Something tells me MMR is out the window

What makes you think I’m an alt and not just a knowledgable new player? That is my main issue with your view. You are coming to conclusions based on what is and always has been a useless piece of information.

I want you to either back it up or discuss it. You’ve done neither.

But sure dude, ignore me because you can’t stand up for your views.


Or maybe taken a little out of context but go ahead and make that feel good statement!

Not sure though it might be used indirectly if mmr has an uncertainty factor. The longer you play the more certain your mmr is and thus might be paired with more or less certainty especially if the match maker is trying to predict the match outcome.

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We’re legitimately trying to argue that online skill-based matchmaking is breaking consumer protections because it’s not showing your precise skill rating now?

This argument is just ridiculous.

Battlefield 2042?

I really, really hope that isn’t what you mean - because that game is a literal joke.

They aren’t forcing you to get stressed over some arbitrary number.

Personally, I’m not someone that can relate to this feeling, I just play the game. I don’t even look at my SR anymore, the last match is in the past, if I won I won, if I lost I lost.

I did that in plat, I do it in GM. They’re also not the only game that happens in, so lets stop pretending it’s a purely OW thing. It was the same when I played CSGO, and Valorant, and Rocket League, and the people I see playing League of Legends, when I’m raiding in FF14, every game has people stressed over fictional numbers, ranks, and titles.

We want to go after them next too?

Should we just can all competitive game modes to protect a bunch of people whining about how they feel they deserve to be higher ranked, but it’s the evil matchmaker holding them, and only them, back?

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While there is a certainty factor, that’s more based on how frequently you play, whereas a border just shows how much you’ve played since launch. If you take large breaks, the system’s certainty in your MMR will slowly drop over time, as it’s generally safe to assume you’ll be rusty when you get back. So what this means is that someone who plays for 300 levels in the span of a month is going to be far more certain than someone who gets the same levels over the span of a year or two.

It’s also worth noting that we’re assuming all of the levels are gained in relevant gamemodes. If you play a ton of Arcade, where MMR is virtually nonexistent due to the volatile nature of the modes, you’ll have less certainty in your ratings than if you play strictly Comp, where MMR is at its peak use.

TL;DR: Certainty can correlate with level, especially early on, but they’re not directly linked. The two are distinctly separate factors, with only the first one being taken into consideration.

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Nope. It’s breaking consumer protections because they have a reasonable expectation for a non-rigged contest. When you tamper with match outcomes (using mmr odds ratios) and cherry-pick silverAlice into lobbies that silverBob doesn’t get into because of behind the scenes analytics+rigging, it’s deceiptful and fraudulent. It’s certainly unethical, and we can surely find several unlawful considerations.

I suspect the arrival of like 3+ anti-trust anti-rigging etc lawsuits just as they try and get back on track with OW2 launch. SBMM and EOMM needs to go. They need to leave the industry just like those responsible for abusive workplace.

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Y’all are hilarious.

Good luck with that, I guess.


Thank you for the kind words. Remember this company doesn’t need your help. You don’t represent them, and you should be happy for masses of consumers getting justice owed. Rigging doesn’t belong in games.

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That’s… Uh… Not how consumer protection works and is clearly just another buzzword “that sounds good so it must be true”

This will never happen.

Even if you assume you havr a legally reasonable stance (which you don’t) you would need to establish without a doubt that the system in place does not create “fair” games, and “I don’t like this one parameter that I don’t even fully understand” is no where near enough for that.

Take this case to any attorney and they will laugh at your face.


Trust me, I’m not trying to defend a corporation.

Just confused at the thesaurus of keywords everyone on the forums seems to think they understand.

Honestly I want Acti-Blizz to fail so they’re force to sell their IP and a more competent upper-management structure can be in charge of OW, Diablo, and WOW.

But if you think in any way they’re going to get hit with some anti-rigging law… I just don’t know what to tell you other than you’re clueless.

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They already took the case it’s 1/2 class action 1/2 arbitration. It’s open/shut because it’s not creating fair games. Fair competition means you don’t rig behind the scenes for fixed outcomes. They need to tell players that right on the box or it’s deceiptful.

It’s not a thesaurus, it’s a dictionary.
Already linked you the definition of rigging. Do you agree the game is rigged as per that definition, or not? Do we really have to link the definitions, patents, derv statements all over again? Rigged is rigged.

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Uh… no, I don’t.

No, I’m now confident that you aren’t actually using them. That is no longer necessary.

I’ve also been over the patent with several others before. But I’m confident you’re the one stating the same talking points as them that actually understands it. Good job.

Didn’t see this though!

Can you link proof that such a suit has already begun?

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Ok, out comes the definition.
LMAO the terminology is common, accepted, and easily searchable:

So it’s rigged plain as day. Sorry you can’t keep up with modern language but that’s just how the cookie crumbles sometimes. RIGGING as per definition is only ever 1 search away.

That’s not how legal processes work. No one is going to link anything until it’s well underway. Maybe you need to learn in that department as well.

You still didn’t state your level of education. It would make things MUCH easier to explain things to you if I knew what kind of challenges we were dealing with.

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It is?

How, precisely, is the matchmaker rigged?

Because it desires a 50% winrate for players?
You know you’re not actually bound by that, right? You have complete control over it, and I’ve ended several seasons with 70%+ winrates.

The matchmaker simply predicts the outcome of the match - it does not fix the outcome of the match. But I’m sure someone as intelligent as you understands that. You’re just trolling.

So… a class action lawsuit has begun concerning rigged matchmaking against Activision Blizzard.

And there’s no public evidence of such a thing?

And yet you are aware of it?


I did.

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That’s not how most of the rigging works. It tries to force 50-50 match outcomes by cherry-picking players into rigged lobbies for stated rank.

You would know this if you weren’t trolling and actually took an interest.
You don’t represent this company, and you don’t stand to gain anything from said rigging. So why bother defending it?

Just read up and come back when you comprehend how it works.

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It cherry picks players into rigged lobbies?

So, the lobby is rigged so that team A wins.

Then it fills in Team A and Team B, such that Team A will win.

Then Team A wins.

That’s what it’s doing?

What exactly should I read up on?

I’ve already read the important sections of the TrueSkill documentation and the patent everyone likes to throw around to prove that the games are rigged.

There’s nothing of substance there to suggest such a thing.

I just think you don’t know what you’re talking about.

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It’s cherry-picking players based on hidden analytics to force the match odds towards 50-50, which is tampering with natural contest outcomes.

How would someone even conclude this if they conclude:

You’ve shown your cards. You don’t understand how the rigging works or how it’s implemented. Do you have any documentation that can suggest it’s not rigged, or does the entire IP portfolio of patented rigging at the USIPO just somehow not apply? On what grounds do you think it doesn’t apply?

Then you failed to comprehend any of it.

I repeat:

That’s not how the rigging works.

I guess I have to adjust my explanation since the documentation isn’t clear enough. What degree/university am I calibrating to again? Right. The one where they can’t use an online dictionary, they can’t read patents, and they misinterpret how the rigging works.

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So it’s assuring that each team has the same chance at winning?

How dastardly of them.

What do you propose they do instead?

Oh wait - you want them to put a bunch of players into a rank then match them into games based on that rank, presumably so they’d have close to a 50/50 winrate so that their rating is accurate.


That’s not how burden of proof works.
You can not prove a negative.

Please - link this IP portfolio of patented rigging with quotes from said documentation since it’s so obvious and apparent.

No, it’s the other one.

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Random around SR range. Recall SR will index instantaneous skill (and variance, and higher moments) over time. It’s all you need to match payout and rank. If Alice and Bob are both within SR bracket tolerance, Alice shouldn’t be discriminated into different lobbies than Bob. They can both be randomly chosen into the same lobby using naive/random matchmaking. Algorithmically handicapping them into different lobbies using hidden scoring criteria is tampering with the contest, it’s rigging 1010.

Wrong. BoP is a weighted belief. Smoking gun, death threats, dead body. Patents, derv statements, definitions of rigging. They need to show why they weren’t on the scene or show how they couldn’t possibly be blamed.

The documented “weighted belief” evidence is stacked 100% on 1 side atm. Not a single piece of documentation to evidence that it’s NOT rigged. Just dismissive claims which isn’t enough. You’ll have to fend off the litigation with more than that.

It’s been linked numerous times. You can search. But you already knew that.

Which one, so I can tell my firm never to recruit from there.

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How to show you’re cosplaying on the internet 101.

Good job, kid.

Also, you aware of the idea that someone who understands material can explain it rather succinctly?

Consider that, then reread everything you’ve typed.


At this point I dunno who is trolling who, cause we know it pre-arranges the matches.

We’ve all seen games where is not all of 1 rank (we could be waiting for long periods of time because of it) all the while people of a certain rank could be ready to go.

We’ve all seen the analogies of chess mmr, if two people agree to play they play and take that risk, here the system will prevent that - is that right?

All the while considering that the mmr has non skill weights…

Love the game or not it is “rigged”. But people can still climb… I’ve climb many other do but pre-arranging matches and mix matches with people of different ranks for unknown reasons (assuming solo queue)… does make it sus.

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