I know I am making a fatal mistake by starting a thread against sombra, cuz from my last experience with her fanbois, they were telling me that junkrat hard counters sombra cuz junkrat can punch and open her from invis (I am not even kidding, I will go and find and quote these for you if you ask nicely).
I will be brave enough to say, right click hack should not cancel ults like sigma’s or orisa’s. It’s inconsistent, like it won’t stop genji’s ult or hog’s hult, but it will stop orisa and sigma. Why? One low effort right click just completely cancels 2-3 minutes of ult farm. Ult that you need for wins. As if tanks were not struggling enough already.
And if you message here another ridiculous excuse, like “track her hack” or “bait her hack,” I swear to seven gods, I will report you with all my alts. I will screenshot you, make an nft, and then make a customer support ticket on you. I will make a study case and report you to the local authorities if you bring another stupid excuse to protect your beloved sombra, like last time you were claiming that hanzo has infinite ammo, so hanzo is op against sombra cuz he can shoot infinitely and break her invis (I am not kidding again, these were ACTUAL arguments that sombra defenders brought).
I would agree if EMP canceled ult, cuz it would be ult for ult, at least something. But right click that has 3 seconds cd, from invis, impossible to track, cancels ults. cmon…
It’s a fair point. Some ults take too long to channel, other’s, there is realy OW magic in timing it so well that it’s more than earned. From Dva predicting when Mei will ult to DM that to Brig popping Rally to shut down a Junkerqueen’s Rampage. I think removing the ability to shut down some ults would take a lot of it’s essence and reward for strategy and timing. What I would much prefer is ults that take longer to channel like Sigma’s have more compensation. Him especially because he’s launch in the air exposed to Sombra to easily hack.
Agreed but the main issue is ult design isn’t it? Like how some ults can be canceled by stuns like Brig’s shield bash. Doesn’t that stop Sigma’s ult too?
Also, probably every match I play Mercy, a Sombra tries to hack me during my ult, but it doesn’t affect it at all. Sombras just hack everything to see what works.
I don’t. But it’s the easiest, requires 0 skill and 0 efforts, 0 cd management.
At least these have great CD and require some effort and cd management.
Well, they are both bad, what can I say.
Remember when in the glorious days of OW, people discovered that cass could stun reinhard it he hits the top of the shield? Then reins would hold the shield up for a sec. Then cass would stun their legs, so reins would hold the shield on top for a sec, and then on botton for another sec. These are types of interactions and counter-play mechanics that I miss in OW. Today it’s just “haha, I press right click and canceled your 3 minutes progression.”
Like I said, a lot of inconsistencies.
Cuz it’s low cd, low effort, low skill, why wouldn’t they. A lot of time I play doom, people play sombra cuz they heard that sombra cancels Doom, and they lose miserably cuz I will do good cd management. The game encourages low effort thinking, but calls itself competitive.
I think she should either hack all ults or no ults… Just pick 1… and emp should shutdown all global ults that are placed that and not directly attached to a player… that is my 2 cents
Sombra should have the ability to shut down certain things in the game. That’s what gives her strength and value. Like a Genji dashing into your supports. You ought to be able to help them by shutting down his abilities. Same thing with Doomfist. Sombra is another hero you gotta learn to play around.
Then why reply lol. Didn’t read means get the freak out of here, no?
She’s just rotating a javelin. With that logic, hack should just completely turn her off then, like bob. See, if you apply logic to a video game, it doesn’t work well.
If that was her only power lol. Amazing damage, great survivability, the best utility for dps, game winning ult. It’s like you all have to have her perfect, no drawbacks. I don’t get why.
People have been posting no invis sombra runs recently, it’s ridiculous how powerful she is even without perma invis. It’s a mockery to the balancing of this game.
Hack disrupts channeled ults and not transformation ults; you can read about it on a fandom wiki site for this game. Hog’s ult used to be channeled before it was changed to transform, so hack used to be able to cancel it. Essentially, if you can stun someone out of an ult with a different hero, Sombra can do the same thing.
Just like sleep dart won’t stop hog or genji (after they are woken up) but it will cancel Sigma’s ult.
It is perfectly consistent since Hog, Genji, Mercy and many others like that have trasformation ultimates. Which means they do transform in to different hero for a brief period of time. While Sigma, Moira and so on have channeled ultimates. They channel an ability without changing state themselves.
You just need to categorise abilities correctly and it will be perfectly consistent.
They are all channeled abilities. It makes no sense. Stop trying to find excuses. EMP before was destroying weaver’s tree cuz it count as a gadget. Not it doesn’t cuz they just changed it manually. Same way, they manually added that sombra can hack orisa’s ult. They do whatever they want, so stop trying to find logic where there isn’t one.