Sorry but Mercy is absolutely terrible

Just means we have to keep on posting about her. :slight_smile:

And keep telling her players to switch.

She’s picked with dive a lot.

Goats-meta is in the process of dying, Ana will see her capability of bursting tanks reduced and DPS slots will be available again.

The reality in competitive mode is that in everything below GM, people go crazy over “defensive” ults.
They want a defensive ult and burst-healing in every match.
It doesnt bother them that their diamond zenyatta is missing 60% of shots and only has his ultimate every fourth zarya grav. As long as they have a defensive ult on their theoretical comp, noone complains.

Meanwhile the burst-healer Ana is missing half her shots.

Anyway, point being: You can pick Mercy all you want currently.
My suggestion in the current comp-ladder would be to roll her with a second main healer, because tanks dont know how to play without being bursthealed 24/7 and they will keep trying to play every pick-comp you build aggressively.

That zenyatta or lucio defensive ult is 90% wasted or non-existent below GM.
There are good zenyatta or lucio players every now and then, but it has become a meme between my friends to point out the defensive ults every time they happen, because 90% of the time theyre so terrible, it’s actually hilarious.

She may well have been used in Dive, with 60HPS baseline and while composition existed. Neither of these are the case anymore; Dive itself now has too many counters to really be useful.

We want healing, like our DPS, to be effective. Consistent damage just gets blocked, dodged, escaped and healed up.

Consistent healing, should you get to it, means being sat out the fight while you’re being topped it’s better to just grab a health pack, you’re back in the fight faster. So, that means burst healing, to get committed again, it’s not necessarily about survival (but that is where ults come in); but reducing downtime. You don’t want to be sat at half health while Mercy is moving through her priority queue - the risk there is immense, so when I am waiting in line I’m at fairly big risk of being picked off by some random trash damage I could otherwise ignore, and it happens not often, but as long as it’s happening it’s too often.

As for your comments on accuracy - what value is there boosting DPS who can’t hit the broad side of a barn door? Even when everyone is topped, there isn’t value there; both end up suffering from bad dps being bad. It just doubles down on a team weakness.

That’s your personal problem.

I don’t really know what youre on about, but pick-comps and dive are actually played with Mercy. Quad-dps is also a thing.

These are working. That’s a fact.
It’s not the balance fault that you cant make Mercy work for yourself in the gold SR-range.

Doubling down on another player’s weakness is my problem?

I’m not even talking in context of using her myself. I straight up don’t want this trashy hero on my team.

If you say that damage-boosting a bad player is futile, the balance of Mercy wont change that. What I always did in lower SR ranges when I rolled her was supporting those players that knew what they were doing and that were being a tad competent.

Decent support-players usually figure that out quite quickly, so that alleviates that problem somewhat.

I’m pretty sure I wouldnt want you either in my team tbh.
Your understanding of the game is quite limited.
Good thing we wouldnt even be able to queue together.

Seems not, since you’re obviously busy playing OWL with those 4 DPS comps.

Basically this.

Mercy is objectively the best support for single tank setups. She solo supports in quad dps (which is kind of fading into obscurity as triple dps is being more refined), and supports alongside Zenyatta in triple dps.

Double sniper is also a well known comp, despite not being seen in OWL. Mercy is integral and irreplaceable in this setup.

So the question is, is she really so bad when she holds monopoly on several relevant comps? In fact, the vast majority of non-GOATs that’s being run in the t2/3 scene feature Mercy.

And guess who is left behind? Ana. The hero that people seem to agree is either balanced or overpowered sees SIGNIFICANTLY LESS play than Mercy in organized play.

Well I guess there you go, she can go join Sombra as a pro-exclusive hero. You won’t be playing those 3-4 DPS comps when 2-2-2 comes in.

hmmm … does she have a new passive? :thinking:

Ultimate Sacrifice - Mercy heals all allies by 50% when she gets killed, plus a multiplier of 2x for each prior version of Mercy you have 10+ hours on

Good point! Then let Mercy’s Ult burst heal too. I think that’s the point we’re making here.

When grenades and bullets hit the fan Mercy only has a band aid to stop the bleeding. She’s a gosh darn corpsmen medic afterall!!! Like shouldn’t she have a better heal to treat gun shot wounds than she does?

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Her stats are no where near Sombra level, and she is used in every bracket.

As for the lower brackets, who actually cares what hero you’re playing? Pick whatever you want. Mercy will do just fine.

Youre in gold mate. If your Mercy was only using her pistol and in a dps-slot, you could still be carried. I’m not even exaggerating.
Does 40 headshot-damage. Could potentially actually be pulled off.
Someone really shouldnt make a “Mercy pistol only to Master” series.

Theres no reason for you to pretend you guys would be having a party in gold with some highly efficient goats-meta-gameplay.

Be happy a Mercy in your SR range is able to hold mouse 1 on you while your Ana is still getting her sleep-dart and grenade shortcuts confused.

Every time we picked dive, even in master, the tanks were flying all over the place in completely different directions.

Youre far from the meta-gameplay mate.

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I’m not pretending we do. I’m saying she’s a bad support hero, and her horrible win rates across the board, and especially in lower ranks back that up. I know we don’t play GOATS, I keep repeating that.

She is bad in all ranks, she’s particularly bad in my rank. And, like Sombra, I don’t want to see her on my team. I don’t give a damn how good she is in your precious metas I never play, of which the main one she also sucks hard, because that’s not what we play.

She has the sixth highest winrate in the game, across all SR ranges. Truly, very sad.
Edit: I actually looked that up wrong.
Edit2: You actually didnt notice. Ayyy lmao, you really dont know what youre talking about.

Compared to other supports, that’s still bad.

But you play Rein. I believe it was up to diamond where Rein had higher stats/pickrate than Winston, even during the very height of dive?

Mercy is pretty bad with Rein, compared to both Ana and Moira. She performs way better in mobile comps where she can get consistent value out of her mobility.

So, seeing as deathball seems to be the strongest tank setup, Mercy will have a harder time because she is bad IN THAT SETUP. If Reinhardt continues to be much easier for lower rank players to play/play with, Mercy won’t be good there, regardless of the status of other supports.

If you buffed her to the point of being strong in low tier Reinhardt setups where you probably don’t even see Lucio speedboosting, she would be broken in dive setups in the ranks where people are coordinated enough to play them.

I’m certain Mercy will be significantly more relevant when 3-3 is gone. Moira on the other hand, will again somehow find a way to be even less so.

Wow, such insight, OP. How articulate you are.

There’s no way this is opinion. It’s a fact!

You said it’s end of discussion, so it must be so. :roll_eyes::rofl:

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