Sooooo... OW2 no longer will have PvE?

I don’t know the time cause I didn’t watch the trailer

I think they decoupled the production of PVP and PVE because they needed something now probably because the investors were forcing them to release something. PVE is still probably the most worked on aspect of their total production.

If only people are willing to do a little bit of research. Sigh


That wouldn’t be new in game development, you know?

Wait, how do you know they hinted at PvE in the trailer then? :thinking:

“Decouple” doesn’t mean “Still being worked on”.

I’m still too suspicious of Big Bee until I see the actual PvE game being actively supported, and not just released and forgotten about.


Yes it does? It means “We’re no longer releasing the PVP and the PVE together. We will release the PVP first, then the PVE.”
Enough with the conspiracies.


This pretty well confirms that PVE is far from dropped lol

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It’s not a conspiracy. It’s a game company who has lost the trust of part of their playerbase. Or have you forgotten about their latest release?

Until I see actual non-behind the curtains stuff about PvE, I’ll take anything they say with a grain of salt.

No it is. You’re literally just imagining things.

Different teams :man_shrugging:


I never said I did :face_with_monocle:

I started losing faith in OW when someone from Blizz replied me an email in which they stated all decisions about balancing and content are taken between the developers and a select group of pro players on a closed Discord channel, and there was no mention of listening to the community.

From then on it was a downward spiral. Until I see a PvE part of the game released and not set aside for them to focus on PvP (which is what will bring them money), I’m skeptical of whatever they state.

Andy playtesting the PvE portion of the game only proves they have PvE content stored. No release date, no information, no nothing. Even the June 16th event talks about, and I quote, “our plan for the months ahead, including the next PvP Beta!”, with no mention of PvE once again.

What I am most afraid of is purchasing the PvE mode and it quickly being disregarded by Blizzard soon after the release in favour of the PvP mode. It’ll most likely cost about 80 of my country’s currency and if I pay that much for a game that will be left to the wind after 6 months, I’ll never trust Big Bee again.

I don’t know what to tell you man. We gave you bunch of proof that PvE is still happening, even from the director himself. If you don’t wanna buy, then don’t. OW2’s PvP is free anyway. Noone is holding you hostage here…

so pay when it releases?

you don’t have to pay for the pvp so… unless we get like a battle pass kind of deal but most likely they’ll hold on that one until PvE releases, most likely the “surprise” founder’s pack is exactly that, you get the first battle pass for free


They seperated pvp and e to work on them both seperately

Is this confirmed? They didn’t mention about free battlepass for the founder pack aside from 2 epic skins and an icon. They did mention about a surprise gift that’ll be announced upon release though.

This just didn’t happen

PvE IS all OW2 is.

OW2 pvp is just the new pvp liek beta repalcing ow1’s.

u get all heroes and everything for free…literally only thing you get for payign for ow2 is the pve.

So limit new players and go against a proven modern revenue model which is the whole reason they need a sequel in the first place just because some old players who are already disillusioned and probably are the kind of customers you’d prefer to replace with new ones feel entitled because they spent a bit of money 6 years ago?


You may be surprised in how easy it is to guess Blizzard’s employee’s email address. I was surprised when I did get a reply too.

Try emailing someone from Blizzard using their first name first letter and their last name. Like, if you were to email Mercy, you’d send it to “aziegler”. Most companies do that (hell even mine does that)

OW2 will be having PvE.

I’m pretty sure the 16th is going to have a lot more content than we were shown today…

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