Not because I hate Sombra, Not at all. I love to play her.
And you think her last nerf was unfair right?
Also me (Not in 100% but…)
I just, I’m not sure, Now, They can feel what Mercy mains feeling right now.
Edit: This is not offensive thread, And not against Sombra mains/Players.
They actually made a video a while ago about both Sombra and doomfist, and how they’re looking to improve her win rating and whatnot.
That being said, they don’t want to make hack too easy-to-use, as it’s incredibly unfun for someone to get hacked.
So I personally think they currently have no idea as to what they could do with sombra to improve her, without making her (more) unfun to play against.
I’m sick and tired of all this “bliz is ignoring us” crap. Bliz isn’t ignoring you, they are working on other things and your hero is probably further down on their schedule.
As for nerfs, just grow up and accept it. What do you want, a formal written apology? For them to say “sorry we didn’t mean it we’ll change it back”?
I’m glad the balancing process is slow, could you even imagine the chaos that would ensue if they changed all 27 characters at once? So many new problems would arise that no one could count them all.
I think a lot of people would be super satisfied with a ‘this didn’t work out the way we intended, so we’re reverting the change while we explore more ideas’.
Though really, at this point, everyone should be used to sucking it up and dealing.
How is that comparable? Mercy was a must pick for half a year while Sombra was somewhat viable for 2 weeks and then got nerfed based on knee jerk reactions even skipping the PTR and is now left with a very buggy unreliable hack ability and competes with Torb and Bastion for least picked hero.