Some dps are just way better

You know those heroes were designed to be niche right. Meaning they were designed not to be used all the time on every map.
They were designed to only be used on certain situations on certain maps.

The issue is people wanting to one trick these heroes and use them all the time and then claim they are weak when they don’t understand a thing about hero design and how those heroes are niche.

You didn’t like my comments because you were probably ignorant to the information I just provided to you.

Says who? Did you ever watch the original trailer for Overwatch? What kind of comment is this lol

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The developers themselves. They have said several times that certain heroes are niche heroes that serve a certain purpose and that they never designed this game for people to one trick any heroes.

And lol @ citing a cinematic.
Reaper has smoke bombs in the cinematic doesn’t mean that he has them in game.

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Reyes is way better than them all, he’s a hottie :pleading_face: :weary:

Yes, and every time they add a new hero that has basically a kit that has EVERYTHING in it, it pushes the older ones out. That’s the issue. Seems like you love your hitscan and watching overwatch league, I get it. But to act like this game hasnt completely changed its identity is ignorant.

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And i never said anything about one tricks, i just want the game to be fun again. When they showed the PVE talents for Torb (mini fire turrets) I was excited, and then I realized they aren’t going to put that into the PVP game, which is a pretty disappointing.

I respect the fact that you think something is fun in another way (hitscan dps), and I want it to go back to more of its Team Fortress 2 vibes from the original game.

I want it to go back to being like an arena shooter which the developers have said was the main inspiration for Overwatch.
And from all the developer comments and changes to the game going forward for the sequel, it seems they share my sentiments as well.

dr o’deorain, this is a very inappropriate comment about your lab rat patient!

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Were people crying about S76 in the beta? I don’t recall the forum doing that. All I remember is people crying about sombra initially prior to her nerfs. Then people started whining about ana being OP and also support players were whining about the role being a respawn simulator.

It actually took me by a surprise when soldier got nerfed, since nobody ever talked about him.

soldier in the first beta is what sojourn is now. s tier, they nerfed him mid beta then buffed sojourn two times. i think his damage was 20 per bullet or something now its 17?

soldier was dominating the owl at first but after the nerf tracer and sojourn i think started appearing after they went on the patch


He was definitely the most cried about in the first beta.
And the cry’s got louder when he was the probably the most picked DPS in OWL when they started playing on the OW2 patch.

Which caused him to get over nerfed and then the people who were playing 76 started to play Sojourn instead.


I guess I must’ve missed it then from all the “nerf ana” and “support feels terrible to play” posts.

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You mean a game that has not had content in years is more balanced than one getting a lot of changes…. I’m shocked… shocked… well not that shocked.

People really need to decide what Sojourn is though because people keep calling her hitscan and it is weird because if she is hitscan then Soldier isn’t because they have completely reverse kits.

Mei is actually really good on certain maps.

Also tracer is meta

McCree is pretty bad in OW2, but if you ask the usual people that complain about him they will tell you that he is finally balanced.
Because balance to them means a non-threat.

And now the same complainers are jumping to whatever the newest popular hitscan or hitscan-ish shooty type hero, which is Sojourn.

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Soujourn is good. Soldier is bad with 18 damage per bullet.

Ashe has too little range.

Mccrees fire rate is terrible.

Now only three of these are actual s

But like you said hitscan players are always going to enjoy and play hitscans.

No one is talking about genji being meta and quite strong.

Or that hanzo a projectile is currently still broken.

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I’ve been saying cassidy looks under-powered too, and his replacement ability not being very good. But as usual, nobody cares because everybody hates cassidy for some reason.

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Well… Ow1 easydy and some others hitscans are a lot better than other dps xd

Uh… He’s perfectly fine though? Quite good, honestly.

His replacement ability consistently does 131 damage. Body shot + flashbang is instant death for a squishy.

His new roll can survive high damage ults like Nanoblade, Pulse bomb, Railgun, Widow one-shots, Hanzo one-shots, etc.

And his primary fire will always be extremely strong. Any squishy within 22m are subject to getting deleted in 0.5 seconds.

Idk it just looks like his constantly being out ranged by the other hitscans right now like S76, sojourn and ashe. His ultimate also doesn’t seem to be as effective compared to OW1 despite all the flanking spots. Maybe because it’s not just one fight you have to win now, but multiple of them. So he might be losing out in utility value and higher uptime that the other hitscans have.

Why pick cassidy when you can pick S76, sojourn, or ashe? Without his stun, there isn’t much reason to pick him now over other DPS hitscans.

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