Cries even more, but in Sombra
she is still new so its people trying her out. What the OP is saying is that now that people have tried her out and noticed nothing new they are not playing her anymore. So once it settles it will probably be back to below her average low pick rate
hey, a 0.04% progression! jeff-sama and the ow team are working hard to improve her desu. fear not, maybe another 0.01% will be added within the next few months? lets hope ;D
in all seriousness though, i think we need to give the development team some time, specially now. They’re legit working on a bunch of heroes at the same time and this stuff takes time, they’ll definitely get back to it.
3rd time for sombra? or third time in generally? because they screwed up 3 times with Sym alone and about 12 times with mercy. xD
well, 3 times are,
her initial release
her weapon spread reduction and they suddenly freaked out and reverted hack changes
and current one
I’m not just arguing that though.
Lower ranks spiked in use, and now declining to where they were. Lower win rates.
Higher ranks less use, similar win rates.
As a whole, it shows better players were quick to figure she’d gained little of value, while weaker players are realising that they’re just not winning with her, and are now too deserting her.
I would like to think they are going too but look at bastion. He has been trash tier for over a year.
But lets put things in perspective about how “busy” they are and what they prioritize. Sombra got a buff that made her hack faster and more consistent and the pro cried (like they usually do) and she got dragged through the ditch and nerfed and bugged even more in a hot fix that didnt even go to ptr. Hanzo got a new ability that has been OP for a whole season and more and they are trying to fine tune it in the slowest laziest way. The fact they hot fixed sombra into oblivion shows they are capable of doing things quicker but are just lazy about it. Its ok for hanzo to remain OP and out dps most all people but the second sombra is relevant its the end of the world and that cant happen. Because EMP is so unfun? But having tanks bursted down by storm arrow from across the map is fun?
Blizz doesnt know how to balance thats all there is too it and they constantly contradict themselves.
haha ok. I was like because they screw up on the reg atleast 3 times a month.
Good we don’t need everyone playing Sombra. A good one is a nightmare to play against. Luckily most people would rather play her like Tracer
She just needs 10 more nerfs then she’ll be a successful rework.
She isnt hard to play against though. Im not being sarcastic either. Ya a good person on any hero is a nightmare. I hate playing against good DF because they have their combos locked down. But sombra is countered by making poor hack choices and get jumped. or pick someone like winston/moira/sym who can keep pressure on her and make it harder to g et a hack off.
I mean, did anyone expect these changes to actually fix Sombra?
So long as the core issue of her kit exists, that hack consumes too much of her toolkits power budget and makes her a worse Tracer, she’s never going to get picked.
Right, but I don’t think the rework was meant to increase her power level but to decrease her skill cap and see if that would lead to an increase in play and win rates with the character. Power scaling on Sombra is really risky in their eyes, and I can’t disagree because finding safe ways of giving her more value isn’t easy.
im as frustrated as you my dude but we cant really do anything but suggest to them in here and hope they listen to what the community thinks.
i get that pro leagues know more than us but the game is more than just them and yeah they seem to cry a lot lel
A poster called Geoff Goodman did.
No, they were meant to make her stronger.
Ya I know we are all frustrated. I do understand why they dont do a lot of feedback because if they took someones idea about adding something to a hero then that would signal to some of the more vocal people that they can strong arm the devs into doing what they want. But they need to atleast give us feedback. I mean BLOPS4 dev team g ave feedback after the beta released and ya its is a cod game but that is a bit more than what we are getting right now.
Making her “stronger overall” is different to actually making her good though.
To make a hero good would mean they have to be able to compete with heroes like Tracer, Genji, Widowmaker and now Hanzo, and these changes were always far too conservative to put her on the level of good DPS.
Until Blizzard stop pussyfooting around with Translocator and Stealth and actually work on the problematic aspects of Sombra’s toolkit, namely her SMG and Hack, she will never be good, even if they make her stronger.
oh that’d be cool, id really appreciate more feedback. Bliz should do that
He was a bit timid here. In his interview he was even way more optimistic.
"But I think when people play her they will realize she’s a lot more powerful, more useful, and more flexible.”
Oh jeeze, even after 18 months he’s still throwing around “people just don’t know how to play her yet” memes.
Well Geoff, if we’re all so dumb, maybe it’s time you showed us.