Sombra Suggestions from the #1 Sombra on Overbuff

(all changes are going off of the current PTR)

QoL Changes/Bug Fixes:


  • Now cleanses Anti-Nade and Mei’s Slow when activated
  • Can no longer be targeted by turrets or Moira’s Biotic Orb
  • Cancellation animation no longer plays when Sombra uses Translocator


  • 1 damage now required to break.
  • 0.1 second window reinstated but *only* when Sombra has LoS.


  • 1 damage now required to break.
  • Cast no longer interrupted by Translocator (happens at the very beginning only)

Substantial Changes:


  • Minimum throw distance removed


  • Now cancels Transformation ultimates mid-cast (applies to all stuns as well).


  • Translocation animation no longer plays while Sombra is Invisible
  • Targeted allied abilities are hidden while Sombra is invisible
  • No longer hides Sombra from an enemy Sombra’s Opportunist passive (not 100% sure this isn’t already the case)

The goal of these changes isn’t to change Sombra massively. She doesn’t need that. Her biggest issues right now are meta-related.

However, these changes do address a lot of inconsistencies in her kit that simply make her unreliable and unpredictable.

Sombra can be very powerful when her kit is used correctly. However, there are many small things that simply don’t make sense. Those are the things that I’m trying to fix.


Transformation ultimates are transformation ultimates for a reason, her hack needs nerfing while her overall kit needs buffing.

Why should they be any different from cast time ultimates?

If someone Hacks or Stuns your Blade, Tank or Visor, they outplayed you and should be rewarded with a shutdown as a result.


They take longer to activate.

If say Genji could be hacked mid dragonblade cast, that would be broken as a 0.65 hack would completely nullify his 1 second cast time.


because he mains someone who has a transformation ult


Mei has a 1.5 second cast.

Hanzo has a 1.4 second cast.


How would it even work? Would soldier just have his visor turned off and Genji just says uh nope I’m hacked and put his blade back?

Doesn’t make much sense, Sombra’s hack is already annoying as is, the rest of her kit needs buffing but her hack needs reduced power in exchange.


That’s how it works for cast-time heroes, so that’s how it should work for transformation ult heroes.

Hanzo just doesn’t fire his arrow and the animation cuts out. That’s what would happen for Soldier/Genji/Bastion.

Most cast time heroes throw projectiles (save Lucio/Rein) so the projectile is already thrown before the hack happens…

But hack should not touch ultimates altogether then, if it has to be all or nothing I vote nothing, I dont care if she gets more damage output or reduced spread just leave ultimates out of it.

No, Hanzo has a 1.4 second cast, then another 0.6 seconds while the arrow is an arrow and then it transforms.

Mei throws the projectile after a 1.5 second cast.

Why should Sombra just be another basic DPS? She has a unique kit and that should be reflected in her balance.

And remember this would be a universal change, not just for Sombra but for all stuns as well.

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Her hack is already annoying to put up with, weaken it and make her put more faith into her other abilities. Sorry, just not a fan of almost killing a sombra while having no abilities but my primary only to have her warp away and try again.

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But you’re fine when McCree stuns you?

It’s only for 0.6 seconds, at least I don’t have all my abilities restricted for 6 seconds.

I don’t think Anti-Nade and Mei’s slow should be removed when using Translocator, think you slid that in on top of the more reasonable suggestions as your bargain point.

Also you made reasonable points, you didn’t need to showcase being #1 at anything. Guess you are going for the sheep with that one.

You can move and use your primary.

Also, it’s 0.7 seconds, not 0.6.

It’s a weaker effect over a longer duration. The bonus is that shooting her cancels it.

It’s a lot harder to Hack someone than it is to Shield Bash someone.

Every other ability with invulnerability does, Translocator shouldn’t be different.

I’ve had enough people ask if I even play Sombra.

It also works as a decent advertisement :wink:


Most of the time reacting and shooting her is difficult, especially on console, I, even with a max sensitivity of 100/100 and no aim smoothing or ease in, can’t turn around fast enough to stop her when my joystick is tilted all the way.

She just feels unfair in a 1v1 where she notices you a second faster.

Console is different. I think her Hack could be changed there because the whole reaction thing is the same reasoning used for the Torb and Symmetra console nerfs.

If McCree notices you a second faster, you die.

Mccree doesnt have the mobility she does, its way easier to keep track of Mccree than it is Sombra.

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Tracer can easily kill you under a second :thinking:

Only if you aren’t making it harder for her to track you, Sombra’s hack has auto-lock.