Sombra thread gets a reply in 2 months. Bastion hasn't even been mentioned in over 16 months (since his gutting a week after his rework)

Can’t take a joke, it’s very obvious that he doesn’t mean it.

Bastion used to have a much smaller spread and headshots, and didn’t dominate the entire game. They gave Bastion Ironclad when they took away his accuracy and headshots. That is the only time he was ever viable in competitive play for anything more than a gimmicky surprise tactic. They then nerfed Ironclad, leaving Bastion nearly as vulnerable as before with less than half of the damage output.

Either Bastion needs to be nigh unkillable by single enemies, or Bastion needs to obliterate any single target that dares look down the end of his gun barrels in order to function in this high mobility team game. For Bastion to be viable in 6v6, he must be absolutely oppressive in 1v1. And it’s okay if he’s OP in 1v1, because he can’t chase anyone down if they don’t want to fight him.


Bastion does currently win most 1v1’s. Anything with 250 hp or less is gone in less than a second. Tanks take a few. The problem is, if you gave him those buffs, he would be oppressive in 1vMoreThanOne scenarios.

Ehh, not quite… He can somehwhat reliably win against a few characters, but it’s far from “most”. Pretty much anyone can just corner peek him nearly point blank, and take basically no damage because a majority of Bastion’s bulletsare just hitting the wall…

I don’t like bringing rank into things, especially my own, and Overbuff is kind of a dumb metric, but whatever… According to it, I’m in the top 5% of Bastion’s in QP. I can normally win a 1v1 against a Winston, Doomfist (without his ult), Brigitte,’s mech (Whether I can kill zero suit depends on RNG), and I think that’s about it… There may be more, but that’s all that comes to mind… Anything else, and I’ll need assistance from a teammate to take on that single enemy because my spread is too large, and I can’t outdamage them.

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Guess we’ve been doing it wrong.

I forgot that i could just win most 1v1’s by existing… And here i was attempting to use my Gun… Haha…

And yea, since Bastion has Never Been able to hit for headshot damage, i have No Clue what effect those possible changes would have on this game.

It would probably be CRAZY Unstoppable, and the whole game would revolve around him. Ya know… since that has never happened before.

If they willingly shove the end of Bastion’s gun into their own mouth, yes. The problem is that Bastion kills so slowly in realistic scenarios that Bastion’s targets have time to react and leave even after severely overcommitting to the area that Bastion is trying to control. From there, nearly everyone is free to corner peek Bastion until he dies. He has no hope of killing someone with partial cover.

The only heroes who can’t kill him by corner peeking right in front of him are heroes who have damage lower than Bastion’s self-healing. That means Moira and Winston, with an honorable mention for Brigitte because she doesn’t have the range to corner peek. Reinhardt doesn’t need to, he has charge.

You should not be able to corner peek a Bastion. As a stationary target, he should be as deadly as Widowmaker or Hanzo when he knows exactly where your head will appear.

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I like it conceptually. It sounds a little OP if I’m honest.

The issue you’re running into here is in stuff like

Like blizzard likes the appearance of consistency. So it’d likely be 2x or nothing.

Is this like in regards to ana’s Anti-heal? Just checking

Not gonna lie, that sounds like a little much.

I also think the instant reloading thing takes away from necessary awareness.
I’m a fan of it in concept, though! It just sounds like a lot of huge buffs all at once.

I think his self-heals need a rework. I think bastion players should be able to heal themselves without cutting off shooting if it requires proper awareness.

I should just go and buy a billboard, and paint this on it.

Sorry, I can’t see anyway Bastion being as deadly as a Widow/Hanzo with a 200 round magazine would be healthy for the game in any way. He should be good at suppressing an area and controlling space, not just outright deleting.

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If you stand in front of it/Peek multiple times into direct fire, YES IT SHOULD.

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I mean, I wouldn’t want that only because I don’t think widow or Hanzo are healthy for the game atm

If you stand in front or peek multiple times, that already happens.

A Hanzo can peek in front of a Bastion, at point blank range, up to like, six times before he even comes close to dying.

And usually the hanzo will take about 50 damage before outright killing the Bastion.

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Yeah, this seems like the largest stretch in the rework… I think a full 2x headshot would be a bit much, but not having them at all kinda sucks… I’d probably also be fine with a slight base damage reduction and 2x as long as he has roughly the same DPS as he does with 1.5x…

That, and if he’s at full HP

I mean, that’s what it was before the rework… And without Ironclad, I don’t think it would be that much… especially since it’s only for 8 seconds… I mean, Torb adds 300 armor, and his ult lasts for 12 seconds…

Not sure what this is referencing…? He can’t reload instantly…?

Hanzo is slower than other characters with corner peeking when firing. If you’re correctly pre-firing him, he’s not able to peek 6 times unless he’s at sniping range.

I mean, experience doesn’t really lie… If it were a one off thing, sure, but it happens pretty consistently… If someone corner peeks you, from basically any distance, you’re probably going to die…

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Except for the fact that if you hold the fire button. Point blank, at said corner, He takes so little damage that you have zero chance at killing him.

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Well, I faced this question with sombra, maybe the bastion rework doesn’t involve statistical buffs as much as it involves new abilities. This is a character who can take different shapes, maybe make him someone who can transform into a lot of things.

Sorry, I was referring to the reloading between transformations but i didn’t see you were doing it as an ultimate. I mean, super saiyan bastion sounds cool
Edit: honestly I conflated a bit without seeing you were referring to it as an ultimate ability

Well, he reloads between transformations now… You just have to stay transformed for 2 seconds. But the transformation time counts towards that, so it’s 0.5 seconds to go to Recon mode, stay in Recon for 0.5 seconds, and then 1 second to go back to Sentry mode, and you’ll have full ammo again. All heroes that have multiple guns (Mercy, Torb, etc) can do that.

Oh wait, I see what you were looking at now… Yeah, pressing Q reloads all ammo so that he doesn’t have to waste half of his ult reloading…

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I haven’t had that problem at close range. I just guess when hanzo should want to shoot at me and start firing at the corner. Or just spray into the area, then relocate since setting up right next to hanzo’s cover isn’t the greatest idea.