Sombra has now entered Z-Tier | RIP

I agree that she needs to be buffed and/or fixed, but I have a feeling that she’ll be too powerful if they buff her and this meta ends

This meta was already non existant when Sombra was buffed and other than her Hack not breaking on LoS she was no where near too powerful.

Yay I’m level 3…


Yeah, it just depends on how much they they would buff her

Would be fine that a hacker is a counter to my lovely robot… if he dont gets countered by other 10+ heroes…

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They actually buffed her stealth. Shes nowhere to be seen in comp.


Meant to say I used to be a Bastion main until his changes ruined my play style. I became a Sombra main and then she got the Bastion treatment.

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The way Blizzard treated Sombra is beyond excuse. A half-hearted buff followed by a nerf that never even went through the PTR totally trashing her again. So that was a whole lot of nothing…

It’s the Bastion rework all over again: A messed up buff followed by a messed up nerf leaving them largely the same (or worse) than before. Then forgotten for.


Same. I almost Onetricked Bastion untill the rework… then mained Dva… then mained Mercy… and now main Orisa or Brigitte. Hard time. This lucky evergreen DPS mains…


I am a Sombra main and I think the 2sec cooldown is not that bad … the line of sight nerf is worse. I have it so often that I hack someone in a team fight who is very close and than he makes a rapid move and leaves my field of view for 0.05sec and hack is interrupted.
If I could pick buffs I would reverse that … otherwise I would reduce her reload speed and the time she needs to go in and out of stealth by half. An other interesting idea would be not to decloak her when she is hit … just let her half decloak for 1sec so enemys know she is there and they have to seek her.


Yeah the 2s isn’t that bad, (but most of the time it is to be honest)… it just makes things feel worse/clunky when you’re already being denied a Hack because of the LoS issues then you also need to worry about the 2s cooldown since people already know they just need to deal 1 damage to basically take away that ability.


For sure. It made landing hacks a guessing game. I compare it to if Tracer’s blinks had a 1 in 4 chance to randomly fail without explanation. It’s that game breaking.

You can’t play a hero that’s not reliable.


Using the “Pros” as a guide stick is half the problem … they usually have thousands of hours on a few characters, need to see them do well to maintain their extra income, and literally sh*t on every new character that changes the game until said new character is crap, with the possible exception of Moira (and now to an extent Brigette) where they are starting to realize that. The “Pros” will always cry foul at almost an change which shakes things up, balanced or not. Sombra, although I don’t play her much is definitely one of my favorite “characters”. She can be very effective, but she is not a low skill character, she takes time to get good with. i’ve been in a few matches where I was cursing a good Sombra because she was always lurking right there and hacking when I most needed to use an ULT or an ability; that’s the way Sombra should be. It’s a lot like Mei; you know those ice walls are buying time for your team and often winning a match by keeping the enemy off balance, but good luck on getting recognized for it or having any numbers reflect the impact outside of win rate.


3 PTR builds later and she’s now even worse than ever.


It is. You might as well be Hacked yourself, you lost your combat ability, you’re not getting it back as long as you’re taking damage, so you might as well just leave and take a semi-death from Translocate rather than stick around for an actual one.


I still remember those people who demand nerfs on her.

Of course they all silence now. They have succeed to banish a new hero and never use it again. Keeping OW forever a game where they play only the original heroes.

I wonder why we bother with new heroes ?


She’s not impossible to balance, Blizzard just has to commit to her design direction.

For a years time Jeff flat out said they would never buff the gun because “Sombra is a disruptor, not a flanker”

Now it seems like they regret the entire ‘disruptor’ roll since it’s “not fun for the other players” but at the same time they won’t give her the damage to work outside that roll…


Sombra got “buffed” into being the worst pick in the game. I never thought anyone could be lower than Mei and DF.


Yea but since there are rampant armor stacks everywhere her already low damage is nerfed…


the 2sec is bad. it forces sombra to use her gun on the backline and not even trying to hack bcs if it gets cancelled you lost a lot of time and 80% of the time it will bcs of the “LOOKING FOR ME?” and decloak time.