Sombra Nerf - She's going to be dead

Fitzy made a video on his thoughts about the Sombra nerfs and he’s not exactly happy.

After his discussion, it made me realize that since Sombra is unable to hack the same target until the duration runs out, if you got hacked by Sombra you can ult right after the lockout knowing that you won’t be able to get hacked again.
This means that Sombra has to decide between saving hack to cancel the ult and have to deal with subpar damage OR hack someone and risk being ulted for a measly 1.75 damage increase.

The future is bleak, my fellow Sombreros.

EDIT: Replaced “breakdown” with a different word; HE DID NOT HAVE A MENTAL BREAKDOWN. He “broke down” each of the nerf to foster discussion.


This just means that the Sombra player has to track Ults like any other player without relying just on the hack checkmark.


This is definitely going to affect sombra of course. But have you ever been hacked, then emp, then another hack? It sucks. And it’s very easy to do to someone too.


Not exactly, pretty much everyone can track who has ult just by intuition but in this case Sombra can’t just hack people now just for that reason and what makes it exceptionally bad is that if she can’t hack someone she won’t be dealing her max dps which was nerfed too.


As it currently is, if she hacks someone and the checkmark appears, the hacked player still has 2.25 seconds until hack is up again and then the Sombra needs another 0.85 seconds of hack cast time to cancel the Ult without getting interrupted. Unless she has EMP available, shes still not going to stop the Ult if the enemy wants to use it immediately.


I don’t see what’s wrong with this, it just sounds to me that sombra will have to be more cautious and can’t just rely on chain hacks like before


Take for example Moira with 100% ult charge, if you hack Moira she just waits for 1.5s and she can ult without worrying about Sombra being able to interrupt it because she’s still under the 8s hack duration.
I’m not entirely sure though how EMP comes into play with this if it overwrites it but I assume it won’t.

It’s not about chain hacking, and I understand that chain hacking was problematic but the issue with the nerfs is she can’t apply the damage multiplier as much as she can now and it was exacerbated by the fact that the multiplier got nerfed as well. So not only can’t she chain hack - which is an understandable nerf - her damage got shafted too.


She already can use her Ult after 1.75 seconds. It still will take another 2.25 seconds until Sombra has it available again, not even counting hack cast time. Thats how it is without any nerfs.

I see his point though, the channeled ults also have a duration. Four extra seconds of hack immunity mean four extra seconds of guaranteed channeling before being interrupted.

Are you seriously implying that having meow meow makes one inferior? In this day and age???

Good. She never should have been doing that much damage in the first place. Hate to break it to you, but not oppressing the entire support role to the point of 10 minute queues is more important than your stealth gank troll being as faceroll as possible.


In light of these changes, is 8 seconds too long for the hack duration, i guess decreasing it wiuld both hurt and help her in different ways

Technically yes, in praxis the Sombra is spotted after the first hack and will be shot at and cant cast hack off cooldown without soft resetting using her translocator and repositioning herself.
She still cant hack through dmg. And as for the Moira example, her coalenscence is one of the best Ults to hit the Sombra with and cancel hack.

You’re obviously biased against Sombra though because Sombra’s damage is literally the weakest out of all the DPS already for being aim-intensive and having no burst, whereas you literally just get deleted on the spot by Sojourn’s railgun or a Helix Rocket to the face.


Sombra is going to be so dead.

These changes disincentivize hacking. It’s essentially making it beneficial for enemies to be hacked, since they know they’ll be able to ult or use their essential abilities when they know Sombra can’t stop them.

Essentially Sombra will have to hold her hacking until the right moment, which was already a challenging task to achieve without these changes.

I swear the developers have never even played their own games.


thank god, I hate hate this character so much


I agree. They need to increase base damage to offset this. Her nerfs are a bit of a overreaction and not well thought out. They should just bring it back to 1 sec.


Good riddance. It makes bronze players in qp look like t500 especially with a brain dead team. They hack then hold mouse 1 and move their wrist and oops you’re dead.


I think the damage percentage nerf might be slightly too much more than anything

I think the being unable to hack someone who is already hacked is quite fair tbh, it definitely effects some heroes more than others - I tried learning Wrecking Ball because, well, I thought why not :man_shrugging: but the enemy team would literally just go Sombra and you would get hacked over and over and over again. It sucked :tired_face:


No. I just know that it makes this cringe weeb community angry.
Btw out of my last 10 mercy mains I had in my games 4 were girls and 6 were gay e boys.
And all their second and third most played heroes were Moira and Symmetra.
One of the e boys told me to get rid of myself (if you know what it means) in voice chat.
Never seen more toxic players than those. Its crazy.