Sombra- translocator distance limit

Because it wasn’t a fix all. It is specifically bound to translocator. Which I do have an issue with.

It won’t make her worse anymore than a cooldown did.

All it does is change her limits. If you already use close health packs or by your team, it doesn’t change.

35 meters is each health pack by hanumura point two.

Over einchenwald walls…


Still can go vertical.
All that it limits, unlike emp ult or mass Rez,

Is specifically distance based play.

I think she doesnt need nerfs or buffs. Maybe you could increase the noise of the translocator if it is closeby, but right now it is working fine.

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I’d trade the unlimited duration on beacon for a faster projectile velocity, so you can use translocator more aggressively, rather than almost purely defensively.

Sombra’s a very passive hero stylistically, so it’s extremely easy to negate her value by playing hyper aggro into her team and punishing the setup time. Leashing the beacon with a timer or fixed range doesn’t address this, but letting her move around more often and quicker lets her re-engage when a frontline suddenly shifts, or if she wants to gain a positional advantage when faced with a push that offers no clear flank routes.

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I miss perma translocator… It was a solid aggressive play.

Having it accidently tickled by dmg is so tragic :pensive:

I’d like to address the notion that people that place Translocator in spawn are doing so because they’re paranoid about it being found by the enemy and destroyed when you most need it.

Personally, and I’d like to add that I only play Sombra in Quickplay, I’ve found that her damage is fine, it’s just her reload speed kinda sucks.

Sombra definitely needs buffs
And sombra definely doesn’t need damage buffs as urgent as she needs stealth buffs or fixing LoS checks

Trust me, increasing the damage won’t do anything unless you do it by a big amount so she becomes tracer 2.0

Your entire argument is that she is good with supports… this was the whole problem with Ashe. She was trash, but good with Mercy damage buff. She still got buffs though, because she was weak on her own. I’m not saying she needs specifically a damage buff, but she definitely needs more kill power, perhaps with a bit less falloff so she can keep a bit more distance.

TBH this is her biggest problem. Her character is overall bad at dealing damage, but her ult is built so easily. I get it in the first team fight, just by spamming tanks with damage from behind. My biggest issue is that. She isn’t good unless she is attacking tanks to build ult charge. I don’t have fun poking a roadhog, and tping away before I get hooked, but it builds her ult so fast it is the only real thing to do.

Part of this problem is that she has no in-fight mobility, such as heroes like Tracer, Genji, Hanzo, Widow, etc. They all can escape or use mobility to help fight. Sombra, on the other hand, even though she basically has a get out of jail free card, she has no mobility to help her during an actual fight. Invis is easy to get knocked out of if you use it in the middle of a fight, and translocate is a relatively slow travel method, and is predictable because you know where they are going. So, for example, even if I’m at 145 HP as Sombra, I might dip out of a fight if I’m concerned about a headshot. I’ve seen really good McCree’s get a lucky headshot that just obliterates me before I can react.

Let me be clear, she has nice damage up close, but she has no abilities in her toolkit if she doesn’t ruin another hero’s kit. Sombra isn’t really great against killing DPS (better things to do, ya know), so I wouldn’t waste my hack on him when tanks like Rein, Sig, and Hog are better uses. So, if I only have my primary fire, and I get caught needing to reload, I’m forced to leave because she has a long-ish reload (I think like 1.45 seconds?)

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Meh, that would result in insane homework you would have to do as a Sombra player to measure each distance for good set up spots for the translocator while still having the most options for the team fight available without overextending the max range.

I agree with you, but I also think they need to solidy her role, instead of having her stay as some sloppy in-between of damage and support. She needs a clearer role. Sometimes, when I’m playing her people say I need to be doing more damage. Okay, so I focus more on direct damage. Then I’m accused of not getting enough hacks. Okay, I focus on getting hacks on tanks. “Kill something ******* DPS”. I’m sick of it. There is no balance between her utility and her damage. It needs to be more defined so that everyone knows her role, because right now it seems to be split.

Why should I trust you? Do you have experience in balancing Overwatch? Just because you have a lot of time on Sombra? Guess what, I barely play Sombra, and I’m in the same ranking as you, which means we are experiencing similar gameplay. I don’t mean to be rude, but according to Overbuff, your Sombra isn’t that great. It isn’t the most reliable statistic database, but it is the most reliable one for Overwatch. I don’t even have a quarter of the hours you have, but I’m still performing better. So please, give me a reason to trust you?

This is simply not true. I’m not asking for a new Tracer, but I’m asking for a decent Sombra. Her point blank damage is fine, but she puts herself so close into the team just to be able to deal any damage. Lessen her falloff, just a bit, so she is decent more mid-range, and doesn’t have to be in harm’s way all the time to be any use. I’m not saying she should always be able to kill safely, but she should at least be able to kill something without being directly behind the target.

Translocate to the main menu
Best solution

Not balance experience, it’s more of what a sombra players feel like she’s missing and what she needs

If you look back, when they reworked hack to be less support more DPS, everyone was like “hmmm, kind of like a nerf” until it hit PTR and we became the best dps for the next week

Then infinite invis… Media was crazy with “HUUUGE BUFF GUYS” meanwhile us where like “please don’t push this live, she’s ded”
We mitigated the damage a bit but is still overall a nerf for people who mastered sombra since, sure, you do things easier, but waaay slower, and it’s not good to be slow in a fast paced game, this is why infinite invis and LoS checks made her set up slowly, she needed to be more careful and she walked to places slower

And it’s also why infinite tp for sym didn’t feel good, and is why bastion has been F tier all these years

I’m bad
This is why I go to xenoblade chronicles
I beat every monster that is not a gorila level 81

I think they’ve tried this with the spread reduction (I know it’s not the same but it still increases damage from further away) and…

You know
It works for the first week
Then it’s forgotten and the “I really feel this buff” disappears and more threats of buff sombra’s damage start to pop up so

Flashbacks of tracer fall off buff

Mostly highground
But it is map dependent so
Scratch that

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Actually though lol.

So entirely opinion based… my opinion is that she needs a rework to better fit her role as a damage dealer.

I remember this, but now she is in that same rut where she isn’t very powerful outside of hack. If you aren’t hacking tanks/Mercy, you aren’t really doing much.

Yes I agree with this. I still think she needs something for her damage to make up for the lack of it in her kit (even if she can attack from anywhere), but if she could set up quicker it would be much appreciated.

The fact that the threads keep popping up should be an indication that she maybe… needs more damage? She’s currently struggling between three different roles. Assassin who can take out solo targets, flanker who disrupts enemy team/finishes low targets, or support who boosts health packs.

Honestly, like I’ve said, I think her damage is fine up close, but at range it is just too hard to deal any damage. She shouldn’t be up close killing people, but she also shouldn’t need to be unable to kill anything if they are getting any healing. I can kill almost any target in a 1v1, but I can’t if they are getting literally any healing, from as little as Zenyatta’s harmony orb.

This is a big mistake I see Sombra players make. They use translocate next to a health pack, but don’t use it for highground first. Almost all of the maps with accessible high ground has a health pack there, or nearby. Throw translocator up somewhere high, or get somewhere high, then throw translocate somewhere else so you have an escape.

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Opinions intensified!!!

Unfortunately that’s all we have. We know she needs buffs according to statistics, but we don’t know what they actually should do to make her viable.

Honestly, other than spread, I would like to see them play with resources. Maybe give her two translocators, but only one can be active? She would need longer cooldowns, but it would be interesting to see her have one for combat, and one for escaping. Go Invis, throw one near an enemy, throw one as an escape, and then exit invis and fight.

Also, maybe an invis bar? No cooldown, but it needs to charge like Defense Matrix. Increase the speed, but give it a max length of like 10 seconds. That way she could move quicker, but she also had to be smart with resources.

No clue if these would work, but I would be interested in seeing them tested.

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I’ve always thought of this idea after they introduced the Translocator going on cooldown after placing instead of after using

I’ve always imagined how cool (and broken) would it be to Translocate -> EMP -> Translocate away

LOL so broken but so funny. I did something kind of similar the other day. I went invis, EMP’d, translocated away, and my team ended up getting a teamwipe.

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She should be able to leave her teleport at her team and go kill Widow or Ashe, even if they are 40m away. Minimum would need to be 45m so she has wriggle room to go harass snipers in the backline.

Why tho? Why is she “required” to backline?

She isn’t tracer or genji.

And why is she backlining to something soooo far from her own translocator?

She doesn’t have to and didn’t always. We arbitrarily chose this route imo

And it seems unnecessary when the whole point was to change her to force her in the fight

.otherwise, why change her at all…

Because she has even less tools than them to have a fight presence if she isn’t being a disruptor. And part of that is harassing backlines when the opportunity presents itself.

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She’s an awful character how are you struggling to kill her, literally all you need is another sombra, mccree, mei, brig or any other stub character to stop her in her tracks before she can translocate, stop complaining

Sym’s teleporter has an entrance and exit meaning it has to have a meter cap since of it didn’t what would stop sym from placing the teleporter at their own spawn point and the enemy’s spawn, it’s like comparing apples to oranges, it’s simply illogical to compare the two abilities