Sombra rework can we get a hint?

It doesn’t fix her core problems and rewards bad Sombra players and hurts good Sombra players.

I never needed infinite Invis or Translocator to do my job effectively, and the 25% decrease in Invis speed makes me consider these changes as an outright nerf to her rather than a buff.

They’re not listening to Sombra players and taking matters into their own hands, which is not a good idea at all for a character so controversial that requires careful balancing.


We have been discussing it in the previous post, but I can summarize it for you:

  1. Effective Sombras must already minimize time wasted on stealth/translocator so they avoid forcing their team fight 5v6. Making those skills infinite adds nothing useful to her.
  2. She is 25% slower on stealth now.
  3. She can’t contest while on stealth now.
    Result. The changes are a net nerf.



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Aiming is objectively worse on console. Theres a reason why you get aim assist. The mouse has far greater precision and allows you to react to things far more quickly than a controller can. This is objective fact and absolutely not up for debate.

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To do your job effectively? NO SOMBRA WAS DOING THEIR JOB EFFECTIVELY. Hence the 45% winrate

Everyone keeps saying "Well I was doing fine with 5 seconds of invis.

No…no you werent. Sombra is the least used AND the least winning.

My hot take on these changes are that they really aren’t going to help her enough. The stealth change sounds fine, but having an infinitely lasting translocator sounds pretty negligible considering you always have more than enough time to use it as it is. The biggest buff is that she would be able to cancel it, but I only see that making her more annoying to play against rather than making her a better character. Not being able to contest points while invisible is also a pretty huge nerf.

I think more needs to be done and the translocator changes should be reconsidered. I’d prefer it if her translocator facilitated more aggressive and risky play.

This is a bad change, so basically now the translocator has infite use, but if you want to use it again, you need to go all the way back to just destroy it, before you were able to wait for the translocator to auto-destroy an the use another one in a new location, this change forces people to go back to just use the transcolator wich is bad IMO

You onl need to look in its direction,not go to it.

Don’t forget she can’t get past certain key chokes now in stealth.
An example.
I’m in hanamura A, I want to get past the choke.
Before you can just stealth run through the gap on top right.
The speed nerf means you can’t.
This gives you 2 options.

  • You burn translocator for a extremely simple jump, this means the enemy can see it and can just aim in that direction, congratulations, you are dead because you used translocator cooldown in that little jump
  • You have to get past the main gate choke, which is always spammed, this is also at the same time way harder as you’re severely slower which means any bullet can get you way easier, making the whole thing moot.
    You can throw translocator through the choke but it’s similar to the first point, they will know where you are and they know you’re around while still puts your only escape on cooldown.

Calm down champ. No one’s arguing with you there. But for heroes that don’t require insane aiming skills (all of them except mccree and widow), the difference is negligible.

Not to derail this topic but if you’re ever down, I could plug my controller into my pc and we can compare the aiming on both :wink:


I don’t think productive discussions can be had with you. I’m done. lmao.

If you can destroy it even if its behind a wall, then, that would be great, i hope its the case

you do realize that what you call core problems are simply her weaknesses and that devs try to avoid removing weaknesses as much as possible?

As per your words, she needed a buff

Translocator duration increased from 12 to infinite
Stealth duration increased from 5 to infinite

This is not a rework, this is in fact a buff, a huge buff of a few of her numbers, if good Sombras currently know how to play as Sombra they CAN win and this buff will benefit them

If the change rewards bad sombras then her pick rate (or as the forums love to call it, fun factor) will increase just because people will enjoy doing stuff with her

They don’t have to listen to Sombra players if what those players want is to break the character’s balance, mind you she got a key bug fixed during this patch and no one has commented on that, although it’s been but a single day since it happened so it’s understandable

There’s also a huge chance that the changes Geoff listed aren’t full disclosure of all balancing that will be done on Sombra, what he stated are the changes aimed at those two skills in specific

So further encouragement to leave your team 5v6 for longer.

What’s the payoff?

I mean, getting a good initiation Hack off was never really the problem.


The way it’s beenf ramed suggests so; the only genuinely good change we know of right now.

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I can only imagine this means looking in its general direction, since we have an indicator of where it’s at currently on live.

If we can just look it at from across the map or from a generous distance, I don’t imagine this would be a problem.

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Well I was quoting you, so if you’re not contesting that point I’m not really sure why it was said.

I was happier with pre-buff Sombra.


But it isn’t fair to state what they buffed without acknowledging their other changes:

Stealth speed decreased by 25% and she can no longer contest objectives while stealthed.


mmmm she could be useful but I feel her damage is kinda meh.