Some confusion about the CoC Bumping? Necro?

Maybe I don’t understand “bumping”.

There is a conflict within the CoC stating it is not good to create new threads about the same topic.

I am trying to use the “search :mag_right:” function more to find existing threads about the same topic I want to discuss.

Apparently, some participants think that this is “necroing” a thread. Which is considered bad too.

See the confusion? If the CoC frowns on new threads that already exist and you “shouldn’t” post a new insight on an existing old thread. Then why are these older threads allowed to linger? (1year+).

I may have a solution. Why not reset the forum after a major new patch is realeased? Then we know we will have feed back on the current patch.

just make a new thread always

search feature is useless and always leads to necroing

making a new thread about the same topic is only bad when it leads to spam on the forums

That doesn’t solve the CoC conflict.

Look at some of the active topics. If there isn’t one for what you want, make a new one even if one has been made in the past. Necroing is worse than making a topic that isn’t currently being discussed


unless its spam and making multiple threads of something that is already being discussed, a new thread doesnt break tos

The forum is like a broken record ATM. There are threads that were created in the past that cover the same topics.

Violation :eyes:

It stops being a violation when it otherwise involves necroing. It’s because that rule specifically refers to spamming the same topic over and over like that mercy main raid. So if the topic isn’t active, it isn’t being spammed. Therefore you can make one.

Creating Duplicate Threads

This category includes:

  • Creating threads about existing topics
  • Creating a separate thread about an existing topic for further discussion in more than one forum

Nothing really in the Code about bumping. Generally when we talk about “bumping” etiquette, it means you don’t literally reply with one word: bump or bumping. There has to be some context in your post, or it’ll likely be deleted. Should be anyway.

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Your post solves nothing.

The conflict still exists.

Can’t create a new thread if the topic exists. Can’t post on an older thread because it’s just…old?

The “necro” thing sounds like a made up piece of you know what that we don’t need.

It just seems like no one pays attention to the create new thread section of the CoC.

Is this the problem?

Hand on hip, “I can make a new thread whenever I want to. It’s my idea. Why should I put my idea on someone else’s thread?”

Ok so don’t make any topics. :woman_shrugging: I’m just telling you how it actually works.

Ahh… Thank you.

I read that too. Spamming a small word like “bump” to move a thread to the top is a violation. You can’t spam irrelevant posts to keep a thread on top of the forum stack.

Placing a relevant post (like I have) that coincides to the topic is acceptable to revive an older thread.

The “necro” thing is just something someone made up just because they don’t like older threads that convey the SAME topic idea.

The compulsion to “own” the topic is what is cluttering the forum.

Just because the thread isn’t yours doesn’t mean that the good idea in your post belongs to the thread author.

The thread author has only stated a “topic” to discuss.
The author of the thread does not “own” the posts that follow upon the thread.

The “ideas” from individual posts within the thread belong to the creator of that post.

There is no need to create new threads in fear of “losing” an idea to a “topic” thread author.

It’s ok to post new ideas on older existing thread topics as long as your post fits the topic of discussion.

So then, what is “necroing” again? It looks like it conflicts with the CoC showing prejudice against older threads.

Well… technically, necroing a post is the same thing as bumping the post with a one liner (or one sentence) that only serves the purpose of… bumping the topic. But its every moderator for themselves really. That’s subject to change based on opinions.

Revisiting an older topic as they become more relevant, or even bringing in new ideas, are more welcome than one liners.

All of that being said, I wouldn’t concern myself with any relevant topics that are more than a year old. They will probably get bumped off the grid anyway whether your intentions were good or not (again, subjectivity plays a role in this).

I honestly forgot that existed tbh

Look at it this way:

Is there an active thread on the same topic already going: Post there

Is the most recent topic about the topic multiple months old: Make a new one

I don’t think it’s a hard and fast rule, but it’s kind of…common sense really??

For the CoC, they just don’t want you spamming the forums. So, if there is an active topic about something then don’t go creating spin offs of the active thread. It breaks up the conversation and isn’t healthy.

For example: If there is a thread where people posted in the last 30 minutes that talks about Doomfist being OP then don’t go create a new Doomfist is OP thread. Just post on the one that people are using to talk about that.

But don’t go necroing a dead thread either. That’s worse. For example:

If someone made a thread about D.Va being OP from 2017 or Orisa being underpowered from 2018 and you went to comment on it now then all the previous comments on that thread would be completely irrelevant and out of touch with the current state of the game. It could result in someone replying harshly to the OP who is completely confused because the thread is a year or 2 old and they were talking about a different time. Just don’t do that. I’ve almost replied on threads like this and then stopped myself when I saw the age of the thread.

Make a new one? That is where the confusion is.

Why make a new thread on the SAME existing topic? The existing thread topic is still good. Is it a deep psychological problem to “own” a topic?

Just because a thread my have aged a little doesn’t make the topic irrelevant. If you are taking the time to create a so called “new” thread on the SAME existing topic; then you have the time to post something “new” on the existing topic.

I am starting to think about “laziness”.


It’s possible, especially on an old thread that the people may not even be around the forums anymore. There is a point where it’s more relevant to recreate a thread than to necro and old thread. But others have already said that.

You think whatever you want, and if it’s easier for you, don’t create threads or post in old ones and you don’t have to worry about it.

No, you’re not supposed to create threads within a short time frame of each other about the same topic, like a few hours or maybe even a day or so.

“Necroing” is taking an extremely old thread, more than a month or so, and then restarting it. There’s a difference between the two.

It’s against the CoC, as is creating multiple threads of the same topic within a short time of each other.

There’s not really a conflict. I’m pretty sure the CoC states “spamming” of threads with the same topic, which means they’re done withing a short time, as I’ve said multiple times. Necroing, which is against the rules as well, is not “spamming”, making them two separate offenses.

When I do a search I try to find a thread topic that matches what I want to discuss. I don’t believe it matters how old the thread is.

“Necroing” who made up that ridiculous term and tried to add it to the CoC? If you noticed “necroing” is not part of the real CoC.

It is in the “addendumb” portion. Necroing looks made up and conflicts with the actual CoC.