Sombra is the worst designed hero

Should Sombra be so unbelievably team reliant that she’s useless in uncoordinated settings?

I personally think it’s bad design because she’s inherently the weakest hero in the game unless all six people are in chat and you’re playing above Diamond.


I think Sombra showcases the incapable minds at Blizzard sometimes.

Her design is an anti hero design. It has competition in mind, and not fun.

Sombra’s kit is made to be a figurative and literal COUNTER to all enemies. From a second-to-second time basis, she makes the game miserable for players. From a competitive and mechanical viewpoint, its not the worst design decision. But, for a game, for normal people–It is absolutely the worst thing you could ever do.

Of course Overwatch is somewhat about counters and so on. But never in anyone worlds, should a character such as Sombra be such a massive counter to a character like Doomfist. A complete disable, an instantanious “kill” in essence, locked to the most pathetic state of any heroes in the entire game for ten seconds all because you couldn’t react at an inhumane, above average reactionary speed from a character that makes no foot steps and is invisible.

What in the profanity? This is the kind of stuff that makes me flabbergasted; and perhaps it contributes to the overall downfall of this pithole we call Overwatch. I become seriously and I mean incredibly agitated at the sight of a Sombra as a Doomfist; it is literally disgusting, and it is incomprehensible to me that people that call themselves Designers would ever even allow such a thing to begin with.

In all honesty, Doomfist against Sombra is indeed an exaggerated and useless example. But, in the end, I feel that Sombra should not exist to begin with. She simply makes more trouble than what she makes up for–She does not represent most of the playerbase, and few are actually capable Sombra players. So, when playing Doomfist, for me to have fun, be skillful and showcase the strengths of my character to be shutdown by someone who doesn’t know how to play Sombra, and essentially LOCK me down with absolutely no skill in the progress…
Turning my stomach would be an understatement.

I don’t even know why this damned forum exists. It doesn’t help, Blizzard doesn’t listen despite what Jeff tells you, and the conclusions they reach are always isolated and removed from what should matter to begin with. This is stacked on top of their ridiculously long and dragged out way of communicating, updating and actually making the game better.


Great concept, bad execution.


You can still play her below diamond, you just have to know how. In those cases you are not opening the fight, you follow. If your team engages, you emp and fight. You have to follow them and be very aware of your team. You can also use your emp to cancel enemy ults. People need to learn to play differently in lower ranks.


Sombra is great. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with a design being team-reliant. Coordination should be rewarded over individual skill. Not everybody will be able to use every hero in every situation, but that’s how the game was designed. If Sombra was just another straight-forward DPS but with a submachine gun instead of some other gun, THAT would be bad design.


Sombra kinda works if you play her close to your teammates, as she can support with Hack that way, and your team can make up for Sombra’s lower damage. As a flanker, though, Sombra is really only useful when setting up EMP. Her movement abilities are too static, and her damage is too low to make up for it. Sombra is mostly just a counter to Hammond, or a EMP bot.

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Sombra has a great design imho, but because of how the game is set up that promotes maining rather than switching when neccessary, it makes the casual scene who just want to use her feel worse because she will feel less than effective most of the time.

So I guess that means that she has a good design and concept, just it cant work with how the game is now. Shed either be the way she is now or a mustpick.

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One of the best designed heroes*

If you wanna see bad design, take a look at Widow and Hanzo. They are the reason GOATS exists. If you get oneshot everytime you get into their LOS, you pretty much have no other choice than playing a resilient comp like GOATS. Fun part is snipers in OW have better mobility than most other heroes cuz reasons.

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I disagree. OW is designed to have heroes which rely on their team. Rein isn’t a badly designed hero because he relies on a coordinated team. And can’t we all agree that in any situation of a coordinated vs uncoordinated team, coordinated will usually win, regardless of Sombra?

Her kit has a really great flow if you know where to leave TL, and she’s one of the most mobile heroes in the game. It isn’t hard to play around your team.

Couldn’t agree more man I say this from game to game her character type simply shouldn’t exist without giving me meaningful counterplay. At least in League or the like there is the possibility of itemizing vs hard cc or one shots. That doesn’t exist in Overwatch. She and Mei to a large extent as well are not fun to be around in any way. They are anti-player and their design philosophy in application is very poor. A hero shouldn’t be able to not allow a player to touch the game for an extended period of time. It’s not about OP or anything like that by it’s very nature it is unfun, and frustrating to have to deal with. While there is a difference in low and high tier Sombras she is pathetically easy to play nowadays I know because I have done so after facing it and she really is just that braindead and annoying to use at a base level. She needs and entire rework or something because atm she is antifun in the worst sense. Not being able to use 60 to 80 percent of my kit for 10 seconds god forbid you get hack looped is just not good game design.

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The worst design would be symmetra for me
Becasue she was reworked twice it means her design really failed twice!

Her 3.0 is okay! tho i would like her turret to be removed completely in exchange for a longer beam with 120/160/195 and faster orbs.

Stay in group and sombra wont be able to hack. Just stop crying, the time she has to hack is super long, one bullet can deny it


Nah I still think Moira’s design is worse.


She ruins this game. It’s not that she’s OP or whatever, but she makes any match UNfun. Not sure why someone would make a game then include an aspect of it that takes away any and all fun that people may be having.

I’m genuinely curious why every hero, especially every DPS considering there are 17 of them, needs to be a generalist that is viable in all situations and ranks and maps.

Heroes are tools. Some tools are niche.

If you want Sombra to be a generally viable DPS you have to strip her of her unique utility like they did to Torb in his rework.

Edit: Oof didn’t see this was such an old Necro

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actually i think she’s one of the better designed heroes in the game, the problem is that the devs made a lot of the characters too self reliant meaning there that isn’t much of a reason to work together in this team-based game, Sombra is actually balanced really well becasue of her main weakness, she cant follow up on her own hacks, this is great cause it mean she cant just easily sneak up to say an Ana, hack her and get an easy kill, no do to her low damage almost every 1v1 can go either way, hack a Mercy she can pull out her pistol and can kill you, hack a tacer she still has her guns and they’re effective, and if anyone you’re fighting is pocketed then you’ve just lost. Not only that but her engagement is quite slow compared to her escape meaning that she is a very safe hero but with the downside being that she’s slow to initiate after all stealthing, getting into postition, un stealthing and then hacking is mich slow then just jumping on them

Hanzo and widow didn’t cause goats. They were in the back for 2 years do GOATS didn’t just randomly happen for no reason

It would have been played even if those heroes weren’t in the game. Brig plus tank and support buffs is what actually enabled it

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Topics should really be auto-locked after not receiving new responses for 50+ days or something.

Also: lol 2 years later and she’s still just as bad aaaaaaaaa. Well, at least her peashooter isn’t Mercy-tier anymore.

Its not just 2 years. Shes pretty much bad since release.