Sombra's hack needs nerfs

So is bastions Primary Fire but there are ways to counter it…

You should keep note I’ve never said she was OP at all.

Nah. It’s fine.

I go against it quite frequently, and because I know how she plays, I know how to counter it. D.Va spraying with her infinite ammo periodically works, as does anything that is tickle damage. Less ability-reliant heroes work well against her, too.

McCree is effective against her, as is Soldier, Ashe, and Zarya is the least affected tank by her.

I get you want hack nerfed, but that is directly nerfing a huge facet of Sombra’s usefulness. If you nerf hack/EMP, you need to give her SERIOUS compensation buffs. And you didn’t offer any.

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But you silly goose, you can’t counter EMP. Hey, look at me I’m a robit shooting in one direction. Stand behind cover.

Hi, I’m Sombra you don’t know where I am I’m gonna hack you and your entire team.

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She is good if you use voice chat to tell your team mates what you are doing and what’s about to happend…

Ehhh no, no compensation.

That’s a net-nerf, then, and I’m inclined to believe you don’t actually want Sombra balanced.

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Maybe reduce the clip size and make here a hitscan?

maybe then they can nerf hack cooldown time and ultimate points from damage.

She has a 60 magazine clipsize and she is hitscan, already. O_o


Basically her entire kit.

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No, not really. I don’t care if she’s balanced I just want hack to be solved. Her place in game as far as how much she’s picked does not matter to me. What does matter is that an ability this strong should be dealt with.

She can go 0% win rate on the ladder between you and me. That said I do hope others can find a way to enjoy her.

You’re honest, I’ll give you that.

But, I’m going to hard pass on this since you don’t care about balance. You just want something you dislike removed. Which is shallow, and if that was leveled against you, I’m sure you would not like it.


I wan’t all damage dealers to be as they are in a fps game, a damage dealer not a Hero that only survives because she can Teleport out of fights because she has no tools for fighting only being invisible and observing. they should nerf the dmg output and put here in the support slot…

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I don’t no, and that is fine. If my main, had issues, which they do I would not mind nerfs. If that helps. I want her to be enjoyable for you all don’t get me wrong.

I like alot of what Thrower is saying for instance and if I could I’d compensate her with something but right now you know. Small strokes fill great oaks.

The solution is on your side: learn to play. Emp and Hack can be quite easy avoided for most heroes and/or the effect of it by playing smart, basically reduced to zero.


Take away here gun and give here a healing staff like mercy, we love broken support Hero’s <3

maybe give her wings to! :smiley:

That isn’t true. We see people who ‘know how to play’ get EMP’d and hacked all of the time. Everyone knows how to play, this is a very silly assessment. After all when a high ranked player gets hacked or EMP’d do they not know how to play?

Yes and no… as Zarya is pretty capable killing the enemies on her own, not only that, but her ultimate brings and lock enemies in one group up position other than a select few heroes.

Not only that, but the ultimate itself deals damage.

Again, it stuns the enemy for four seconds… Yes you need a team follow-up to help capitalize on the opportunity, but at the same time, the enemy is lock/ stun on the ground which you can’t even shoot nor move for the duration of Earth Shatter.

This ultimate just got added to the game… It’s not even a week old yet.

Yes, it takes away the players ability, however there are heroes who do not depend on his or her abilities as much… Not only that but Hack nor EMP have the stun effect like other stuns in the game does… That is because Hack and EMP are silencers abilities.

The only hero who can effectively block Earth Shatter is …

  • Another Reinhardt
  • Mei's Ice Wall (Time perfectly)
  • Brigitte (she only protects herself)
  • Orisa's Barrier
  • Winston's Barrier

  • With Zarya, the only heroes who can counter her Ultimate ...
  • Genji
  • That is it… other than that, the way to counter her ultimate is to spread apart, same goes with Junkrat’s Tire… to counter it, you need to spread apart… SAME WITH SOMBRA’S ULTIMATE, if you suspect an enemy Sombra to EMP, simply play around objects and corners and spread apart.

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    I don’t know about that, I mean support Sombra would be interesting. I like alot of what you are saying so far though. You ever watch Norsemen? It’s pretty funny.