Sombra's damage on ULT

Oh great, those devs ruined OW1 so keep quoting.

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It’s been the case since 2016. This is why I like the rework, but I’m not optimistic for Sombra’s future if Blizzard caves to the haters.


I agree, first people want to use their abilities so Blizzard did just that… you will be locked out of your abilities for 1 second, but for a compromise- Sombra and only Sombra deals 50% damage to you.

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It’s an untuned rework….I wouldn’t worry about the numbers

The functionality is what’s important for now

Oh wow…that’s so not what was said…just…wow… :rofl: :upside_down_face: :thinking:

Okay then, let me know when you have something to say.

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I’d move the goal posts too if I said something wrong but was too proud to admit it… :wink: :rofl: :thinking:

Okay have a nice day…


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People are not aware she lost 15% of her guns damage. Like wowies, seriously, it must have been broken, can’t wait to further tickle armor clad targets.


Mal, dont worry my friend. Sombra will get nerfed into oblivion on release. And this already useless character will become even more useless.

Thats just how Blizzard works. Unless youre one of their few favorites, they will not allow you to remain top tier. Cough cough Ana most picked on all ranks for years and nothing done about it cough cough.

Sombra was the least picked since forever and they want me to believe that NOW theyll finally care about her? Hah! I think they did this whole thing just to generate hype for OW2 and get early PvE Purchases. But they will nerf Sombra after like a month or two if not less.

Ana will still remain number 1, along with Tracer. Theyre just their Favorites. Its how they operate.

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Hacked targets that only lose their cooldowns for 1 second but are vulnerable to twice the damage for 8 seconds.
And she can hack every 3 seconds, so she can hack a single target each 3 seconds to make them miserable. All while invisible.
Looks very fun for tanks

Why are you telling me this? I was just correcting you.

Like tanks care the least about this Sombra


Correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought only Sombra herself gets a damage bonus against hacked targets?

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I’ve seen this. 99% of the hacks were pointless. Btw, you picked a scene with EMP not hack.

No its not. Hack is basically a discord orb/interrupt only for herself and her ult is like an insta Sigma ult where she has a Mercy damage boost to follow up on, but typically when Sombra ults she wants to get out quickly before she is focused down. Since she is normally sitting right in the middle of the enemy team after she ults anyway.