Rein and Mercy are in a much better place than a good chunk of the roster.
Here you go:
Much thanks.
Good to know they’ve at least acknowledged Sombra is a bit busted.
I’m not offended, but…this is petty. And that is far more detrimental than anything.
It’s also incredibly unfun to get frozen in place or one/two shot, but that seems to be perfectly acceptable for some stupid reason.
I’ve got over 400 Hours of Sombra on PS4 and over 100 on PC and I can guarantee you she is not fine right now, Sombra was good for the first 2 weeks they buffed her, but thanks to everyone who cried about their precious meta being difficult they overkilled Sombras nerfs and now shes worse than the Pre Buffs.
Sombra might as well not exist as far as I’m concerned.
Most Sombra’s that hack me, I still kill them.
Any attempt to play Sombra results in 90% interrupted hacks.
So, its hard to hack, and hacking still does mostly nothing.
I will NEVER play this hero until they fix her (again). Those 2 weeks though, she was actually kinda fun.
Who’s that?
(9 characters)
Well, Mercy mains are also being ignored
Can’t say I have as many hours as you but I’ve mained her through every iteration and in my opinion the current version is fine. EMP may be less frequent but the spread buff makes dueling others much easier. The translocator buff was something I didn’t think was necessary at first but damn does it make the world of difference for me at least.
I don’t understand how Sombra mains suffering would make me feel better about Mercy. I hope Blizzard will work on fixing her in the near future.
We need to work together to free each other. Within a fortnight of the combined forces of Reaper, Ana and Rein mains uniting (of course led by RichC, who else), Gabe had buffs hitting the PTR.
Mercy mains, don’t you stop making those threads. DON’T use the megathread. The more they have to send there manually, the more they have to actually read. The more they read, the harder it gets for them to ignore your opinion.
Sombra mains, do the same. Accept that the buff had a couple of problems, but don’t stop complaining. Jeff has said he’s still keeping an eye on things, so make sure your voice is heard.
Rein mains, you’re victims of power creep. So many think that Brig hitting comp will return you to your former glory. Prove them wrong. Bring receipts. Make Balderich proud.
Ana mains, you’re so often ignored. The balancing team probably think your November buff has saved you. You and I both know that’s not the truth. Pester them, voice your discontent. Point to the higher levels and how even there she’s outclassed.
Sym mains, it looks like a 2nd rework is on the cards for you. Make sure they do you right this time. You’ve been through so much, you deserve nothing less than perfect.
Torb mains, that critbox. Don’t shut up about it. I want the devs to be unable to get any sleep, because they keeping hearing your voices complaining about it. The Doomfist mains managed to eventually fix Rocket Punch, the comnunity looks like it will fix Deflect, Torb’s head should be next.
Lucio mains, another powercreep sufferer. You don’t have as severe a case as your 3 support sisters, but don’t let them forget you. Make a noise over hack, make a noise over sound barrier, make a noise over your boop, and amplify the commotion created by your brethren.
And Bastion mains, when was the last time they even looked in your direction? You got a 3 day buff, then nerfed to worse than you were before. People think getting Junkertown Attack A is enough, then have the cheek to complain about that. It’s just not on.
Everybody, suggestions, suggestions, suggestions. It’s all well and good pointing out every problem you suffer, but if you don’t give any possible solutions then nothing gets done. It doesn’t matter how preposterous it sounds, suggest it. Signal boost the ones you like. Turn a spark into a fire, start the revolution for balance. We can do this, we just gotta believe.
I dont think this is what Mercy mains feel. Mercy mains admit that their character functions and is balanced, but is just unfun. Most Sombra mains are complaining that her LoS checks are broken, and just want it to function reliably. I think it’s actually quite selfish to try and compare the importance of your hero’s subjective fun factor at the same level as something being actually broken (e.g. Sombra LoS, doomfist in general, rein shatter, etc). It’s kind of disingenuous at best.
I have about 200 hours on sombra right now and I think she’s perfectly fine other than some reliability issues with LoS checks, which are probably only about 5% of failure cases.
Yeah but their hero is actually balanced. Boring, but balanced.
I love this post, and I love you for posting something so wonderfully real and positive.
I absolutely appreciate posts like this and I want you to know that it means a lot when you rally us together to work together.
I really don’t understand the point of this thread, it just seems like it’s intended to spark a fight and anger a lot of people but then goes “this is not an offensive thread”…hmmm
Actually, yes. An acknowledgement that they messed up and that they have plans to fix it, that we aren’t just screaming into the void. I
Sombra just feels so inconsistent right now with her hacks not going through a lamp post, or taking longer on various targets.