Some dps are just way better

it seems like hitscan and certain dps are just way better than most other dps in the beta. especially sojourn compared to the rest of the cast. anything long range will obliterate most teams since everyone is playing junker queen seems like

seems like live ow1 version is way more balanced compared to the beta? sym, tracer, sombra, mei just get manhandled by sojourn, soldier, and hanzo. even bastion seems better then the former

or maybe its just the abysmal matchmaking. i feel my games in overwatch 1 are more fair lol


A game that’s been released for 6 years will be more balanced than a game that’s not even released yet, that is certain. Switch to 5v5 is what impacts it most, the heroes were not meant to be played in a 5v5 scenario in the first place. Until october 4th, the devs need constructive and precise criticism as to what hero feel bad compared to others / entire comps.


that’s a problem that overwatch has had for quite some time… the hitscan meta was always there and when it wasn’t that it was the flanks annihilating everything and there are always other heros relegated to nothing like junkrat


yea your right about that. a lot of heroes just dont belong in a 5v5 setting. also they gutted the heroes that relied on their cc like sym, mei and sombra 1 second hack is bleh lol


I mean…. It’s FPS after all. Shooter based heroes should be stronger.

Flex DPS require more game sense but are usually rewarded with significant damage numbers.

  • Widow is the exception to this which is why kids cry about it.

True. Now, you have to hope the Tank is watching for Flankers (not everyone has good reaction times or reflexes).

Now, I understand CC was a bit much in Overwatch, but I don’t think it was the right call to make the heavier cc exclusive to Tanks:

  • Mei could’ve rooted enemies in place with Endothermic Blaster.
  • McCree could’ve had a concuss on Flashbang instead.
  • Junkrat needs his Steel Trap to either root or detain.

The list goes on.

Sojourn most likely got over buffed to make sure ahe got used in the second OWL tournament cycle. OWL players wouldn’t touch her otherwise. She’ll probably get a nerf down the line.

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Eh, I’m just falling back on my TRIBES days and dunking on people with Pharah.

It’s pretty fun. Especially given that I don’t need to know the maps that well to use a flying character.

Granted, I’m also 1v2ing an enemy Pharah-Mercy and airshotting both of them to death.

I hate that they made Sojourn the new games front runner. Tracer is still way cooler. In both game play and personality.

Umm… shouldn’t it be? Live game has had 6 years of balancing. Beta is new.


Iirc she was even stronger in the alpha (.15m width iirc), got nerfed in beta 1 to (.05), they found that the nerf was too strong and tried a middle ground between the two of (.1). theyre not trying to explicitly make her owl meta, she was just insanely difficult to use by everyone with the smaller width. It’ll probably get nerfed to like (.075) or something later if it’s a problem or she will receive nerfs to how fast she can charge the railgun (maybe even nerf how fast it charged off shields etc.)

As a Sombra main, I agree with you there.
There’s lots of hoops that Sombra needs to jump through to be able to deal her effective damage.
Meanwhile Soldier, McCree, and Hanzo straight up deals their effective dps for quite less effort and with a burst damage button too.

Tracer feels ok to me. You have to be careful picking you engagements like before but you can still get value out of her.

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It’s the same old cycle. Last beta everybody was crying about 76. Even though Sojourn was at the same power level, and even in the last half of the first beta.
76 gets nerfed and now the people that were playing 76 before jumped to Sojourn, and now people are crying about Sojourn.

It’s the same old nonsense with these forums when one month they would cry about widow then the next month it’s McCree and the next month it’s 76 and then they switched to Ashe and so on.

They don’t understand that all hitscan players are going to jump to a new hitscan when one gets nerfed.
There is never going to be a time that hitscan players are not going to play a hitscan hero and all you are going to have is close range projectile pillow fights in the game.

76 got over nerfed they should have gave him 19 damage instead of 18. And you would have an equal portion of people playing 76, Sojourn and the other heroes.

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ashe is what the perfect hitscan should be. reasonable rate of fire, weaknesses up close, somewhat effect short range but good mid range. most of the other hitscans just have extreme rate of fire and good close, mid and even sometimes long range.

im not saying they should nerf these heroes i think they should really buff the ones not doing so well. of course symm, maybe look at mei a bit and sombra is ok but you really have to do a lot of work compared to say hanzo, sojourn or soldier lol

If all the hitscan players suddenly started to play Ashe, I’m 100% sure everybody in the forums will start crying about Ashe that she’s too powerful even though she would not have received any buffs besides hitscan players starting to play her more.
This is usually what happens and it’s always nonsense.

Again this is the same old argument about niche heroes.
Niche heroes are never going to be the most popular picks, as they were designed to not be played all the time.
There is never going to be a time where Sym is going to be one of the most popular picks in the game unless they give her an assault rifle or some other way to do damage which falls in line with the generalists.
And this is also true for the other niche heroes.

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While true, I’d like for said “niche heroes” to actually be allowed to do their respective job.

Yes, they problems that need addressing, but that shouldn’t mean they are neglected or discouraged for the casual playerbase.

Well they should probably nerf hitscan as a whole then.

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OW is an FPS game.
If you don’t like those type of heroes what are you doing playing this game.
That’s like playing an RPG or MMO but don’t want to see any wizards/mages, or playing a racing game but don’t want to deal with any racing cars.

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FPS isnt just hitscan? Sounds like you are primarily describing quake. You do know this game released with symmetra and torbjorn, right?

also im sorry, your whole comment seems stupid.