Some Other Nerf Suggestions for Hammond

I mean Hammond has a higher skill ceiling than Reinhardt, but Rein is still the most popular tank across all levels of play on all platforms at the moment.

Are you arguing that the nerf was justified because people can excel with Wrecking Ball if they play well? If that’s the case, we should nerf one third of the DPS roster.

My original argument is that the Ball change was made for lower ranks to reduce the indefinite spinning he could do on point which can be annoying for them, which is realistically the only way this impacts Ball. People who are acting like this patch somehow guts the hero are seriously overreacting imo because most of the time you’re just swinging in, piledriving, maybe shooting, and getting out with your billion HP.

Because he’s more accessible, I said that, and most people feel comfortable with big rectangle to hide behind.

This man uses the counter-psychology method. At this state of Hammond i see why all paths need to be walked! Sign/like this for the old approach of doing it.

You’re right. How terrible these players are at the game for deciding not to throw by just abandoning the point so they can switch to counter a last - second Hammond pick and then having to walk back from the Attacker spawn to the objective, AKA up to 10 times the distance between the Defender spawn and the point.

But hey, I guess one has to “git gud” in the game if they want to be able to counter heroes/combos/tactics/etc. that require little to no skill to use in the first place, or else they “deserve” to lose… Sure…

Have you played Rat against ball?

If the rat is alive ball is going to die the vast majority of the time

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Ironic since you clearly struggled with a large enemy moving in a predictable path. Who can’t adapt again?

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Don’t worry the next target will be Hog.

Ball: nerfed

Hog: hah now my time to shine

Forums: nerf hog now!

Evidently the Ball mains since they’re acting like not being able to grapple for more than six seconds is somehow a death sentence for a hero that is still pretty strong.

It is a death sentence for grapple tech, especially rollouts and start-ups on defense. Virtually every player with more than 5 hours on Ball has explained this to you in exhaustive detail, yet you continue to put your fingers in your ears and yell “La la la I can’t hear you spin2win is the only thing nerfed by this change la la la la!”

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Well of course the Ball players are going to act all doom and gloom about it. Every player is going to act like that when their main gets nerfed. But the simple reality is that Ball is going to be just fine.

“bAll PlaYers acTing lIke this litTle sLap on tHe wrIst is GuTting the HerO lMao gIve me a BrEAK”

~ Person that has never played ball ever


Even Yeatle has said before that the hook does very little in actually stopping last minute stalls and moreso breaks during actual rollouts or reuses, which is not the intended target of the nerf lmao. And I can also attest to that


Except it’s not an act. This nerf is possibly the worst one for Hammond so far. But okay, go live in your delusional fantasy world where tanks queus aren’t under a minute because no one wants to play them. That alone should tell you which way the wind blows.

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ambush boops for one your basically gonna give it all away with the sound of the grapple hitting losing the element of suprise.

Forgive me if I don’t mourn the loss of cheese strats.

You could have had a lot worse. They could have nerfed his fireball damage, or made it so that piledrived enemies could move once slammed.

so Lucio is the only one that is allowed to do ambush boops?
because he requires less skill lol

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You mean the character with the worst boop in the game that you have to put yourself in a far riskier position to use because you only have 200HP and not 600 that you can increase with the push of a button?

how is lucios boop the worst? its literally the easierst to use and one of the more powerful ones…

If aonyone has the worse then its ashe because you have to remeber that every action has a reaction…

Only lucio gets to defy physics…
maybe lucio should be nerfed so his boop works like ashes :stuck_out_tongue:

also the worst boop is probably birgitta hmmm… unless we are counting the border like cases like Sigmas minor physical effect on his projectile or the technically of meleeing someone before they accidentally fall over the edge…

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It’s easy to use, sure, but only defensively as a “get off me” button or to peel for your other teammates. It’s a lot trickier to use offensively, like to get an environmental kill, because you have to put yourself in a risky position to use it like that, and most of the time enemies that are aware of your position aren’t just gonna walk near a ledge.

absolutely zero people would think giving a character a one button contextual insta kill ability would be considerd only defensive…

try telling that to anyone who ever got booped into the illios well lololol

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