The funny part is, we don’t even Know What they think about it.
Since they wont TALK TO US.
The funny part is, we don’t even Know What they think about it.
Since they wont TALK TO US.
I’m fine with him being at the bottom, but in his current state, he just feels awful to play… His spread makes his damage extremely unpredictable, which is very annoying. Sometimes you’ll get a kill in a second, sometimes it’ll take 2-3 seconds… It’s purely based on RNG whether you’ll secure a kill or not, and has little to do with the player’s skill.
I don’t think the devs want him at the bottom either though. If that were the case, I doubt Symmetra would have seen a rework. She’s a good example of a hero that is better at lower ranks, but bad at higher ones. Her and Torb…
Here’s a copy of my idea for a Tank on E. With less ammo and spread in Sentry mode, players have to make their bullets count. They’ll have to actually aim at their targets rather than just aim in the general direction. Right now, I have the spread at 1.5°, whereas originally, his spread maxed out at 2°. However, since his spread is always at max, I don’t think this would be too overpowered. If it is, 2° is fine too. With Tank on E, it allows him to move around much more freely, and leads to some pretty nice plays that you can currently only do by wasting your ult (which I’ve done… many times). With only 200 ammo in Sentry (what it was before the rework), he can only fire for 6 ⅔ seconds instead of the 10 he can now. But since more of those bullets will hit (assuming the player can aim), he’ll have around the same overall damage output, perhaps slightly higher than he does now.
If he’s still dominating way too hard in lower ranks (or even in higher ones), I wouldn’t even mind putting a limit on Sentry mode in the form of taking away his reload… If you do that, then he has to switch to Recon or Tank to get more ammo for Sentry, which limits Sentry’s use, but not with like a timer or anything.
Another possible slight nerf (if you want to call it that), is to remove Ironclad as a passive, and only apply it while Bastion is repairing. That way he’s easier to kill normally, but when he’s repairing, he’s back to about what he’s at now. I actually kinda want this one anyway, as long as it comes with a slight damage buff (in the form of a spread decrease) for Sentry…
Here’s the difference.
Sombra was utterly broken and was the effective fix to the meta.
Bastion was not, has not, and probably will never be an effective solution to any non-barrier meta. Not to mention how he’s only good at doing large damage to large targets at close to medium range, I can actually see how his niche is impacting him.
Especially in this meta, where everything’s about fast moving small targets.
I just don’t feel like they could do anything without really changing 90% of him without either making him brokenly OP in some ranks and balanced in others, or turning him into trash for the rest.
I feel like they need to start over but try their best to keep the core mechanics of Bastion in tact.
On July 15th, if he hasn’t had a response yet, I will be posting a thread to “celebrate” the big 500 day anniversary, prepare your favourite Bastion stories
This meta has mostly Rein, Orisa, and Brig though…? Dive had lots of small, fast-moving targets, but this one is more about tanks…
He used to be good at taking out smaller targets as well, but they decided he shouldn’t do that for some reason. He was reworked to “fix the meta” as well, the triple tank meta. And then we ended up with dive for like 30 years. If they hadn’t touched him, he would probably have been pretty effective against dive. A good Bastion player could deal with Tracer/Genji pretty well, and Bastion counters Winston/ pretty well anyway (Well, after’s rework anyway).
Brigitte actually isn’t the meta that much anymore. It’s mostly Hanzo/Widow now. Even Genji and Tracer have higher pickrates than her.
What are you talking about Orisa? She’s 7th from the bottom playrate wise, just above doomfist.
Rein kinda has to be in the meta because they need a barrier and Brigitte’s hitbox isn’t even that large. It’s closer to a Mei than a Doomfist hitbox tbh.
Her 5.10% playrate + 56.82% winrate begs to differ.
Not to mention she’s still the 6th top hero on overbuff.
I updated it to include those two “nerfs” as well… I kinda like them, and it helps with keeping him in check in the lower ranks without actually affecting the higher ranks all that much…
Edit: Changed some stun + transformation behavior. Now all modes act like the Tank mode transformation does currently. Some things, such as Reinhardt’s pin or Roadhog’s hook will still take Bastion out of Sentry mode, but if he was in the process of transforming to Tank mode, he will be put into that mode instead of Recon. Recon is still the default if Bastion was not in the process of transforming however.
It’s been a little while since I’ve played QP (and I don’t really play comp at all)… that’s what I remember last. Yeah, double sniper was also in literally every game too, forgot about that part… Maybe not Rein and Orisa, but I’ve definitely seen a lot more of her than I had before Brigitte.
I didn’t say Brigitte was large did I? I don’t think I did…?
I completely agree.
They just made bastion Too niche.
In your response to me talking about large hitbox heroes, you mentioned Brigitte, which implies you believe she has a large hitbox.
Here’s the quote incase you forgot.
Oh, that was more geared towards the “He’s not good in anything but a barrier meta” part… I was saying that this kinda is a barrier meta. More-so than it has been for the past year or so anyway, where the only barrier was Winston’s…
Technically, everything’s more of a barrier meta if it has more than 1 barrier in it.
But it’s still not a barrier meta though. It primarily revolves around Hanzo + Zarya + Brigitte. It keeps the entire line safe while providing enough team wipe potential that there’s hardly a counter.
As long as they keep his core mechanics in-tact, they can start over all they want… I personally think my “Tank on E v2” is a pretty big start over that levels the playing field for the ranks, but that’s probably a bit of bias in there too…
Fair enough… Haven’t really come across that too much, but then again, I don’t really play comp, and not many people care in QP…
I have seen it used a lot in OWL and such though…
I’m for that. Like I said, I think his core mechanics of being a turret are what resonates most with the people that play him.
Those changes would be terrible. Bastion would basically dominate the entire game.