Sorry but Mercy is absolutely terrible

Once goats is dead, Mercy will rise.

I don’t play Rein, but you’re right. She especially can’t get good value out of Res either with the slow cast time in a brawl. But Rein like you say is always going to be popular for most of the ladder. That ever more true now Dive simply won’t be coming back.

Nope, 3-3 doesn’t exist on ladder, and Mercy is still bad.

I didn’t mean you specifically, but yeah. Reinhardt is the easiest tank to play with for lower skill players. Having a large shield to sit behind just automatically covers so many basic mistakes that would otherwise get you killed.

But that isn’t a Mercy problem.

Well it clearly is, because there is extreme reticence to change Reinhardt. In that light, it is what it is, she cannot and will not compete.

Yeah she’s bad in tank heavy comps, something she isn’t designed to do.
Who wuda thunk

Baptiste + Mercy is great , Immortality + Rez “Heroes never Die” Comp

2-2-2 is Tank heavy now?

Look at her healing numbers BTW.
She isn’t bad in 222
Depending on rank ofc

Yeah, look at Junkrats damage numbers, must be amazing, right? Want to read the thread, it’s been discussed.

All I’ve seen is you flat out ignoring anything different to your opinion.
Wonder what will happen with the Ana nerf (and the next inevitable one) hmmm

Even Mercy mains in general seem to agree she’s fine from a balanced perspective apart from fun/impact/hero moment/insert subjective opinion here etc etc (maybe 55hp but it’s too early)

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This is interesting since you managed to ignore, repeatedly, my statements about this not being about GOATS or Tank heavy compositions.

I don’t think Ana will be dropping off when she’s nerfed, and if she is nerfed to a point she does drop, I don’t think it’ll be Mercy who fills the gap. I mean, people talk about Moira lacking utility, Mercy’s utility begins and ends with Res on a lengthy cooldown and with no guarantee of a successful execution, and with the frequency of snowballing kills, there is a strong chance you’re still behind on numbers. She can’t even resort to damage.

I think we’ve had this change long enough to see the effect, maybe it was subtle especially when she’s run with other healers, but by now it feels like night and day between having her healing, and anyone else - she’s not the impact healer making the differences, it’s always the other one and it’s better to have two of those.

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i’d say give her about two weeks after the next patch is live before posting these things… i feel like the state of the game (and mercy) is a little unpredictable right now…
but i’ll be here if she’s not doing so hot after those two weeks i’ll be first to complain hbt?

To be fair, 3-3 is meta in a small percentage of the player base. Most players play 2-2-2. I don’t think she needs burst healing, but her healing is very slow at the moment making it hard for her even in 2-2-2 comps.


Wait… I’m confused. Why are there 75 replies?? The discussion ended!

whenever there’s a death-bally meta burst healing becomes very prevalent OP isn’t wrong about that but the meta might change next patch… even though mercy is going to be in a better spot i doubt the meta would change in a way that’s going to make mercy a meta hero since beat, trans and ana’s whole kit haven’t been touched… but i’ve been wrong before and i can be wrong right now too who knows…

Bait rating 0.5 out of 10

damage being spread works really well with mercy because being able to juggle your teammates is a skill that you’ll learn over time
and i don’t understand how moira, lucio, zen or brig can benefit from damage being spread
ana is in the same boat as mercy and i’m not sure about baptiste yet because he’s relatively new!

Please Blizzard im begging you please
Buff Mercy

i’ve talked about this before lemme dig it up for you!