Sombramains subreddit reached 5000 members

A rework would be sad.

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Literally everyone lol.

Death is a permanent hack and she has a pretty low DPS, especially compated to literally every other damage dealer.

Her bugs make it a 30% chance to actually have a successful hack. Watch any one of Fitzyhere’s videos and you’ll see how bad it is. Guaranteed one hack bug per live stream because it’s so common.

No other disruption has this many bugs, with maybe the exception of Rein’s ultimate, but that’s a whole different story with seemingly one major bug. Sombra has dozens of bugs and no answers to any of them.


https ://

just for you :slight_smile:

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Not to mention the countless bugs on her hack.

She should 100% be thriving in this meta, and she’s not because of her bugs.

And i’m sure mccree and roadhog make sombra obsolete too.

just cause jeff said it doesnt mean thats actually how it happens lmao

not really, they disrupt in different ways

mcree is awful rn because there are too many shields and the hook is aimed, as opposed to sombras point n click hack

hmm i just gave you evidence, Jeff is lead dev… beginning to think youre a troll so i guess i am done with you.

@companion best vid ever!

jeff saying it isnt evidence wtf, you just dont wanna hear the truth i guess thats fine do ur thing

edit: you actually gave more evidence for my arguement than yours

he said he doesnt want sombra to be an assassin, but a backline disruptor, like i said she is

now fast foward to the sombra changes that were made to give her a tigher spread, to make it better for her to get ult charge from shooting, almost like an assassin

i mean i guess technically death is a perma hack… but not really

and 30% chance of hack? can you exaggerate it any further?

:balloon::balloon: :cake: :pancakes: :balloon::balloon:


You mean that hack you can just shoot before it’s over everytime that’s buggy too? Also mccree is still better than sombra.

I feel like everytime that sombra reaches out to hack she’s actually reaching out to a bright light because that’s when she dies everytime😂

It’s not exaggeration. Hack is really bad to the point i stopped playing Sombra in Quick Play because i don’t want to ruin match for 5 other teammates instalock dps players.

Edit: i actually mean what i say here.

textbook example of taking 5% of what I said and talking about nothing else.

30% chance of a successful hack by someone that’s not pro. Whenever I or most players play her, we don’t have a very good chance of hacking. Especially when the FOV is lower for the hack since the nerf, literally a pole can interrupt hack, and some heroes have hitboxes for hack that are different than others. Heroes like Pharah, you need to aim higher with the hack rather than the center of the body. Heroes with large hitboxes, like Roadhog, you need almost complete 100% vision of him.

Heroes with lots of flanking/movement abilities are impossible to hack when they’re moving with an ability. Doomfist is nearly impossible to hack unless he’s just on the ground. Tracer can break hack just by blinking. Widow can break hack just by using her grappling hook.

There’s just so much that can go wrong with hack, it’s 100% easier to pick a hero with higher damage potential than Sombra and be done with it.

She has the same issue that Ana did before her buff. Too much effort for too little reward.


more exaggerating, considering how i read and responded to everything lul

listen, the hack is really easy to pull off idk why you are even coming at me with this, the hack time is almost instant, after latency it is almost instant. If someone is dashing, all you need to do is move your mosue in their general direction, and they get hacked, its not hard

thats like saying that i think the earth is flat but you say that the earth is round and give me evidence stated by NASA, but just because NASA said it it doesnt mean that thats how the earth actually looks…

then again there are flat earthers so.

no i dont think the earth is flat XD

i gave u evidence from ur own source

You must have a slow mind if you think it’s instant, i think hack is the reach out to die button.

You mean besides her kit being mostly filled with bugs and no real direction towards her actual role?

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hack is actually instant there is video evidence