Sombra's damage on ULT

This is the most broken thing
This plus her new damage boost bonus for half hp targets (basically focus beam echo on passive)
Watch the pro showcase match at the moment kevster emps mag (reinhardt) he gets blowned up in 1 second
Seems like tanks getting destroyed and obliterated isn’t even close to getting fixed.
Yet another reason to not play tank, thanks

Minute 5:55

Looks super fun for the pro Tank player right?


No worries, i really doubt it stays that way. Probably afraid it’d be too weak, and it will be tuned.

Her damage boost is against hacked targets, not half HP targets. Just fyi.


Create some hype by using some overblown numbers with a hero rework reveal, nah, let’s say ult reduces 10% current hp and really underwhelm 'em, that’ll be exciting…

Obviously they will tweak it if it’s too strong. :thinking: :upside_down_face: :rofl:

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Most likely Sombra has the strongest CC in the DPS roster.


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…considering her core identity is hacking/disruption I think the devs have been very fair to Sombra considering their current OW2 philosophy of moving most (not all) CC to tanks. :slight_smile:


Can’t wait to play it. A game fair to its fictional character but unfun to its players.

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its just 1 second…

but i understand.


1s that chains with all the others.

No CC is a problem by itself, every CC is a problem in context.


Im still scared.

D.Va getting demeched = a team loss

Care to provide some actual points in your reply rather than emotional arguments.

Emotional arguments like this are weak, subjective (your opinion), and based on nothing.

For example, I quoted the teams design philosophy and you’re like “no fun”

I’ll wait… :slight_smile:


You can quote whatever the fork you wish from the team a team lead by someone I distrust.

Good for you if you like it, enjoy it, do whatever the fork you wish.

I’m expressing my opinion and why I’m not playing Overwatch so far.


That version of Sombra is not going live if they are smart. Like anything else, they are trying to make the game look very appealing to play. Those numbers will change long before they release the game

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So…that’s a no? :rofl: :upside_down_face:


Don’t worry.
There is no doubt there will be balance changes in OW2.

I believe the OP look is bait to get players to try OW2.
I don’t need baiting tactics to get me to buy OW2.

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It is very interesting to see people complaining about Sombra being able to do damage now instead of stripping your abilities for 5 seconds… instead it is for 1 second something that everyone been asking for, and people are still complaining…

I am starting to get that people just do not like Sombra as a character as again the hacked your abilities has been stripped away from her in terms of how it used to be in OW1 and for exchange, she now deals damage like every other DPS hero.


I believe it is fair.

Sombra has to maneuver to get the hack and then only the hacked target is vulnerable for 5 seconds in which 5 seconds feels like a long time in this fast paced game.

They may play around with the balancing there…
I predict it may go down to 3 seconds.

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If you find a tool that measures fun in an objective way you’re welcomed to share it with the world and win a Nobel prize.

Otherwise get a grip and stop making arguments from authority. Geoff Goodman is the reason this game is in shambles, if you like it more power to you, but don’t pretend your queue times are magically good for it.


LOL! They literally said it. They’re the developers of the game I’m quoting their intention based on their words, not their opinion. That’s not an argument from authority friendo…

I can’t, I can’t even right now… :rofl: :upside_down_face: :thinking:

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Vulnerable, I wouldn’t say with the new changes as the hacked target will be locked out of his or her abilities for 1 second, and for the 7 seconds they gain back his or her passives, abilities etc.

The invisible hack, I wouldn’t stress because if the Sombra doesn’t come out of stealth mode then that is 50% damage boost wasted on her part, but in exchange she revealed the enemy position for her teammates.

If she does come out of stealth that 50% damage is only for Sombra alone, not her teammate. Granted 50% sounds a lot for 7 seconds, however, she has to hurry up to take advantage of that boost in the meantime the target regain his or her abilities and not only that but the target teammates can help assist.

Also, I see people already complaining about this rework when we haven’t even got the full changes to tanks, supports and the rest of the DPS cast, People complain about utility Sombra, but now that she more so a damage hero now with the rework, people are still complaining that she will be an assassin.