Sombra rework can we get a hint?

  1. It’s an AFK mode.
  2. We can’t contest with Stealth anymore.
  3. It doesn’t improve her in combat performance.

TBH, he needs a little bit of pressure.

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I’ve played Sombra a lot . . . I don’t have issues getting through chokes…I seriously wonder if you guys don’t try harder on these characters and just say anything to buff them to super Saiyan Power…

My goodness…don’t run DIRECTLY THROUGH THE MIDDLE of the choke…hit the corners while in stealth… and get to the choke before your team does. Watch the pro streamers who main these sorts of characters and imitate your game off of theirs…cause you guys aren’t doing it right.

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I know it won’t be answered, but I have three major questions here:

  1. Can stealth still be interrupted by dealing damage to Sombra?
  2. Can the enemy now also destroy the translocator?
  3. If stealth is permanent, can she now hack and do damage while stealthed?

I assume damage will still be able to interrupt stealth. But how will redeployment of stealth work? Will the cooldown be the same? If translocator is infinite, what is the counter play to Sombra just keeping it somewhere in the back and using it to avoid dying a single time (unless she gets headshot somehow)? How do you counter Sombra hiding her translocator and spawn camping slow supports and tanks? This sounds highly frustrating.

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Because there are aspects that are better. Aiming is better on PC but movement is arguably better with a controller. Heroes that require smooth transitions of more than 90 degrees are easier because you don’t need to keep lifting a mouse up to reposition it.

Anyway. Not what the topic is about. Good to know how adamant you are though. Keep on keepin on PC bro

This is only fair though, as I was reading I thought they would simply remove the speed but look at that, they keep her with 50%, which is still greater than Soldier’s who also has it forever BUT no stealth

Contesting objectives during a few seconds might have it’s good uses but currently the radius of detection for sombra is huge, I would bet money that they decreased that as well even if Geoff didn’t state so

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Finally someone else speaking logic. It’s like they don’t understand YOU’RE INVISIBLE.

Good job on completely missing the point, old sombra had no issue getting in the backlines so why buff that?
Why this makes it harder for her to go through choke as she gets forced into going only into certain chokes which are more dangerous.
And she has to do this at quite the lower speed now.

Man if only you guys could do your jobs correctly the first time. Then you wouldn’t need to waste your time trying to fix things you broke :joy:

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It helps you get to better positions more frequently/consistently to have more overall affect on the fight when you finally do join it. It’s much more beneficial to take a little bit longer to get in a great position than to take a little bit of time to not get in position then translocate out then rinse and repeat.

This is all well and good… (Or terrible, i can’t decide…) But can we please…
PLEASE… for the love of all that is good in this game…
Buff Bastion?

This could serve to be one of the last nails in his coffin.

sadly Bastion is probably slated after Torb, so there’s still a few months to see something significant

I’m really interested in these changes.
Can’t really tell until it hits the PTR though it does open up a lot of new possibilities. Waiting for that perfect hack on Rein/Healers, spy checking, and distracting the back lines more consistently.

Only thing I would enjoy is a tad faster reload. Or adjusting all the small actions that cancel her reload.

Excited to try it out.

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This is what I think of infinite invisibility.
Just ignore the part about standing on the objective.
“Shes gonna hide and seek you out, using her hacks to delete you yeah”
“Waiting for her opportunity, stalking you with her invisibilty”
“you better hope to get some sniper vision, so can pinpoint her in her exact position”
“Always looking for the Sombra !”

Think about what you can actually do, though. You can get the perfect jump on anyone that is out of position or has their attention occupied by something else. That sounds insanely powerful to me and I can’t wait for it to go live. I’ve always loved perma cloaked characters the best.

Insert longest “duuuuuuuuuude” ever

You can sit in cloak forever, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike… Only to bounce ineffectively off Brigitte’s Rally armor or straight up lose a duel with a Mercy because RNG decided it wasn’t your day and half your bullets just curved around her.

Sombra’s consistency is bad, not her ability to get into the back lines.


Her core problems aren’t her intended weaknesses.

Hack is extremely buggy and unreliable now and the nerfs applied just made it an extremely rubbish ability.
Stealth has always been mediocre, extending it to infinite duration and removing the speed fixes nothing. Her issues lied in the fact she had a noticeable delay and the infamous announcement to where she is paired with the decloaking sound, as well as the fact that >1 damage can interrupt it AND hack.
Her damage has always been inferior to other DPS heroes and she simply cannot hold her own as well as other damage heroes can. She lacks burst damage and reliability.

Those all apply a very large handicap to Sombra in general. EMP is all she really has value for now, which… is what they wanted to prevent in the first place?

Literally all they needed to do was QoL changes, bug fixes, and a buff to damage potential in some form that doesn’t lie in buffing spread/flat damage per bullet.

Making a character easier to use by making them overall worse for experienced players hasn’t played out well in the past.


If that were true… one would think they at Least Would have said Something After over a year of silence.

But no…

We don’t even get a “Working on it” Hint.

Sombra mains ask for changes?
Well, here’s everything we’re currently working on!
Would you like a silver platter with that? -.-

Yes i’m Salty.

You can already do that on live.