Sombra rework can we get a hint?

Genji has insane burst damage and one of the most scary ults in the game.
Sombra deals alright damage in a extremely long time that she has to aim and track perfectly, while her ult is only a enabler at best and requires you to have perfect positioning, team comp and communication for it.
In the time it takes you to use that ult, which is your only reedemable thing, genji can wipe out several people over and over.
That is why sombra is not picked, she CANNOT perform enough to be relevant compared to everyone else.
Something that this change doesn’t solves, in fact, it makes the problem worse.

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You’re saying missing out on a few jumps and not being able to contest points is hurting the hero more than infinite invis and translocator helps her?

I’m really starting to see why nobody wins with Sombra.

You’e using anecdotal situations in which new sombra will be worse than old sombra but there are probably a million situations that infinite invis will help more than it will hurt.

There’s NO successful sombra flank.
You are not a tracer.
You are not a genji.
You’re a trashcan that can sometimes shine with emp, you flank to build that little shine and maybe get a hack.
If 14ish seconds aren’t enough for you to do that, an eternity won’t be either.

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You said the gameplay is slower. That’s not an opinion, that’s something that can be proven true or false.

You don’t have 14 seconds. You have less than 6 to find perfect positioning before the entire enemy team can see you. That usually runs out just when you get to the team. Then you have to translocate all the way back to your team. Not having done anything.

I was close with my prediction.

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And Mercy hide and seek was a problem??? :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

Are these all the changes?

If so, despite me being happy about the buffs which are very much so needed, these just aren’t enough. Not only does it not fix her problem, which is sporadic reliability and lacking damage compared to other DPS, but it’ll promote bad Sombra play BIG time. I already see a lot of bad Sombra’s only use Invisibility and Translocator w/o providing much value at all to their team, this will only allow those Sombra players to do this even more with even less value provided to their team.

I suggest you take a look at buffing her damage potential by giving her a buff to her passive or Hack in these ways:

  1. Opportunist provides a damage buff to Sombra against heroes with 30%-50% health remaining.(Anywhere in between those numbers) Nothing major, something like a 20-30% damage per bullet increase. This means her optimal damage per bullet would increase from 8 to around 9-10. We’ve seen how much just 1 damage can change a hero after Soldier’s nerf to damage. This change would allow her to pick off heroes a lot better and give her a better chance in 1v1’s against heroes that normally beat her such as McCree or Soldier.

  2. Basically the same as above except with Hack. Giving her a 20%-30% damage increase on targets that are Hacked. This would give her incentive to hack more heroes to finish them off faster, and it would allow her to be able to get value off of her hacks by herself MUCH more reliably.

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That’s your opinion. Clearly not one the devs share.

If they’ve committed to the “set and forget” path, then this is a really good change.

LOL, nah they don’t want to make her OP; they seem intent on making her unfun/unintuitive to play though. Time shall tell.

Actually I remember reading that comment and thinking all those suggestions were ridiculous. LMAO

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I’m sorry mate, but I think you don’t play neither Sombra nor Genji. I play both. Genji has one of the highest burst DPS in the game with his almost broken RMB > Dash > Melee. That’s 248 damage in one second.

Sombra? She deals 160 damage per second at point blank range if all her 20 bullets hit the target, which is funny by itself given her gun’s spread. Are you laughing already at her DPS potential? I am.

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I agree. Also would like healing to give her ult charge again. That’s just me being greedy though lol


If this is true, then they probably are implementing those old Sombra lines where people say that someone is around.

Wooooow i can actually link vids, totally did that by accedent lol.

If you hit 1/4th of those in the head you’d be able to take out a 200 health hero like zen in 1 second. Barely enough time to react. And that’s only 1/4 headshots. With infinite time to position yourself perfectly while invisible it won’t be hard to get half headshots on whoever you choose to assassinate.

The devs need to cater to the playerbase. Particularly the large number of Sombra players who want to be able to use it more aggressively. We love this hero for a reason. We play this hero despite the fact she has the worst winrate and the worst bugs in the game for a reason. The developers need to respect that.


STOP IGNORING THE QUESTION. How many hours on her do you have?

Buffing one thing and nerfing it in 2 ways is concerning to me. That’s what I’m saying. You are legitimately telling people they’re WRONG for not like the changes, which is unfair.

190 hours in on her. I know how to win with her. I didn’t say she’s objectively worse, I said what is concerning to us. And you are adamant about invalidating that concern with a theory. I’m not buying it. Sorry. I’m going to wait and see, but your word carries little weight to it because you are theorizing how it will benefit with her, while in turn invalidating anyone who are concerned and theorizing that it may not solve her actual issues.

I’m using literal applications of her 75% speed:

Unlike you:

Please don’t lie and say that I am using anecdotal evidence when I am not, but referencing actual applications of it, while you are actually incorrect about statistics.

I have never said gameplay is slower. You’re mistaking me for someone else.

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In fairness, those numbers to ignore headshot damage, though honestly I do think its not enough because, as you say, spread.

(incidentally the name of my sombra/mei ‘smurf’)

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Same, that was the first thought I had when I heard about the movement speed reduction :frowning:

I already did the math for you before, something you conveniently avoided.
Set translocate, walk to good position, 3-5 seconds.
Stealth in,dash far from them (if you’re uncloaking right behind them then you’re confirming yourself to be a bad sombra and this argument ends here), 3-5 seconds, which is generous as you pretty much never use the full 5.
This gives you 10-14 seconds to do whatever you want.
3.5 seconds if you unload A FULL MAGAZINE AND hack someone, you have 6.5-10.5 seconds left ONLY to get a good position.

And again, if you can’t do that in that time, an infinity won’t help you either.
And I’m afraid to tell you, THERE IS pressure, this is not a pve game, there’s a timer, enemy is building ult, you’re sitting there wasting 5-10 more seconds each time you go in while your team is 5v6.
But feel free to avoid all these points like you did before and show you don’t know what you’re talking about.


Just check my profile dude. I don’t know how many total hours across all comp seasons. My little picture thing is sombra so she’s my most used, not that it matters or that I have anything to prove to you.

Sombra does do higher dps than genji. Check the stats. I’m talking primary fire dps. Not the quick burst damage genji can do when his abilities are off cooldown. Genji has pretty bad dps from just spamming shuriken. But that doesn’t stop him. You don’t need amazing dps as a dps hero to be successful. You just need unique ways of DEALING dps.

I’m not telling people they’re wrong for not liking them. I’m telling people they’re wrong for saying this is a net nerf. You can not like them, you can wish blizz would have gone in a different direction, but you’ll never convince me these changes are BAD for the hero. Maybe not all she needs, but they certainly help get her closer to a good place.