Sombra needs to be removed

Wait dude do u play comp or no because I see her a lot

Ive played from silver and made my way to Masters, and the amount of sombra players ive seen was could ittle as 50 over 2 years. Thats just sad

Currently ive been playing between 3400-3800 and for the past 4 weeks ive seen ONE sombra

Well am playing at 3300-3400 and I see her like 1 out 3 games weird

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Meanwhile she is a character that lives and dies on the back of said strategies… but sure man, whatever you say.

You’re the one that came to the forums, published an inflammatory opinion, and are getting angry when people challenge your points.

Only one here that’s toxic is you. Stating that a hero needs to be removed and threatening to report anyone that engages in discussion and giving feedback contrary to your opinion is… Well, a toxic mindset.

Want to vent and have a “Let’s all stomp on Sombra party”? That’s fine. Want to have a “reflective discussion”? Sounds like you need to take a step back and really think about what you’re trying to get out of this.


Based OP.

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So does being shot and for longer.

You’re right of course, but I still can’t help myself. :sweat: Besides, OP might genuinely believe this. It’s really hard to tell sometimes.

Anyway, in no particular order:

  1. You can still move and shoot, being hacked leaves one far from defenseless. Definitely doesn’t make one “unable to play the game”, really wish people would stop saying that, completely nonsensical.
  2. Most heroes can still pretty easily kill Sombra even while hacked.
  3. It’s only five seconds.
  4. Nowhere does it say that temporarily limiting other players’ abilities is ‘against the core of the game’ or anything of the like. Silences are fine (if properly balanced).
  5. What about Mei freeze, Lucio boop into a pit, Roadhog hook, Doomfish splatter, Windowmaker instakill, Hanzo random headshot. Oh, and McCree stun. :innocent:
  6. Blizzard will never completely remove any hero from the game so it’s pointless to ask for that. Nerf into total uselessness is the furthest they’d go, and Sombra is actually already almost there…
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Guys, you’re never going to get anywhere with the OP. His whole thing is “This game has abilities and I don’t like that a hero takes them away, cause abilities.”

Yes, but Blizzard introduced a character with a silence ability and they decided this is a good idea that fits into the CORE IDEA (your favorite phrase) of THEIR GAME.

Just stop arguing with him because he’s not interested in other heroes with CC or stun or anything. He just literally does not ever want his abilities to EVER be taken away cause “that’s the idea of this game,” even though he is not part of the design team and knows the philosophy better than everyone, including the creators.

You are literally in the average ranks and tell someone to “git gud”? Actual bruh moment.

Sombra is lot if fun. I love to troll people with her. Once I hacked poor Rein three times in row before he finaly died, Hog too - twice before he managed to use his heal. Oh and hacking Doomfist, Pharah or Echo above the abyss. Or when someone tries to ult and “ooops” xD


You know who else removes your abilities, but also removes your gun? Snipers.
They don’t have to be near you, they do not get interrupted by minimum damage(literally 1 hp of damage, and hack is interrupted). They don’t have to be sneaky either.

Yes, and what’s yours?

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This is factually false. Sombra has a negative winrate in every elo. If the person playing sombra was of his skill level then theoretically he should have the advantage

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No, you clearly wanted an echo chamber of people agreeing with you, hence why you are calling anyone who suggests your OP is unrealistic and naive “toxic, and off topic.”

But preach on Jan, good luck with your valiant quest to get Blizzard to remove a character.

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Silence has been the only ability to keep a game’s balance in check since history.

Tbh OW’s balance is too bad that even sombra can’t find her light when players just abuse their abilities holding m1 and stop sombra from doing anything.

If you are worried about healers, can you make a thread about buffing them?

I removed the first part of this comment to add it to this one.

Just answering quick here:

My title is the closest thing to being inflammatory. The rest, though negative, is not.
You take the liberty of choosing what you THINK I report. The things I’ve flagged are comments like “I think the OP needs to be removed” and “How should I word it… Um, you are bad”
Both comment’s only intent are to be toxic, and does not help the discussion. I have not flagged any comments disagreeing with me that has even the tinyest of relevance to the topic.
How am I toxic? Have you read my comments?
I think you need to read through the post in it’s entirety before you post your opinions of it.

1: I’ve already adressed this earlier.
2: Even while that might be true, it still removes abilities.
3: It’s nothing “only” about 5 seconds in the middle of a fight.
4: Well no, it doesn’t say that anywhere. I also didn’t say there were a rule against it, I expressed my dislike for it.
5: Already adressed that as well, you can find it in the thread.
6: As I said in my post and many times through this thread: I’d be happy with that.

Let me educate you on what discussions are for: They’re for people to discuss topics which can have 1 or more opinions on one matter. If you read through the post you’d find that I’ve welcomed differing opinions on the matter if they’re reflected and kept on topic. The problems on the forum is that most people doesn’t think of the topic in it’s entirety, and that makes a lot of negative behavior, which I’ve tried to stop. You do not help this, because first of all: You have not read the post and second of all, you comment on it anyway.

One prime example of this is your thrid paragraph: I have many times answered the “what about Mei, what about Widowmaker’s oneshot” etc question. I advice you to either read it, or stop commenting.


Again: READ THE POST BEFORE YOU COMMENT! I’ve already adressed this countless times.

I really advice you to take a step back and actually read the thread dude. Once again, a person is claiming something I’ve adressed to not be the case several times.
The only comments I flag are comments like “git gud” and the likes cause the only intention of them are toxicity and they bring exactly 0 to the discussion.
Please stop looking at Forum posts with a biased view of what your initial thought when you read the first word was.

This has turned into a discussion on how the discussion is in a sense. So many people not reading through before they comment, so many biased negative comments etc.
From now on I’m just not gonna answer your comment if it’s either
A: Been adressed before
B: A comment on how me or anyone else is commenting
C: If I feel your comment is biased

If you come with a reflected opinion on the topic, no matter if you agree or disagree I will get to it.

that encapsulates everythinig about Cleo. Makes everything about how it can’t pocket forever as Mercy

I agree, but about Mercy revive and Doomfist in general.