Sombra rework can we get a hint?

We don’t even need to wait for the nerfhammer. For anyone actually good at Sombra these changes are already a nerf.


We were asking for 4 months straight after being told they were going to keep changing her until she landed in a decent spot. Bastion may need some help but let’s not pretend we asked and then the next day got answers.

Sombra new hide and seek meta

Gonna be a long time until then considering every buff comes with 3 nerfs and 5 bugs.

ikr, especially when every buff/rework is months apart lol

How about make Ana viable again? Because i love the on going 6 straight season of Mercy being the most viable character in game and over 90% pickrate

I mean, if you want to go down that route we need to change lucio. He’s the least picked supportwith the worst win rate across the board.

infinite stealth AND Translocator? Guess i better start playing a different hero, cause Rein is about to get f***ed real good.

No more than he already is by her tbh. her hack range keeps it a balanced matchup even ifhe is hacked thanks to his hammer range and the slow from walking backwards

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None of this sounds good to me. Hack is the central feature of Sombra and right now hack is broken. The two second mini cooldown broke it and makes Sombra infuriating to play.

Dude, they’re talking about making jumps in Stealth on flank routes, not running through a choke point. Less speed in Stealth means fewer gaps she can jump across, which means having to put Translocator on CD and risking giving your position away with the rather noticeable flash.

Me thinks you’re the one that needs to watch more pro Sombra streamers.


I don’t play Sombra so I don’t know, but if I may ask why should Sombra have burst damage? I don’t think every dps should be capable of burst damage. There’s a lot of dps heroes and they should be more balanced to be good at some things so it would make sense to swap them out for different tasks.

Since Sombra’s passive reveals low health targets to her (even through walls), I believe her core task is to sneak in the back and finish those targets off as well as harass the backline in general? As I said, I don’t play her, but most frustrating and successful Sombras I’ve seen are the ones that find me no matter where I am, when I’m struggling the most and they finish me off in no time. I don’t see why she would need high damage to melt full health tanks or barriers. It’s not her job. She’s already oppressive to them with hack.

I don’t know about consistency though. I only experience her as being a victim and as a victim I find her damage oppressive and having far too much range for a submachine gun. Ever since her last buff to damage and spread, it’s been incredibly frustrating to be on the other side of the objective and still be hit for full damage. I could be biased however and I’m interested to hear Sombra players take on this.

I was thinking they might have to go infinite with the abilities. What a coincidence.

i like these changes. can you please fix her crappy hack. it breaks all the time for no reason.

Sombra’s damage is fine for starting or finishing a fight, but she very, very rarely has the ability to 100-0 someone.

Other offense heroes can, and this goes for the other two major flank/harass heroes in the game–why would I pick Sombra, who preys on weak targets, when I can take Tracer, who just kills them regardless of how much HP they started with?

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Infinite overtime was “almost” possible way back in the day when the game released. The rules to how a match ends has changed quite a bit.

The devs havent really learned from their last mistake. She needs straight buffs. Not nerfs disguised as buffs.

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Problem is the main supports other than mercy are pretty bad too. Atm we have mercy and zen, if u want a 3rd support throw in brig. The other 3, well there is no point in picking them unless you just enjoy them.

Hm, alright, that’s a fair point. As far as my experiences go, I can’t tell I’ve been solo killed by Sombras often (though she isn’t played very often so there are far fewer examples than Tracer or Genji). I do know I’ve been killing various Sombras with pretty much any hero, but I can’t tell if that’s just a bad Sombra. I’ve only experienced really good Sombras rarely and they can be quite oppressive. But then again so can Tracer and we all kinda accepted Tracer so she hasn’t been changed in two years.

Its actually “Turning off the lights/Lights out” or, in Spanish, “apaganda las luces.”