Sombra rework can we get a hint?

You’re the one adding Genji’s abilities? I’m saying not including abilities for either of them, Sombra does more dps. Her primary is better than genji’s.

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I literally provided a screenshot of the statistics and she is at the bottom. Genji does about 3.7k more than her.

Why are you only focusing on primary fire? Why does that matter? It’s not like Genji is not going to use his damage-dealing abilities lmao. Your argument is so skewed and ridiculous, dude.

Excluding damage-dealing abilities make 0 sense.

Oof, I disagree. Genji’s has no damage fall-off and he can combo with his primary and other abilities, whereas Sombra’s damage is more random because of the RNG in her spread.

In theory, yes, she has a better primary and does more damage, but clearly in practice, that’s not the case at all. She’s one of the lowest performing damage heroes when it comes to average damage output.

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Exactly this. A hero that requires actual mechanical skill and awareness to master is being nerfed in order to become simpler to use. I’m sick of it. I’d rather keep the crappy Sombra we have in live right now.


Psn stats.

Also you’re gold. Not very smart of you to bring up profiles to prove someone’s reputability. Sombra has a 43% win percentage in gold.

In no way am I aiming to discredit you - good job in hitting Masters.

But PC and console play out vastly differently. I never ever compare the two and I believe the two should have separate balance changes/teams because of how mechanics vary.

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Rank doesn’t matter. A gold Sombra performs similarly to a GM Sombra at their own rank. A gold Sombra to other golds can be extremely difficult to deal with simply because of the skill level. Sure, if you plopped that gold Sombra in a match against GMs she’d do terribly, but that’s why we have rank differences.

It doesn’t matter if you’re gold, bronze, silver, GM, etc… your opinion is valid and still counts.

Plus, Sombra has a low winrate across all ranks, it’s not just gold.

I have a 57% wr with her, feel free to check other seasons, haven’t bothered to play seriously as my hero is in this state, I was close to top 500 on 1.
Not to mention YOU’RE the one that asked US to check YOU.
And if that matters to you, go check known sombra players.
WorstSombra, fitzy, none of them are keen on it, worst is straight up saying it could be a nerf.

I just feel like these changes are going to be okay to try out, but they don’t fix the core problems. It’s a band-aid fix.

The problems are the fact that 1 damage interrupts 70% of her kit - the disruptor is SO EASILY disrupted herself - and the fact that she’s riddled with delays in everything still. Being decloaked blows - especially when it’s not even 1 damage decloaking you - because you can’t even shoot back while they’re shooting at you.

I can appreciate the attention they gave her but the delays and 1 damage interrupting her kit are what I wish they gave more focus on. I’d love to be excited about infinite stealth but the compensation for it isn’t worth it IMO. I’d rather have 75% speed and finite stealth. I’d rather have less delay than infinite stealth. I’d rather have it so that 1 damage doesn’t decloak me, than infinite stealth.


Looks like a back line torb turret may be required to counter?

They don’t though. The only different thing is aim smoothing. Everything else is the same. Certainly doesn’t affect how helpful infinite invis would be.

Fitzy hasn’t said the word “nerf” yet because he is too polite and careful with his words, especially before trying her, but you can see from his stream right now he is not happy about the changes. At all.


…So the most important thing in a shooting game, then?..

care to explain why would someone not be happy with these changes?

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That’s my point. They kept pressuring me to reveal my rank and hours on sombra as if it mattered. I hate rank shaming but it was ironic that I felt rank shamed someone lower than me.

Least we get some peaceful zora music! :wink:

No one rank shamed you into anything, you keep avoiding points, then told us to check your stats, which we can’t, and then started doing it on others.

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WHAT?! I just reported you for trolling, enjoy your ban.

There is no way you guys seriously made her that awesome. And if you did, GG sombra Mains, enjoy the brutal nerfhammer in a week or two, after which she ends up even worse than she currently is

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Aiming is slightly different. Not worse. Kbm is also more awkward to move with. I’ve played on both. Moving is also pretty core to any video game. The only heroes console is worse for are mccree and widow; the twitch aiming heroes. The rest of the 25 cast are doing just fine.

Also Pharah has a lower winrate on console than on PC, before that’s even brought up.

Rank doesn’t even matter when you don’t consistently play with the hero at the center of discussion, either.

Idk why people bring rank. I bring in hours simply because I find the people who say “NOPE, this is fine! THIS IS GREAT FOR HER!” are of the same demographic of people who said Sombra’s 2 second cooldown for interrupted hacks and Hack LoS were completely fine - the ones with little to no time on her.

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