Something tells me MMR is out the window

But borders aren’t a good representation of someones skill in the game. You can have people on plat borders who have been silver forever, or you can have people on bronze borders who have 15 different accounts in high elo.

This is a weird concept considering the variance of skill of players within different ranks


source or evidence for that?

because theres nothing dishonest about patenting a match making system.

people are free to play or not play the game if they don’t like the desired results.

and there is no benefit as to who is rigged and who isn’t. Its rigged for everyoe.

So really my point is your use of the word is out of context.

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Other people are noticing this too then? I am smack dab in the middle of plat, and every game is either half plats half diamonds, or half plats half golds. Kinda weird

What skill ur talking about if an account is below 1 star , looks like ur living in another planet .

So… you were just being needlessly pedantic? Okay.

That’s quite the jump in logic. SR does roughly correlate to player skill - it’s a simplified representation of MMR. That’s so obvious I thought it went without saying, though.

And… how would the ladder’s SR system supposedly being a sham in any way impact the esports scene? You know they don’t use SR in OWL… don’t you?

“It’s not novel enough to patent, because it’s not rigged”.

So you’re implying that all patented rating systems, of which the vast majority of competitive games utilize, are all rigged? Because “fair matchmaking” is so common it wouldn’t qualify for a patent, but the majority of games use TrueSkill, Glicko-2, or some derivation thereof. Of which, those are patented. Well, Glicko is now public domain, but it was patented.

So, you’re just a conspiracy nut? You think every single video game is rigged against you?

Then how do better players climb?

Are they simply not actually better, the systems just arbitrarily marked them as deserving of being ranked higher?

“I don’t want MMR”
*creates MMR but worse

Series operations can also be harmonic, so perhaps not the best analogy.


You haven’t explained why MMR is bad, you’ve just said that the matchmaker should be dumbed down to literal random sampling and nothing more.

We live in the future now - we can use more precise data polling methods.

So then - what does the SR do when it matches players with the same relative SR values into a game?

Wouldn’t it be attempting to achieve as close as possible to a 50% win rate for each team?

Sort of like it’s rating players based off of their approximate skill, then matching them into games based on how it expects those games to play out?

Come on, you are claiming to be an educated individual - surely you see how ridiculous this is. You’re going in circles - your idea is tautological. You’re saying you hate matchmaker rating because it’s rigged, so you want to use skill rating instead, and then you want to implement a dumbed down and less precise version of matchmaker rating.

Surely you’re just trolling me.

I’m well aware of the dictionary definition of the term rigging - I was just concerned (and now validated) that you weren’t using it.


Oh he is. Just wait. :rofl: :rofl:

As defined its literally NOT rigged.

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I really hate to say it, but if a product says your 1234. Then your 1234, unless somewhere else on the product it says your not.

Like cigarettes, if it says great for you! And doesn’t have the SG warnings then there’s something called misinformation/ misleading information/ false advertising.

And yea… it does sway just not during the game. it throws the match out if the predictions is too lopsided and finds other people to get that prediction back to normal. That’s pre-active swaying. So what’s the term of “pre-swaying”? Pre-rigging?

And let’s not forget mmr is not entirely skilled based.

If they changed the word of skill rank to game rank, all of this would be a different discussion YEARS AGO.

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I take it you haven’t heard of tolerances? The world of engineering would terrify you.

Ever bought a 2x4 stud? Ever seen one of those little color-banded resistors?
Look at any document with measurements and notice a small “+/-” next to most of the numbers?
I have terrible news about the calorie values on your food containers.

You are not being promised a precise point of skill rating.

Please, show me where it is stated as such so that you can continue to use the claim of false advertising.

No match maker is capable of producing a precise point that rates you. It literally isn’t possible - they’re all based on a skill delta.

An inability to understand skill distributions is not going to hold up in court, friend.


I’m more in cs. If my variable is 123, I want it to be 123. If Java / c had variables that had fault tolerance then games like overwatch wouldn’t exist (or maybe why OW2 is taking so long).

We can argue cs is eNginEErinG in another thread.

Meanwhile if a product doesn’t have a disclaimer then it’s promising something - that’s not engineering that’s called Law and consumer protection.

Mean while I’m playing my more favorite game and there’s not hint of skill ranks and pbsr lobbies… 64 vs 64 goodness. I can imagine ow doing it but it’s THEIR decision to hark on YOUR rank and stuff and shoved it in your face every chance you get. Which equals stress and toxicity. And now your saying the numbers they pushed in your face ARENT the real numbers LOL.

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Except you really can’t. Some people pick games up faster than others. Some might have issues that hinder their memory, physical issues that may hinder their aim, do you want me to continue?

Literally all it ever reprisented was time played. Nothing more.time played is not a statistic you should be using to judge people.
While I’m here, why are you judging people to begin with? Oh and how about you answer the other questions asked In the post you quoted?

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I was an adamant never leave person, and the degradation of matches, the sheer volume of alts where one side has a consoler coming to PC while the other has his fifth Diamond smurf is just making me now quit hopelessly unbalanced games these days, I am not giving you free MMR on your way up to Comp buddy.

To your point, I have lost count of people on Pharah or Echo running up against say Torb/Soldier, Torb/Bastion, Soldier/Bastion, Ashe/Soldier etc. that I want to scream. Some people can pull it off; most cannot.

Dare say anything, even asking for a shield and you are attacked mercilessly too, usually by some vaper with his denizen friend. Or they do the typical comments into main chat utterly distorting what’s going on to try to turn people against you. This last tendency is a Zoomer thing no doubt, and I will say it forebodes a very sad state of affairs because they will carry this kind of crap into their workplace one day.

I’m not interested to answer everything a random person write , same goes for ur unhelpful not accurate reply .

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So you want to make a claim on a discussion page but neither want to back up your claims nor discuss them? Alright dude.


Maybe because their employees are tired of being assaulted by boomers who think its okay to treat people of the opposite sex like 3rd class citizens?

Maybe toxicity is just as inappropriate in the workplace as other parts of life?


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Dude , move on , I don’t even remember what I said , ur overreacting to a normal reply , there is no Claim it’s just some opinions from my personal point of view .

It’s important to remember that experience =/= skill. It doesn’t matter if someone spent 1000 hours in game if they didn’t spend any time learning and improving. Most people hit a wall at one point or another, but still continue to play. This is why they’re never looked at in matchmaking in the first place and are purely there just for show, just like many other leveling systems in online games.

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Absolutely true .
(20 char)

Overreacting? By responding? Are you daft?

You literally said

That sounds an awful lot like a claim my man.


Do u want the evidence be sent by mail or what ?
Dude , I’m talking from my personal experience, if I’m the highest border for example a lot of times the others are alts based on their gameplay .
Oh , I see ur also with an alt acc , it all make sense .
I’m just gonna ignore u .

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