The justification is that you just don’t. It’s been that way since the beginning of internet forums. Necros are just considered rude.
You don’t have to follow the CoC religiously. Mods barely come on these forums.
The justification is that you just don’t. It’s been that way since the beginning of internet forums. Necros are just considered rude.
You don’t have to follow the CoC religiously. Mods barely come on these forums.
It kinda is when the game is getting updated regularly.
Statistics change overtime along with balance changes
Going back to a topic when someone is complaining about Reaper’s 50% life steal doesn’t mean you should leap in now and say “Actually it’s 40% now.”
Relevant existing thread topics.
Example: Existing thread topic “Dead eye rework ideas”
The topic alone covers any patch. I posted a rework idea on it. I didn’t realize it was a year old. Then others joined in to disagree with the idea even though I think it’s a great idea for Mcree’s dead eye.
It is not “necroing” a thread. It is a valid idea on a valid existing topic. There is no need to create a new thread to clutter the forum.
It was a year old, so it was no where near on even the first dozen pages.
So the only way you can see it was by searching it.
You necroed a thread pal. Be aware of the date next time, move on.
There is no written rule on what age the thread has to be to ignore it. Can you locate such a rule here on the forum or CoC?
I have another good example:
Recently playing against Ashe I felt that dynamite burn duration is too long. I did a search and found this existing topic:
Ashe’s dynamite is a bit too much
It fit what I wanted to discuss. It was 12 months old. My post on that thread is not “Necroing” the thread.
Necroing a thread is similar to “bumping” a thread I think. Spamming or using just one word for no reason to revive an old thread.
My post is not just one word and it had a good reason. The thread was brought back to the top for discussion.
I’ve always wanted an automated lock for threads that are not active for over a month or so.
I don’t understand. What do you mean? Automated lock? For what purpose? What does it do?
So the forums are always moving quickly to the point that necro-ing threads is most times frowned upon because game changes, etc gets updated quickly. But I saw the forums as a problem since they don’t prevent necro even if CoC frowns upon it in a way. BUT if Blizzard made an auto timer where it locks threads that is a month (or whatever old) then people will know they cannot necro it. In my opinion, making new threads about the same topic from ages ago is fine since the other thread is outdated.
Again…there is no existing age band rule on threads here on the forum. If the topic fits I believe it’s ok.
The “necro” portion is not in the actual CoC. It looks like someone just made it up and posted it and somehow declared it as an addition to the CoC.
Looks wrong.
It’s like putting a posted note near the United States Constitution stating a new amendment.
IMO rules about both bumping and necro’ing are only there to serve as an official reason to ban someone when they do something that’s generally viewed as unneccesary.
Kind of like stop signs. Yeah, nobody gets hurt if you roll through them and it makes no sense to get ticketed for it if noone’s around. But when there actually is an accident, knowing you rolled through a stop sign serves as a good way to place blame. Kind of like when some dork goes through a ton of irrelevant threads from 2017 and just resurrects them all at once.
But if you reply in good faith to a thread that could still potentially be relevant, it’s fine.
Likewise, if there’s already 8 “bring back mass rez” (forgive me for going for the low hanging fruit ) threads on the frontpage at once, and you make another one, it’s not. Therefor, you get cited with the “please reply to an existing thread” rule.
But wait, this is the rule:
Source: Welcome to General Discussion - Please Read!
Don’t “bump” posts.
The act of posting simply to bump a thread is considered spamming. This also includes bumping very old threads for no reason (called “necro bumping” or “necroing”). Users who are found to be bumping posts will be subject to forum account suspension and post removal.
The word “existing” is ageless when referring to forum threads. I am happy to see you agree that as long as the older topic is relevant it’s ok to post on an older thread.
So…to clear up what “necroing” actually is…it is the same as “bumping” a thread for no reason with just one word to move the thread back to the top of the forum stack.
Bumping is spamming a thread with one word for no reason other than keeping the thread on top of the forum stack.
Necroing is reviving an old thread with using one word with no reason other than moving it back up to the top of the forum stack.
The specifics will change depending on who you ask. If they made it too specific (“if it’s x days old, it’s against the rules”, “it has to be more than one word”) it’s too easy to exploit. Good rules are made to intentionally be vague so that they can cover people’s butts in any situation, but specific enough to get the general idea across.
It’s not a science, it’s just an exercise in common sense and hoping that a moderator shares it with you.
I think the easiest way to do it (on mobile) is to tap the page counter and you should see a paw print at the bottom. That is your topic tracking feature. There’s an option in there to mute the thread so you don’t have to see it. Work is a bit tedious but I have muted a few threads in my time. There may even be keyboard shortcuts for that on a desktop.