Sorry but Mercy is absolutely terrible

Yeah I have to tell team mates not to either.

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My point still stands: She isn’t good in the meta, but when the meta shifts to something like dive or 3-2-1 high dps comps, she can, and likely will get better especially with the introduction of Baptiste. Again, don’t confuse current issues with persistent issues.

I mean, I guess? I’d be worried about making someone play someine they’re not good with personally though.

That’s on them to figure out. Should be able to play multiple heroes.

There will never be real dive or 3 whatevers below GM. Sad truth. Even in 3/3 we play 2/2/2 and in that game, she’ll never be good.

And higher up, she’ll never be allowed to be good again.

you need so much burst healing that the three best healers are lucio, zen and brig.
The only burst heal her is brigitte’s E.

Go figure.

Last time burst heal was meta was in season 3 with the old quad tank.

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I mean, I’m assuming you’re concerned and wanting them to swap because you want to win, right?

I’ll use myself as an example. I can play Mercy, Zen, and Moira pretty well, and I can play a decent Lucio. That’s a fairly broad pool of support heroes I think, but I know for a fact that I’m a bad Ana.

I have been in the situation before where we’ve needed more healing than the off supports can provide, but we already have a moira on the team. I feel like it would be detrimental for me to swap to Ana in this case. So I could stick it out at zen / lucio, or play Mercy.

Edit: Ironically, I feel similarly about Brig as to how you feel about Mercy. I feel like she’s a terrible pick right now, but I also want people to pick whomever they’re best with / most comfortable on.

Fight loss when you lose Brig because that heal is gone. Then there’s the ults for the ult combos.

She can’t do either.

Then why was Mercy still played in the dive meta even though:

You are only down on Mercy because of the meta. She can improve, and she can be played even without a buff.

Go to check overbuff HER healing averages are VERY-HIGH. Moira beat her by 500. She destroy for a CONSIDERABLE RATIO all the other healers.

Only the tanks can be saved by healers any 200 HP hero is being focused NOT AMOUNT of healers on your back will save you without ULT


I’d be cool with Lucio, his ult is worth it and the AoE deals efficiently with chip damage.

You’re objectively wrong, so please understand

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Yeah and as was discussed earlier in another thread. Raw throughput for damage was actually inversely correlated with who are considered good DPS.

It’s about effective, targeted, healing, and Mercy’s isn’t, it’s barely more than topping off when you’re safe anyway.

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Here the average healing post i did like 5 days ago

Zeny is a true off-healer puting averages 7458
Brig is another off-healer doing 8634 averages
Ana is a MAIN-HEALER averaging 9739 while ask you for MECHANICALS and a more demanding gamesense than mercy cuz the character do not have mobility
Lucio having an AoE healing averages 9239 a lot less than Mercy…
Moira is the STRONGEST main healer of the game having 11 574 per match

Spamzo one shot you with the 6 arrows thing
Mccree flash + fan of hammer one shoting you
Tracer one clip 200 hp heros
Widow one shot 200 hp heros
Sym with her beam on level 2 with a extra turret zerg you in 2 secs
Dva delete you from the game with a Fly ram you + misiles combo
Genji destroy you with shuriken + slash + mele in 3 secs
Brigita mele you - shield bash- mele and whip all this in less than 4 secs imposible to heal you
Zarya at 75% energy can zerg you in 1.5 seconds
Ashe dymatite explosion on the air + another shot instant kill to a 200 hp hero
Reaper-live can one shot a 200 hp hero with a single shot not even needing the two shot combo

As you see HEALING will not save you from the half of the roster unless you are a tank with a mitigation tool that build you some extra seconds

Lucio has barriers that soak huge damage (not shown in healing numbers), similarly Zen’s Transcendence is all very effective healing.

Brig’s stats don’t include armour.

Moira actually manages to do topping off efficiently and has considerable effective throughput, so not a surprise she chucks out such big numbers.

I main Tanks, that’s why this is so blindingly obvious.

I suggested this rework for Mercy making her a MECHANICAL-HERO

1.- Healingbeam&Powerbeam will be mixed into a SINGLE-BEAM . This new beam will 30 Healing per second and 20% Power-boost for a single-target, this change will put her on healing averages of 7.5k and will allow to mercy do two things at same time like Zeny can.

2.- Her new beam will use ammo so you will be forced to handle your resources playing it smart

3.- Her new beam will have a soft auto-aim-lock EXACTLY as Moira purple beam have now . So you will have to soft aim the characters you heal

4.- Guardian angel cooldown will be increased to 3 seconds and bunny-jump will be considered a part of mercy-kit having a 6 seconds cooldown being your “E” ability. Yeah your mistakes, bad pos and bad choices will be punishables.

5.- Mass-Rez will be an instant AoE ability 10 meters that bypass walls, objects like cars and will REZ all your parthers. This time Mercy&Parthers will not have god-frames they can start take damage as soon they are revived.

Mercy could use a bit more throughput. It could be in the form of burst, but it doesn’t have to be. She’s been very good in the past without burst healing.

She’s not quite where she should be yet, but she’s not terribly far either. She is by no means absolutely terrible. She’s the best healer for many comps, she just needs a little bit more healing for those comps to become more viable again.

She is perfectly viable.

You dont need burst-heals for DPS-slots on your team.
Your tanks play defensively and make sure to not put too much load on the healing and youre good to go.

She’s perfect for pick-comps.
She’s bad for non-stop peeling and aggressive tanks aka goats.

She is not bad, but not good either. She could use some buffs tbh. There were lots of ideas, but Jeff claimed is Stylosa’s youtube video that they think they balanced mercy perfectly and she;s good.

So lose your hopes guys, she is going to stay this way for another year or two. Pretty disheartening…


Strangely enough, aggressive comps like GOATS and Dive are exactly what win matches.