Sombra thread gets a reply in 2 months. Bastion hasn't even been mentioned in over 16 months (since his gutting a week after his rework)

I’m not asking for them to be equal, I’m asking for some form of acknowledgement that he still exists. He was literally the least picked hero for a year, and Sombra only just replaced him.

But that somehow equates to Bastion being fine, right?

I’m sick of it.


You don’t have to use <small>, you can use anything between </>
even something like <dfddfdfddfdfdfdf> works too

Bastion still exists.

There, happy?

(Guys, it’s a joke… chill.)


It has been stated, several times, that the devs only talks about things they are currently working on. With Sym, Tjorbjorn, and Sombra on the operating table, and whatever new that is coming up, Bastion is simply not on their immediate to-do list.

The dev stating that they know that Bastion is in a bad place serves, quite literally, no purpose whatsoever.


Bastion hasn’t been mentioned, cause he does what he does. He shreds shields, Tanks, and anyone dumb enough to get close.


That’s kind of cold bro… They’ve been in a similar situation longer than we Sombra mains were .


I really hope bastion gets some love.

Currently I fear him if I’m brigitte. If I’m any other character not so much


As a Sombra main, you should know more than anyone how frustrating this is. Uncool.


Omg you guys are taking that way too seriously.


yeah maybe cus it wasn’t very nice.


Bastion is functional, albeit just not very viable in most scenarios, whereas Sombra was literally buggy and broken. This is why she was addressed and Bastion was not.


Get the pros to complain about Bastion is to weak and you get your rework.


Sorry, it’s the only pleasure I get on these depressing forums these days.

Why does Blizzard hate the cute robot with PTSD?


I’m still hoping for bastion orisa flanks with sym maybe he could become meta with tele seems to work well in ptr atleast. Though he does become too dependant.

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I understand your frustration. As Bastion and Sombra mains we know through what hell we have to go ingame. Almost everything counters us. It´s always the same story: Blizzard buffs a character almost to godhood (sorry, but 35% Ironclad was way too much) and immediatly throws them into the Illios well by nerfing them way to much, to not look at them forever. Yeah, sure Sombra will get changes very soon and Bastion doesn´t but still the argument stands. I hope you guys hear something positive about him soon. Let the other mains complain as much as they want, we know how it is to be at the bottom.

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Beep boop beep boop! I have the unluckiest taste in heroes in this game. All of my fav heroes are hated by blizzard and kept in the F tier trashcan. Sombra, Ana, roadhog, mei, mccree, soldier, bastion, widowmaker (i played her all the time and then burned out on her, they buffed her after I decided I didn’t want to play her anymore), tracer (only recently, but still). sigh… it’s like they give a character a fun design and playstyle but feel that they need to balance them out by making them too weak to play

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I’m pretty sure they could make these changes to Bastion right now, which are straight buffs, without him being overpowered because of the state he’s already in:

  • Sentry bullet spread reduced by 50%
  • Sentry critical hits allowed
  • Reload time decreased to 1.5 seconds to match the post-rework transformation time

None of these three changes should require anything beyond changing one number in the game’s data for each. There’s no additional art required. There are no functional changes or testing required. I don’t understand why they don’t take some changes like that, put them up on the PTR and see how they feel in gameplay, because it’s very clear by the stats available that straight buffs are exactly what Bastion needs right now.

If they don’t already have it, they really, really need a way to change simple numbers for hero balance like this without pushing a full patch to consoles. Just have the game download a file from the server when it connects with all the game’s ability-related numbers in it.

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OP you’re big on this whole bastion vs sombra comparison, aren’t you?
Bastion deserves changes, so does sombra. I don’t know why you think it’s a competition to get out of the bottom of the barrel first. They’ve both been in there. Sombra had two weeks, and then was put further under. Much like bastion was.
We’re all trying to get out of the bottom of the barrel. Stop trying to start a fight about the pecking order


Bastion has already received a “buff”.