I mean even if turrets immediately started damaging after landing, they’ll still be easily destroyed which case that will make them not have much contribution anyways
I thought it said 2 seconds FROM 1.75 seconds.
happens to all of us
okay I made an actual opinion about it this time lmao
No need for ehr to be an ana, but she is bigger than Mei now, nerf her to like… hanzo size
Symmetra’s hitbox is bigger than mei’s. either hitbox reduction or hp buff is needed. Hitbox reduction will make peeking actually intuitive.
Tp cooldown will change a lot as tp will not be a spawn bot. It can be used flexibly.
Sentry turrets - They arent even nerfed. This bug still ahppens ahlf the time. Their slow sometimes forgets to stack. Still not fixed.
TP bomb playstyle complaints - you expend Mercy rez tier cooldown and all of your tools for it… and it can be countered by someone seeing the teleproter and meleeing it at the right moment.
Honestly I dont agree either, except for the hitbox changes and the tp CD idea but your analysis shows lack of knowledge of the character.
It doesn’t need to be that small. Symmetra’s hit box is unnecessarily large for a character her size though.
It needs tightening, not shrinking. Just make it closer to her model, and she’ll be okay
I don’t quite see the logic here tbh. you’re saying that her current hitbox size is fine because lower ranks already have trouble killing her yet you’re then saying adding on hp for her hitbox size would be fine…?
like if flat adding hp doesn’t affect lower ranks then why would that change in higher ranks where people likely have better aim and can likely hit more headshots on sym’s larger body and head hitboxes?
like as Warlock said above, she doesn’t have to be exactly ana hitbox size, she can be slighter larger (I mean her thighs don’t lie, she dances ).
I’d say having it much more often to fit in more plays/strats/actions per time period is a very huge and significant change. like the simple benefit of being able to be in her effective range (yes for orbs too) far more often is a big win.
if that’s the only thing you can think if dynamically doing with a more frequent tp, then unfortunately as sym herself says:
“You’re trapped in your own mind”.
like there’s kiting, there’s trap-setting, scouting, the very common tp-orb-melee burst combo, orb slamming from firing 2 orbs each from an entrance, etc.
I have tested it and as mccree you can shoot BETWEEN her legs and ABOVe her shoulder (this one crits) and hit her.
Like about 33% to 50% of her model’s width is projected outside her model as a hitbox. The hitbox from the side is even worse! Its absolutely gigantic.
Overall the volume of her hitbox is like more than twice her model. I tested it with mcree in practice range, and with scoped ashe shots.
http s://youtu. be/0UsX3nborfA
Watch this at the 10 minute mark. (idk how to timestamp on mobile)
It’s oversized, relative to other heroes. Also I’m not understanding your hitbox vs hp argument.
This is every character in OW’s hitbox and Symmetra’s is ENORMOUS comparatively.
Suprised to see a guy actually suggesting some sensible changes instead of going all out on making her Op just so she gets nerfed again.
But it gives them a chance to atleast get some value.
Such as for sneak attacks from behind or if the enemy is occupied on something else.
Sentry Turret change is pretty interesting. I like the rest. I still think her dps should be 60/120/180 cause its +60 everytime instead of +40 +60
With 80 - 120 - 180 it’s x1.5 each level so there’s still a neat pattern.
To be completely honest, I don’t think anyone wants any hero to be made op. Especially if they’ve already had their hero nerfed into high hell like Symmetra has been.
At this point, any changes that people want to a hero are just to make their hero feel like they have a place again; you really feel that with the Mercy and Symmetra communities. It’s only a small minority of people that want them to be must pick level, and those are the people that are ignored as their input tends to not be all that helpful in terms of balance.
So it’s not that surprising, honestly. And Arcadium knows his stuff too. I enjoy reading his posts about Symmetra. We don’t always agree, but that’s okay, people’s opinions are bound to be different. But he’s got a clear view of what he hopes to happen with Symmetra, and it’s nice to see people giving actual feedback over angry ranting.
It really means a lot to me to read that! Thank you!
I agree that for the most part nobody wants their character to be OP. That’s a quick way to get their players hated and to receive sledgehammer nerfs.
It’s a lot if what I say when people demand Mercy buffs.
She was nerfed for a reason, and the nerfs were acceptable. Did they go overboard? Probably, but that doesn’t give people the right to just sit there and yell at people trying to say she should be meta again, because that’s just makes people ignore them. Like the while fiasco that went down with Aria Rose. It’s all good you saying you want to rework Mercy, but when your methods are raiding the forums, you can’t exactly expect people to listen to you.
It’s probably the reason Mercy got the 55hp/s buff. People were talking about it for a while, and in a way that didn’t insult the devs or didn’t belittle other people’s opinions by flat out refusal to listen to them. So Blizzard, while it took a while, looked into it. It’s why I’m still holding on to the small grain of hope for reworking Symmetra back into a functional support hero, with all her old utility and a small heal that allows her to keep her place as the utility support without putting your team at a healing disadvantage.
So keep it up, I guess is what I’m trying to say. When people use their heads, people tend to listen more. And you know the facts, even if people will try to say they’re false, when they’re not. So for the meanwhile, small quality of life buffs and changes to make her more impactful without pushing her over the limit are good calls. And I don’t see anything wrong with what you suggested, only upping the range and upping her damage a little. I can only see one of the two happening, with the other one taking a small hit to compensate. More damage but keep her range as is, or make her safer but lower her damage to not be as oppressive from longer ranges. That’s how I’d see them going about it, anyway.
Ugh, this turned into something longer than it was supposed to be, hope I didn’t bore you to death
But keep it up.
I know. She should get 250 HP to be in line with Reaper or Torbjörn. Everyone agrees that Symmetra needs more survivability, the argument is about how it should be done aka 250 HP vs smaller hitbox.
I’m personally more in the camp of reducing her hitbox. If they try that and it still doesn’t make a marginal difference, then they can try giving her more health, but giving her 250 hp doesn’t push her up enough to reach a break point. Hanzo, Widow, Reaper, and Hog would still absolutely tear her apart because she’s big enough to get hit even in the ballpark of her model. 250 hp just wouldn’t make enough of a difference imo.