Sombra Ultimate Voice Line

Every single hero in this game has their native language for the enemy team and the english translation for their team (if they speak another language). Lucio just got his native language for the enemy when he uses his ultimate, and there are unused voice lines of Sombra saying, “I’m cutting off the power” and “I’m turning off the lights.” with different variation. No other hero just says, “[ultimate name] activated!” so why can’t Sombra get the english version of her ultimate?


“Tactical Visor Activated”


the devs hate sombra


“Volvamos a la medianoche” roughly means “back to midnight” in Spanish. In Mexico during the Omnic Crisis, there was a point where all the power went out for decades and they called it “la medianoche” or “the midnight.” That was Sombra’s original EMP voice line and it’s now a buyable voice line during Archives. As for the current EMP voice line, “Apagando las luces,” it means “lights out” in Spanish which is also a reference to “la medianoche.” Idk why it’s simply “EMP activated” in English, but it’s probably just to avoid confusion


actually it’s volvamos a la medianoche which means let’s go to midnight

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Sorry, I’m not the best Spanish speaker, I wasn’t 100% perfect but I got most of the key points right

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Tactical visor activated, mine-field deployed, rocket barrage incoming, incoming (doomfist), Activating Self Destruct Sequence…


I think her Los Muertos and Azucar skins should get the “Coding the Power!” voicelines. Blizzard needs to make legendary skins more special.


“Cutting the power!” Sound better.


tbh i think turning out the lights sounds better than cutting the power. she sounds so badass and charismatic when she says it.


I would love them to add her cloak skin and give her “Volvamos a la medianoche!” as her ultimate voice line.

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Do people even research the language before making posts like this? I swear there was someone complaining about the same thing with torbjorn

Where’s Torb’s Swedish voiceline :frowning:

well that at least makes sense, his voice actor doesn’t speak swedish!

Neither does Lucio’s :(((((

you got me with soldier, but other than him they don’t say that. rocket barrage incoming at least sounds interesting. Sombra seems like she’s having a convo when she says it.

I kind of like it. It sounds really smug

The VA took private lessons to get authentic sounding voice lines, he did a great job too

They’re actually all pretty equally dull since they use the same basic format ([ultimate ability]+[status]). :smiley:

However, I did notice that Sombra (and Ana although she has three ult lines) is the only one of the heroes with non-English voice lines that uses this kind of format in her ultimate voice line while other heroes with non-English voice lines sound like actual catchphrases:

Reality bends to my will, The dragon becomes me, Let the dragon consume you, Heroes never die, No one can hide from my sight, Surrender to my will, Rally to me, Freeze don’t move, Fire at will, You’re powered up get in there.


“Tactical visor activated” and “activating self-destruct sequence” are in the game.

Wouldn’t be opposed to a different line though.