Sombra is the only dps hero I cant stand

I love the hero design and the lore but I cant stand her in game. It used to be a sombra player every here and there but shes literally in every single one of my games in comp. No lie, 100% of the time. I played comp for 5 hours straight today just trying to get back into the game. I played a bit of hanzo and it takes only just one kill for them to go sombra. The rest is just downhill of the spawn camp unless I switch off. Sombra is so oppressive that it’s laughable. I then started playing her because I happen to be good at her and my win rate is just drastically going up. Im all for heroes being strong, heck I’ve even accepted tracer for example being as busted as she currently is but sombra is just worse and the most annoying and unfair hero to go against in a 1v1 duel.

At least back when hanzo had the one shot, it was acceptable dealing with sombra but now? It’s literally impossible. Widow doesn’t stand a chance. if anything, widow cant even leave spawn. I never had a problem in this game with counter picking but when a hero exists that completely negates the existence of other heroes, thats beyond counter picking at that point. Its a massive problem. Sombra needs to be nerfed, blizzard can even look at my stats for today and see how absurd the hero is when I do play her. 57% win rate across 50 games of playing her for this season is absurd. No hero should be this cheesy and it shouldn’t be a crutch.


Every game typically has a “ugh THAT hero…” hero.

Sombra transcends that. Borderline want to quit because of her, especially in QP. Just a frustrating mess that capitalizes on this crap game’s ability to frustrate even the best of us.


Sombra is another one of those heroes that necessitates a swap because she wins even if she loses. If she lands virus on you and shoots you for a second, even if you kill her, you’re probably still gonna die from the virus.

I said this before but her rework dumbed her playstyle down a lot. Slightly more risk with the translocator being a throwable but the reward is an easy to land guaranteed 100 damage. Sombra’s rework made her into the stealth assassin that she was never intended to be at her release. The key to countering her is to play close to your team but even that isn’t a guarantee when she uncloaks in your hitbox and viruses you before you can even react to her uncloak.


Bueno pero no te enojes. :purple_square:
Here, have this. :burrito:

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It’s pretty much the epitome of ‘noobstomper’ design. Her supporters will usually go for the argument of ‘you don’t see her in upper ranks’ which is true but irrelevant.

She thrives in lower brackets because she preys on uncoordinated, oblivious and/or the slow reaction times, and has the tools tailor made for it. Unlimited cloak. Fast cloaking when translocating on top of vertical mobility to bail her out of any situation, faster speed while cloaked to heal up and re-engage seconds later with cooldowns all back. But she falls apart the moment she steps into any game above platinum. Her Hack is literally only balanced because other Heroes demand that Hack be in the game as is to keep them in check.

It’s awful design.


I wish this was true… not even going to lie.


She most definitely needs to be nerfed. Bliz also needs to make her not hard counter widow cuz any game I play where there’s a widow I instantly switch to Sombra. She is simply too good to not use in her current state.


Unless they actually do things, a Sombra player is strictly worse than a Soldier player. So what if you have to turn around and swat the gnat away, that’s 20% of their team having barely any uptime and almost no real impact while you’re maintaining a much higher uptime and having to deal with a quick time event (hurk) every 20 seconds.


yea thats pretty much what the rework did to her. as a sombra main you know when the a team is gonna beat you as her. high awareness and looking out for your teammates, also super fast reaction times and aim. i thrive with sombra when the enemy team is split up and doesnt really care about each other. also it helps if the enemy player cant has deficiencies in aim and awareness (noobstomper). still ive been playing sombra for a VERY long time so i can make it work against teams with high awareness sometimes… just takes a lot of work and careful planning. its a challenge heh

still i do miss ow1 days of utility sombra but 5 second lockout can make people mad too

basically she is a troll hero and thats the reason i love her. make people mad and frustrated. :man_shrugging:


1 of the best parts of second iteration of sombra that i think we had the longest was the fact that once she translocated, you would have a long window of fresh air where you could recuperate your cooldowns and readjust to the game.

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Sombra is not OP. Her overall winrate is currently at 49%, which honestly surprises me since it was at 46% until recently, and as far as I know, there haven’t been any buffs!

Furthermore, the constant whining about Sombra has created the problem in the first place. Sombra used to be a support DPS hero. Her realistic damage was low, but her hack was strong. This trait meant that only about 0.5% of players used Sombra. Now Sombra is an assassin and thus remains simpler to play. As a result, her pickrate has risen to around 1.7%, and in some cases even up to 2% - 2.5%.

However, how strong Sombra is greatly depends on the Elo. The higher you are, the weaker Sombra becomes due to the opponent’s teamplay. Sombra punishes individual actions from the enemy, which particularly affects 95% of Widows. The 5% of Widows who know this and are good enough adapt and ensure that Sombra can no longer affect them.

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Exactly, no hero makes me not want to play the game other than sombra. Im a Gm player so you can only assume how much more annoying it is to deal with sombra in those high ranks. Its literally every game I go hanzo, people cant stand the angry japanese man so they instantly go sombra. Im already playing one of the worst heroes in the game, do people really need to go sombra for that? It’s become a crutch. Sombra has too much cheese that shes easily able to negate the existence of certain heroes. Its not just hanzo and widow that she can hard spawn camp either, she can do the same thing with virtually any hero apart from tanks.


Wait, are we still talking Sombra or are we on to Ana now?

I have not seen a single widow adapt to a sombra, not even the top 500 ones. Unless that widow has a pocket mercy, shes not getting out alive. The second that sombra gets that widow kill, you better believe shes waiting for that widow on spawn. At that point the widow needs her team to run back to spawn to help the widow out and risk giving space or the widow needs to switch. There is no in between, sombra is OP because even I’m climbing ranks again with ease. I already hit masters in less than 5 hours after months of not playing the game. I would have hit GM already if I wasn’t so stubborn and wanted to play hanzo since thats the hero I have the most fun with in this game.


Good, sounds fine to me. Widow can hold entire lobbies hostage on her long range maps. She can get wrecked everytime in those games, she deserves to get counterswapped.

Otherwise… OP is acting like Som is some all-powerful and oppressive flanking god. She isn’t. Annoying, sure. Game breaking? No, hardly. If you/your team won’t adjust to deal with her flanks, whose fault is that exactly?

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I AM OP lol. Also no, its true widow can hold games hostage and shes a problem too but sombra should not be an easy I win hero against her. I find genji and tracer viable and balanced heroes when facing snipers. A hanzo vs a genji is a skilled faceoff with genji having the small advantage. A face off between a hanzo and sombra? Hanzo doesn’t stand a chance. The second that sombra comes from behind, she just has to toss that virus and delete him. Hanzo cant do a 180 headshot oneshot anymore and by the time he tries to draw another arrow, he’s dead. Widow is even worse, her small health pool allows sombra to delete her without even giving her a chance to fight back. Like I said earlier, im ok with counter picking. Im not ok with having a hero completely negating the existence of another hero.

Also yeah sombra is an all flanking god. No other hero can go invisible 100% with the ability to delete you the second they hit you with virus. If anything, im surprised sombra has the HP she currently has considering her high mobility.


Comically overstated.

Virus does dmg, but won’t insta-kill squishies. Gotta hack first for virus to do sizeable dmg, which adds another step to the flank, which gives more reaction time to whoever gets dove, and more time for a teammate to peel.

Maybe I’m just biased, I’ve found dealing with Som pretty straightforward. Just requires a little presense of mind, and the ability to ping enemies. Not so difficult imo.

I dont play widow tho. Boo-hoo widow mains, you get countered a lot. Too bad you suck the fun out of lobbies and deserve to sit in spawn all game, instead of just clicking heads from the backline and thinking “oh em gee i’m so skillful hooray for me.” :unamused:


Sombra is a hero that people play who can’t play actual heroes that take skill.

Hero is very overtuned. She’s harder to kill than tracer, and just as deadly, she should have 200 hp.

The hero is insanely overtuned. No one get’s to almost kill a back line support for free every 15 seconds and get to keep the same amount of Hp lol.


Except she doesn’t. She’s weak across the whole game. Sure annoying and loves to spawn camp. And I looked the other day but on consoles she’s even worst. We’re talking low 43 winrate. Again shel is annoying and the spawn camp strategy needs to be sent away. But as far as dominating and being oppressive goes she really isn’t. And the only proof that she is is people word of mouth opinions.


is she really working in GM nowadays that much ?
for me we stomp her to bits in ladder in diamond, the bigger issue is getting one on your team.
In qp its a bit difficult with zero coordination but i generally peel bot with tracer if team is not able to handle her.
Also you main tracer too right, tracer should negate her hard.

like in the end of the day, dealing with her is a boring chore but tracer works well.