Sombra Stealth Buffs LIVE!

Right? I mean there’s a few heroes who get neutered by Hack (Lucio, Doomfist, and Reinhardt), but that’s a fault of their character design, not Sombra’s. Although, Lucio shouldn’t be the only healer that can’t heal when hacked.

Basic walking speed and primary fire so basically Sombra in a in combat situation?

It would be a shame to actually have to only use your primary fire to get kills… you know like Sombra.


It took me 3 reads of the post to get it.

Honestly, buffing stealth would make her more fun to play. Whether that’s balanced is another matter.

Umm… no? I saw it on a Tumblr meme yesterday.

I came up with that 3 days ago.

They tuk muh joke :confused:

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If she’s no where in Comp did they remove here? because i would love that…

Clickbait… :rage: :rage: :rage:

You’re a teaser, you turn 'em on
Leave 'em burning and then you’re gone
Looking out for another
Anyone will do
You’re in the mood for a dance
And when you get the chance

You are the dancing queen
Young and sweet
Only seventeen
Dancing queen
Feel the beat from the tambourine, oh yeah
You can dance
You can jive
Having the time of your life
Ooh, see that girl

Blizzard Starts ARG for Sombra rework*

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Or to prove the point of this:

Do you know the definition of insanity?

The hate is with how little counterplay there is to it, regardless of it’s effects. Yes, Sombra needs a lot of work to be considered viable but the current time it takes to hack makes it all but guarenteed unless the Sombra made a bad hack choice.

Sure, you can still shoot her but it’s not a game where offense solves everything. You can’t just shoot your way out of focus fire from her 5 allies. That’s why we have abilities.

Her ult is fine, probably needs a bit of a buff, even. Basic hacks need absolute peak reaction time to disrupt, however, and we’re not all ritalin addled kiddos.

You can have a hero that’s a stealth-mode assassin.
You can have a hero that has crippling power suppression.

But you can’t have ONE hero that does both and have either of them be very good.

Except sombra can magically teleport away the situation turns against her favor, and she can stealth to get into a favorable position, I want sombra to be viable as I hate heroes that can’t hold their own, but sombra is just an extremely poorly designed hero, either she is the most anti fun hero in the game, or she is trash.

She needs a redesign like hanzo/mercy/dva/roadhog/symmetra.

She’s the only high CC hero in the game that you can’t see coming and work to avoid. To be honest stealth should probably be removed, stealth as an ability works against one of the most fundemtal game design principles there is. You should be given a chance to react or know what happened to you. Either that or make stealth not a true stealth and make it like preditor so where you can still see her moving.

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Aiming is HARD. Meantime, almost everyone’s DPS is higher than hers, but oh noes…6 seconds of not being able to rely on secondary abilities. When Sombra’s only other one is to teleport away and sometimes even that doesn’t work correctly. OR she teleports out and someone’s camping her translocator. No matter how well you hid it…which…I never know whether to be annoyed or throw a lil respect at the person who found it because they outplayed me.

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6 seconds of most tanks being free kills
6 seconds of most healers being sitting ducks.
6 seconds in this game is an eternity.
Abilities play a HUGE role in this game, very few heroes are anything but helpless without their abilities.
There’s stats that say EMP is on the same win ratio per ultimate as graviton surge is, and it should come as no surprise honestly.
Sombra is in a bad place, but don’t try and pretend that hacking someone’s CD’s for 6 seconds isn’t nothing, its bloody huge.

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Where are these stats? The only thing I can find are these graphs that show how Sombra sucks.

Why not? Tracer has crazy good mobility and crazy good damage, in fact she breaks almost every rule in the book when it comes to high mobility heroes (faster speed=lower damage and health to compensate), should she have to pick one or the other as well? Why does Sombra have to pick one or the other?

What is it with the rampant Sombra hate in the community? She was barely used before the rework, was still a rare sight after the rework and completely vanished when she got broken, it’s not like she’s been an amazingly good hero from the start like a few other heroes I can think of.

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She was a counter pick to the poster heroes so you know they had to sledge that out real quick.

You know that what Hack does to you with her special ability; everyone else does to her with their primary fire.

Yet, Hack is so bad that Hacked/EMPed players can still perform well enough to land a PotG.

It’s actually a really terrible ability with a punishment and downside that’s worse for the player than it’s own effect.