Sombra Suggestions from the #1 Sombra on Overbuff

And? Sombra can’t actually kill you without tracking either.

I understand what you are saying, but I personally feel it wouldn’t be entirely necessary.

it’s a hell of a lot easier to track someone who has no abilities and can pretty much only move horizontally at standard speed and jump.

I can only imagine playing Sombra on console, must be pretty difficult.

Mei got the same treatment. Why not Sombra?

But unlike Tracer, Sombra can’t kill anything reliably without first securing a Hack.

And even then she does less DPS.

I’ve done it multiple times, killing isn’t that hard with sombra at medium range, long range is debatable but that’s not the range she was intended for.

If you kill anything in the backline as Sombra, your opponents made a mistake.

Any Mercy that lets their Zenyatta die is a bad Mercy.

To the contrary, Tracer can kill a Zenyatta fast enough that a mistake isn’t even required.

Then that’s a bad zenny for not keeping note of his surroundings, Zen can just 2 shot the tracer and she’s dead, there is time to react unlike 0.65 seconds casting time.

Zen can also two shot Sombra?

And Tracer can kill in under 0.65 seconds.

Tracer also has a lower health pool in sacrifice for such power.

As much as we’ve talked about this, this has to be said, an ability that can nullify a character’s entire kit is a very touchy thing to buff or nerf.

She can heal herself whereas Sombra requires healthpacks.

Sombra isn’t better than Tracer. I don’t know where you’re trying to go with this.


Kinda ironic you’re trying to get me to go somewhere with this as you’re the one who brought up Tracer, I never brought Tracer’s power into question until you brought it up.

Because you tried to say Hack is uncounterable, meanwhile Sombra is a “troll pick” and there are plenty of heroes with so much less counterplay.


I never said uncounterable, I just said it’s incredibly hard to put up with because if she’s behind you, you can’t react to being hacked, and all abilities being disabled for 6 seconds is a massive disadvantage when the average time to kill in the game is 2-3 seconds.

Sombra has a below average ttk to compensate.

Hack needs to go off sometimes. It can’t be stoppable all the time, otherwise it’s useless.


But if she gets the hack off, she can get you in that ttk window if she’s competent and lands the headshots.

Maybe something like reduce hacks duration to 3-4 seconds and the cooldown be 2-3 seconds shorter, I’d rather put up with that then the current hack.

this would be true if hack wasn’t a dumb AF ability. hold left click near someone for a second to cripple them? … I would think the devs could be a little more clever than that

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Sombra is not the duelist you make her out to be. If you don’t get the Hack off you lose. If they are a hero that has a better m1 you lose as well.

Which would be a massive nerf. Hack would be significantly less useful outside of duels, her damage output would be lessened (more time in cast) and she would lose out on total Hack time due to more potential interruptions.

Hack doesn’t need a nerf. Hack makes Sombra unique. It shouldn’t be nerfed into uselessness.

And you can’t take any damage. Seems like you’re dumbing it down to me.

Honestly, I think hack could be better. I totally think it should be able to do what the OP is saying. I like playing Sombra, but unlike other heroes her dps is just unreliable, and she doesn’t really have anything to secure kills like other DPS do.

McCree’s stun nets him 1 almost guaranteed kill with very little outplay for most heroes.

Mei’s freeze nets an easy kill, with few ways to outplay it.

Junkrat has a plethora of ways to net quick kills.

Reaper, Tracer, Soldier, Doomfist, Widow, Hanzo, Pharah, even Torbjorn all have high burst damage to net easy kills with as well.

Symmetra now has extremely high DPS to melt tanks. and destroy DPS.

Bastion has the highest DPS in the game.

Sombra quite literally has the lowest damage output in the entire game. Let that sink in for a sec. Sombra, a DPS hero, has a lower DPS potential than any other hero on the roster. The only exception I could think of would be Orisa, but idk. She probably has more DPS with all head-shots when she uses her ultimate. It’s pretty sad.

I would even go as far as to say that her hack should do even more than just disable the abilities, but even the primary fire. At least for the first 2-3 seconds. Cuz after that realization I think she needs SOMETHING going for her. She’s just in a bad place all around. Anyway, something NEEDS to happen and I don’t think the current buffs are enough.

Sombra does 320 DPS. She doesn’t do that much but it isn’t the lowest in the game at all.

She definitely doesn’t need a full disable. Not only would that be terrible to play against, it would also be extremely OP.

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