Sombra- translocator distance limit

… what

I didn’t compare them. I said ‘please use a similar mechanic’ Regarding distance.

That’s it.

That’s literally comparing them, saying they should be similar in any aspect is quite literally comparing them, and yes sombra is one of the worse characters in the game. She has one of the lowest pick rates and has low damage out put and an underwhelming kit, the only thing carrying her is EMP

Soldier pew pew gets stopped by shields…I say so should Ana pew pews…

:no_mouth: It’s not “comparing them” to talk about an interaction.

Calm down , rebecca

I’m a Sombra main - and whilst I DIDNT make any requests - I’ve appreciated the changes because it makes setting up easier lol

Um every character can go pew pew so yes if you were making an example about Ana’s damage while she goes pew pew vs soldier then you are making a comparison, it’s a little sad this concept is so foreign to you. You are asking that sombra’s range if her translocator be more like sym’s teleporter, thus you are comparing the two. And since these two abilities, like Ana and soldier’s pew pew, have absolutely nothing in common your point is illogical, meaning this request will never happen.

She just needs QOL buffs like letting translocator reload her gun and such, but nothing too drastic like an mag size increase to 100 lmao

And not all get stopped with barriers or have been stopped.

I’m asking for a change and used a reference. That’s it.

Sure Becky.

Nerf one of the worst heroes in the game and give no compensation buff?

Why don’t you just say that you hate Sombra…

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Well your reference was incorrect and an inaccurate depiction of the two abilities, and calling me random white lady names further proves that you have no stance for your argument and reinforces the idea that even you can not even try to argue for such a terrible idea such as the one you have made up, sombra is in no need for any nerfs and if anything needs more buffs case closed

What… I’m asking for a mechanic change specifically. Do whatever else. I don’t care for this post.

… What incorrect? It’s a reference to the sole build and destroy by distance mechanic in the game.


It’s vines. From misconstruing intent…and then shooting me.

R.i.p vine

Luckily I don’t care about nerfing her for this post.

I’m asking for a mechanic change here.

Daz it

It’s not that deep fam. You’re projecting.

I always laugh when i see sombras place their TL in spawn.

It’s honestly embarrassing.


I almost feel like they saw one of the sombras do it in OWL but completely misunderstood why.

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Like, "oh that was cool. I’ll do it, always ʘ‿ʘ "

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I don’t see the point, what are you even trying to do here? Do you really think this is gonna magically make people good at Sombra?

I get Zen kills at over 45 lmao.

Monkey see, monkey do.

You’re asking for a change that would break the character and make her even worse than she currently is, it’s like reducing sym’s sentry turret damage just because one noob couldn’t escape its low DPS, it sucks that you find trouble killling sombra but it’s not the trans locator distance that’s the problem it’s whatever strategy you’re using to kill sombra cause I find it incredibly easy to kill her even if her trans locator is across the map

That doesn’t mean it’s not a huge nerf?

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Then make other changes? I don’t care for this post. This isnt a

“My reworked sombra” post.

It’s a “I want this mechanic and behavior gone” post.


Make a rework thread. Or join my “sombra should be buffed here” posts.

This is a mechanic post.

You keep saying you don’t care for this post, so prove it. Delete it cause if you really didn’t care you wouldn’t mind when a plethora of people point out how this idea is illogical and extremely extremely unlikely