandmaster or even a master level mercy is very helpful. they know when to time their resurrections, they know when to heal. and it’s ok if they make a couple mistakes. because it’s common that they clean it up.
i like the changes that people have come up with. but my favorite one so far is this one:

  • buffed healing by 10% and carried into valkyrie.
  • a split second of invenerability when she gets 3/4 of the way through her resurrection cast.
    if these changes were to take place, it’d be easier for a mercy to so called “peel” an enemy off of her. and she’d become more of a meta and probably promote more people to play damage heroes. i know that blizzard keeps trying to get rid of the 3-3 meta. i’m not saying that’s all that needs to be changed to get rid of it. but it’s a possibility.
    i’m just getting a little sick of watching blizz making all of these changes specifically for league. it ruins the game for some of us. and i also hate hearing people in comp get frustrated because their favorite hero or main was ruined by the devs. and they are now forced to play a hero that they don’t play super well or off meta. it really sucks. and i don’t think blizzard has taken their heads out of league long enough to realize that what they’ve changed is kinda terrible.
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She’s not perfect for healing tanks. That I do agree. And she isn’t perfect either. She needs buff here and there but she is not exactly terrible and useless either. She has her use. I’m tired of describing her use again. All of her worth is mentioned above and if you miss some, search on somewhere to know that she isn’t exactly useless.

No, Moira has her own worth and Mercy has her’s. No healer is useless, but every healer has their own time to shine in a different meta.

What makes you feel like this is all of a sudden?
Been creeping our way up here since the Moira release.

People want to play her as a main healer, and it doesn’t work. So she’s competing with Zen and Lucio for off-heals; and she just doesn’t compete with them either.

She has “consistent healing” in a game where nothing is consistent, so she can’t adapt to what’s happening around her.


Exactly. The current meta supports have only 2 abilities for burst healing, Lucio’s amp it up on a 13 second cooldown, and Brigitte’s repair pack on a 5/6 second cooldown. If this is enough to keep 3 tanks alive and force the other team to play a mirror composition, then I don’t want to see the day where we have a burst healing ability that is more consistent than what we currently have. There’s a reason the developers never gave Ana the ability to pierce shields to heal allies, that is supposed to be her counterplay and part of what makes her high-risk, high-reward design more balanced.

This is exactly why I think the Overwatch team is refusing to touch Mercy. I think they know that she just doesn’t fit the current meta. If they succeed in killing GOATs, Ana and Mercy will retain the top spots for main healers.

I don’t blame you for saying that because it seems everyone forget that Lucio exists, I am guilty of this as well. However, he is by far and away the best healer at the moment alongside Brigitte. She has been nerfed, but it doesn’t seem to be enough, at least in my opinion.

Is it the game or the current meta? I play her often as the main healer and it works fine for me.

Then you must meet a bad mercy player a lot by then if you think it this way. She can adapt through it, if you’re good enough at using her. You are a tank main, maybe that is why Mercy didn’t suit well if paired with you. Her heals isn’t enough to heal most tanks, but she is pretty good if combined with dps. In my sole opinion, she is a main healer that needs a little buffs towards her healing and ultimate.

At first I actually has the exact same opinion as you are. I thought that she was an off-healer and her healing should be buffs up to 80 hps. But after I played as Mercy, her healing do needs buff but just 60 hps is enough for her.

Rather than “Mercy is useless” I think you meant her ultimate that is needed to be reworked. I viewed it that way. I mean, it has it’s worth, but her ultimate is impactless for most of the time and it needs a little tweaking. Other than that, I think she is fine.

and bastion has his own worth doesn’t make him better than genji or widowmaker

moira is basically a downgraded ana

Playing with Mercy is overwhelmingly a bad experience.

She’s no good at either main or off healing. She’s just less bad at off healing because the main healer takes a lot of load from her. But then you miss out on huge tools real off heals provide.

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Mercy should be looked at once GOATS is out of the meta and after Brigitte’s disgustingly powerful burst heal is addressed.

Mercy would be fine if not for the heal creep in this game. Instead of buffing her they should definitely tone the other healers down to avoid us reaching another point where burst damage oneshots are the only things that can secure kills in a fight.

If playing with Mercy is an “overwhelmingly bad experience” because you require so much healing that extra abilities need to be used (Ana nade, Moira grasp and orb, Zen’s trans) then maybe it’s a you problem and you take way too much damage.

And that’s ignoring the fact that you play and Hammond, you shouldn’t even need to rely on your healers to keep you up

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