Sombra possible buffs/nerfs :)

If you can’t do 10 and 5 damage you don’t deserve to stop her imo. Maybe 6 so you only gotta land 3 pellets but someone whose only done 1 damage doesn’t deserve to be rewarded.

Why not keep her the same but move her to support role. Change her hack/ult so it can be used to remove debuffs on your team and supply a light over time heal?

Maybe allow her to double the effectiveness of health packs for teammates?

There may be some potential in this if Hack gives CC immunity and negates debuffs for its duration as opposed to having to be applied to remove something already applied. Things happen quickly in Overwatch. I think this makes her more boring than having a DPS utility role but it might be something.

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I think you could have it function for both. Sort of like zenyatta has a heal and debuff and mercy has heal and damage buff.

She would need both to make up for the lack of a main healing aspect.

Frankly it would give her more depth then she currently has in her arsenal.